The mean (SD) RA at baseline was 0.22 (0.19) logMAR and 0.23 (0.21) logMAR at the week 6 measurement. The mean (SD) difference in RA between the two visits was 0.01 (0.16) logMAR (
P = 0.5). The mean (SD) difference MRS and CPS using the different scoring rules described previously are summarized in
Tables 2 and
3, respectively, with no significant differences between values at the two visits. The Bland Altman plots for RA, MRS, and CPS using the different scoring rules (
Figs. 2 3–
4) showed no obvious relationship between difference and magnitude. The coefficient of repeatability (with 95% CI) for reading acuity was 0.30 (0.28–0.32). The coefficients of repeatability for MRS and CPS are presented in
Tables 4 and
5. Method A yields the lowest (most repeatable) CR for MRS (
Table 4) with method B2 yielding the lowest CR for CPS in this cohort of patients (
Table 5). For MRS, method B was less repeatable (CR 17% greater than for method A but with overlapping 95% CI for CR estimates) and method C proved to be the least repeatable (CR 42% greater than for method A). For CPS,
Table 5 shows that methods A, B1, and C2 yielded similar CR estimates with overlapping 95% CI. However, method C1 provided the least repeatable method to calculate CPS in this cohort of patients with stable AMD (CR 52% greater than for method B2).