In this study, we showed that broad inhibition of VEGF using an intravitreal anti-VEGF antibody reduced IVNV without inhibiting PRVD at p18 in a well-accepted model of ROP, but also was associated with later increased atypical IVNV and AVA in association with upregulation of VEGF and other angiogenic pathways, most notably, erythropoietin. In a previous study, we reported a significant decrease in clock hours of IVNV at p18 and sustained reduction at p25 with the 50-ng dose compared with control, and without an increase in percent AVA.
12 In human ROP, a greater number of clock hours of IVNV is associated with progressive stage 4 ROP tractional retinal detachments.
25 However, rodent models of OIR do not develop tractional retinal detachments as human preterm infants do, and we and others have found there can be variability in IVNV areas in flat mounts with the same number of clock hours. Therefore, measuring IVNV area is more accurate in animal OIR models. Another difference is that the current study was performed approximately 5000 feet above sea level, whereas the previous one was performed at sea level. High altitude can affect the partial pressure of oxygen and tissue oxygenation and has clinical implications in children who reside in regions 10,000 feet or higher above sea level.
26 Nonetheless, in the rat OIR model, a 5000-foot difference in altitude may be sufficient to affect endothelial precursors,
27 making them more sensitive and result in larger areas of AVA, as we saw at p25 following the 50-ng dose.
There was also atypical plaquelike-appearing IVNV following the 50-ng dose of anti-VEGF, but none with the 100-ng or IgG control injections. The plaquelike-appearing IVNV is similar in appearance to that seen in human preterm infants who developed recurrent IVNV following treatment with intravitreal bevacizumab.
9 Fanning appeared to be a mechanism of regression with PRVD in the rat model and was found in the control and anti-VEGF groups.
Broad inhibition of VEGF can have variable effects on different retinal cells
18,24,28 and temporally on downstream signaling cascades depending on dose. We found compensatory increases in VEGF and p-VEGFR2, especially with the 100-ng dose of anti-VEGF, in agreement with a previous study
12 in which we showed that the ELISA for VEGF detected only free VEGF.
12 These findings suggest that typical IVNV at p25 after the 100-ng dose of anti-VEGF was, in part, associated with increased VEGF signaling.
Besides VEGF, our data support a potential role of other angiogenic factors, including erythropoietin. We found that inhibition of VEGF with the 50-ng dose of anti-VEGF antibody reduced STAT3 in association with increased erythropoietin expression at p18. However, a similar pattern was not seen with the 100-ng dose of anti-VEGF. The compensatory increase in expression of retinal VEGF after the 100-ng dose of anti-VEGF antibody may have increased p-STAT3 and reduced erythropoietin expression, ultimately masking the effect seen with the 50-ng dose.
We also provide in vitro evidence that erythropoietin is angiogenic, by increasing RMVEC proliferation and STAT3 activation and that there appears to be an additive interaction with VEGF. Although erythropoietin is being considered in preterm infants for its neuroprotective properties, it has also been shown to contribute to pathologic angiogenesis in other OIR models
29,30 and in human severe ROP in retrospective analyses.
31 Our study further supports caution in using exogenous erythropoietin as an erythrogenic or neuroprotective agent in preterm infants, particularly those who received anti-VEGF agents for ROP.
There are also safety concerns regarding the use of anti-VEGF therapies in the developing preterm infant. We found that retinal apoptosis was increased at p25 compared with p18, but there was no difference between control and treated groups, supporting this as developmental apoptosis. Besides its effect on the developing eye, anti-VEGF agents can also enter the systemic circulation
32 and have adverse effects on other developing organs, including kidney, lung, and brain. The cause of reduced serum VEGF at p25 in the 50-ng anti-VEGF treatment group remains unknown, but potential reasons include inhibition of ocular VEGF that would then enter the systemic circulation or reduced VEGF produced in other organs. However, weight gain was less in pups treated with anti-VEGF, so inhibition of the survival effects of VEGF may have had an effect on developing organs. Although we cannot say with certainty from this study, our data support the thinking that reduced serum VEGF may account for reduced weight gain in both the anti-VEGF treated pups compared with controls at p25.
In conclusion, anti-VEGF at several doses to inhibit IVNV led to increased angiogenic signaling and recurrent intravitreal vessel growth in a pattern similar to that reported in human preterm infants. Erythropoietin signaling locally in the retina may play a role in the formation of recurrent plaquelike IVNV following bevacizumab. The signaling effects following anti-VEGF treatment are complicated by the effects on different retinal cells, timing after anti-VEGF treatment, and dosing. In a controlled animal model, in which external conditions (i.e., oxygen levels, body weight, species, number of pups) were kept consistent, variability in responses was still seen. Individual human preterm infants have additional variability, making it difficult to determine dose. Further, we found that pup weight gain was impaired following intravitreal anti-VEGF treatment and may add concern when considering anti-VEGF treatment in human preterm infants. Therefore, additional preclinical studies are needed regarding antiangiogenic treatment, including dose, type, and safety, in ROP.