To understand the dimming of fluorescence after a blink and its contribution to tear film breakup, it is important to understand the effect of fluorescein concentration,
c, on fluorescent intensity,
c). Fluorescence intensity from a film is proportional to two factors: (1) the illuminant absorptance (fraction of the incident light absorbed, thus causing excitation of fluorescein molecules),
c), and (2) the fluorescent efficiency (fraction of excited fluorescein molecules that emit a photon of fluorescent light),
c). Thus
k is a constant that is independent of concentration. While absorptance,
c), increases to a maximum of unity at high concentrations, efficiency,
c), falls to low levels at high concentration due to the phenomenon of self quenching.
For monochromatic illumination, absorptance is given by Beer's Law
c) is transmittance,
ε is the molar extinction coefficient,
c is molar concentration of fluorescein and
d is film thickness.
45 Combining Equations A1 and A2 gives
(For a broad band illumination source, this equation should be integrated over wavelength, including the effects of energy distribution of the source, wavelength variation in extinction coefficient and spectral sensitivity of the detector.)
A log-log plot of calculated absorptance, efficiency and intensity of fluorescence as a function of fluorescein concentration is shown in Figure A2 for a 5 μm thickness of buffered saline at pH 7.4 and illumination wavelength of 490 nm. Molar extinction coefficient was assumed to be 76,000 cm
−1 M
−1 and molecular weight of sodium fluorescein 476.
46 Efficiency of fluorescence was assumed to be reduced by the phenomenon of Resonance Energy Transfer (RET)
45 using the formula:
where the “critical concentration,”
c0 , was taken to be 0.2%. Evidence for this assumption is given below.
Webber and Jones measured fluorescence intensity as a function of fluorescein concentration in a 5 μm thick layer.
47 They obtained a curve qualitatively similar to the intensity curve of Figure A2 with a peak intensity near 0.2% concentration, also similar to Figure A2. They did not analyze their results in terms of contributions from absorptance and fluorescent efficiency (i.e., self quenching).
To measure the effect of self quenching on fluorescent efficiency, it may be noted that absorptance can be made independent of concentration by using a relatively thick container (in this case, A(c) = 1). We, therefore, repeated measurements similar to those of Webber and Jones but using a 1 cm thick container, that is 2000 times (3.3 log units) thicker. Thus, from Equation A2, the absorptance curve in Figure A2 would be moved 3.3 log units to the left and would have a constant value of unity for the plotted range.
Fluorescein was dissolved in tris buffered saline with a pH of 7.4. An initial 12.8% solution was made by dissolving 12.8 g of sodium fluorescein to make 100 mL of solution; additional solutions were prepared by dilution in steps of 2 with the buffered saline, taking care to ensure thorough mixing, to a final concentration of 0.00625%. The solutions were illuminated at normal incidence through a narrow band, 490 nm interference filter and the images recorded on a monochrome CCD camera viewing through a broad band interference filter (central wavelength 535 nm, bandwidth 45 nm) at an angle of 40 degrees.
Results are shown in the log-log plot of fluorescent efficiency versus fluorescein concentration in Figure A2, where filled circles show measured values. The solid curve is a least squares fit to the data based on Equation A4 for RET. A good correlation between log fitted and log measured efficiency was observed,
r 2 = 0.9995, indicating that self quenching of fluorescein is mainly or entirely due to RET, in agreement with evidence from other methods.
48 The two asymptotes of slope 0 and −2 are shown by dashed lines; their intersection gives an estimate of the critical concentration of fluorescein,
c0 in Equation A4, of 0.19%.