To determine vision-related quality of life (QoL) measured with the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ) and the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) in dry eye patients, and establish potential correlations with the Zung Self Rating Anxiety Scales (SAS), the Zung Self Rating Depression Scales (SDS), ocular surface parameters, and sociodemographic measures.
The comparative study included 87 dry eye patients and 71 healthy volunteers who visited the department of ophthalmology, Eye and Ear Nose and Throat (EENT) Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, China, between June 2009 and December 2009. Surveys were administered to participants to evaluate their sociodemographic characteristics and disease-related factors. Data collected from the NEI-VFQ and OSDI survey instruments were analyzed to identify potential differences between the dry eye group and the control group. Correlations with sociodemographic characteristics, clinical parameters, and psychological status were evaluated.
Compared with the control group, our patient group had lower (worse) NEI-VFQ scores for the subscales of general health, general vision, ocular pain, short distance vision activities, long distance vision activities, vision related social function, vision related mental health, vision related role difficulties, vision related dependency, and driving (all P < 0.05), and higher (worse) OSDI composite and subscale scores of ocular symptoms, vision-related function, and environmental triggers (all P < 0.001). Significant correlations were found between QoL scores and patient anxiety and depression levels.
Vision-related QoL in dry eye patients was impaired and was correlated with anxiety and depression, further implicating this condition as an important public health problem deserving increased attention and resources.
This comparative study included 87 dry eye patients and 71 healthy volunteers who visited the department of ophthalmology at the Eye and Ear Nose and Throat (EENT) Hospital (Fudan University, Shanghai, PR China) from June 2009 to December 2009. Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects after being given a complete description of the study and ample opportunity to ask questions.
The medical outcomes study National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ) and Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) were used to assess the vision-related QoL. The Zung Self Rating Anxiety Scales (SAS) and the Zung Self Rating Depression Scales (SDS) were used to evaluate the degree of anxiety and depression. Sociodemographic and clinical measures, and anxiety and depression measures, were also taken to establish potential correlations with vision-related QoL measures. The study protocol was approved by the ethics committee at Fudan EENT hospital and all principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki were followed in carrying out this research.
Dry eye patients who were referred to the EENT Hospital between June 2009 and December 2009 were recruited if they were at least 18 years of age and had symptoms of dry eye for at least 3 months. The diagnostic criteria for dry eye included
11 : (1) a frequent or sustained occurrence of a burning sensation, gargalesthesia, foreign body sensation, sensation of stabbing pain, dryness, photophobia, or asthenopia, (2) a Schirmer test without anesthesia (S1T) value of less than 10 mm/5 minutes, and a tear break-up time (TBUT) of less than 10 seconds, and (3) positive corneal fluorescein staining. In the case that any two of the above three conditions were present, the subject was diagnosed with dry eye. We excluded patients who were diagnosed with Sjögren's syndrome and those who used tear supplements on the day that they participated in the study, as tear supplements may greatly influence patient visual acuity (VA) and survey scores.
The 71 control subjects consisted of volunteers being treated in the Department of Ophthalmology with refraction-related complaints (< −6.0 diopter [D]), and who met the following inclusion criteria: no symptoms of dry eye, a S1T value greater than 10 mm/5 minutes, and a TBUT greater than 10 seconds. We excluded subjects with ocular disease and subjects who used tear supplements in the month leading up to the study.
Subjects from either group who were using any medication with a potential risk for causing dry eye or a psychiatric disorder; subjects who had an uncontrolled systemic disease or disability that affected their daily activities (including ocular allergy, infection, or irritation that was not related to dry eye); subjects who had worn contact lenses in the past six months; subjects who had external ocular disease or had undergone ocular surgery within the last 6 months; subjects who were known to have an allergy to any component of any of the agents used in the study (e.g., fluorescein); or subjects who had undergone temporary or permanent punctal occlusion were excluded from participation in the study.
All subjects had corrected VA of 20/40 or better in each eye, were literate in Chinese, were willing and able to finish a series of questionnaires without significant assistance, and were willing to undergo clinical testing for dry eye as part of the study.
Subject records were reviewed for sociodemographic data (name, sex, age, ethnicity, career, educational level, marital status, and household income), comorbidities, disease duration, and clinical data including visual acuity, corneal fluorescein staining, TBUT, and S1T. All ophthalmologic examinations were performed by the same ophthalmologist.
Tear film stability was assessed based on TBUT. A fluorescein-impregnated strip (Jingming, Tianjing, China) wetted with non preservative saline solution was placed in the lower conjunctival sac and the patient was asked to blink several times. Using the cobalt blue filter and slit lamp biomicroscopy, the time required to observe the first area of tear film breakup after a complete blink was recorded as the TBUT. The test was repeated three times and the average of the measurements was calculated.
A Schirmer 1 test of tear secretion function without anesthesia was performed by inserting a Schirmer tear test strip (30 mm; Jingming) into the inferior fornix, at the junction of the middle and lateral third of the lower eyelid margin, for 5 minutes with eyes closed. The extent of wetting was measured according to the scale provided by the manufacturer. Potential scores range from 0 to 30 mm, with lower scores indicating reduced function.
Data were analyzed using the Stata 9.0 software package (StataCorp, College Station, TX) and reported as means ± SD or medians. Comparison of continuous variables was done by a Kruskal-Wallis test and the Mann-Whitney U test. Statistical analysis of categorical variables was performed using the χ2 test. Linear regression was used to adjust for the selected covariate (age) to control for potentially confounding factors, by holding the selected covariate constant and then observing the association of the dependent variable and the independent variable. Associations of QoL scores (NEI-VFQ/OSDI) with sociodemographic, clinical (right eye was selected), and psychological measures were examined by Spearman's rank correlation test. For the OSDI, Rasch transformed scores were used in analysis. A higher person measure (in logits) suggests a higher level of the measured latent trait (worse vision-related functioning). Statistical significance level was set at 0.05.
Increasing research attention and funding has been directed to the assessment of patient-centered outcomes, most prominently QoL.
7,25 This evaluation is important for obtaining a more complete understanding of the effects of treatments and the natural history of disease on an individual's daily routine. Miljanovic et al.
6 evaluated the impact of dry eye on vision-related QoL in the Women's Health Study and Physicians' Health Study by sending a supplementary questionnaire asking how much everyday activities were limited by symptoms of dry eye, and to what degree eye problems limited reading, driving, working at the computer, professional activity, and watching television. Mertzanis et al.
7 assessed the general health related QoL of dry eye patients with Short Form 36, which contains questions that are not specific to dry eye. Schiffman et al.
5 assessed dry eye patient QoL with a time trade off method. Although the definition of dry eye and the survey instruments used between studies were different, they detected reduced QoL in the dry eye population. In our study, we used the NEI-VFQ, a generic vision-related QoL instrument, and the OSDI, a dry eye–specific instrument, to gain a full scope of information on patient status. The NEI-VFQ incorporates questions addressing both the frequency and intensity of symptoms and their impact on activities with no specified recall period, while OSDI queries the frequency of a symptom or difficulty with an activity over a 1 week recall period. The combination of the generic and disease specific questionnaires gave a more comprehensive picture of vision-related quality of life than used in previous studies.
In our study, both NEI-VFQ and OSDI questionnaires detected reduced vision-related QoL in dry eye patients as compared with healthy individuals. The composite NEI-VFQ score was similar to those reported in Sjögren's syndrome–related dry eye.
10 The domain scores were similar to or lower than those reported in studies assessing patients with other chronic diseases, such as keratoconus patients after penetrating keratoplasty, with the exceptions of short distance vision activities, long distance vision activities, vision-related social functioning, driving, and color vision.
In this study, no statistically significant differences were observed in the color vision and peripheral vision domains of the NEI-VFQ between dry eye and control groups. This was expected, as dry eye has little impact on the fundus, which is involved in both color vision and peripheral vision.
We did not find a correlation between QoL scores and duration of dry eye disease. An explanation for this lack of correlation might be the relatively short disease duration in our patient group (mean ± SD, 3.04 ± 3.36 years).
Correlations of QoL (NEI-VFQ/OSDI) with ocular surface parameters (BUT, S1T) tended to be weak or nonexistent, consistent with several other studies demonstrating poor correlations between quantitative and perceptual measures of dry eye.
8,26,27 As QoL measures reflect patient perception of the impact of dry eye, they should be used in conjunction with clinical measures to observe the full scope of the patient experience.
As expected, correlations between QoL scores (NEI-VFQ/OSDI) and psychological status (SAS, SDS) were detected, indicating that patient psychological status and perception of QoL are related. However, this result should be interpreted with caution due to the weak or moderate correlations. In our previous work,
28 we found that dry eye patients are more anxious and depressed than those without dry eye. In the psychiatric clinical setting, anxiety and depression disorders are the most common diseases encountered, so they can be identified easily and treated. However, in nonpsychiatric clinical settings, diagnosis of anxiety and depression is not easily and rapidly made by health professionals. Therefore, if additional professional help is necessary, patients should be referred to a psychiatrist for an in depth consultation and proper treatment strategies.
There are several limitations of this study. First, the mean age of the control group was significantly less than that of the dry eye group. When recruiting control subjects, we noted that those of a younger demographic were more willing to participate in our study. To account for this we used a linear regression to control for this potentially confounding factor. Secondly, the control group included subjects with refraction-related complaints, which potentially had a negative impact on QoL. Finally, although the OSDI questionnaire demonstrated adequate ability to distinguish between participants, multidimensionality and suboptimal targeting were detected. Therefore, future studies should pay attention to these issues to ensure unidimentionality and better targeting. Despite the fact that dry eye is usually not sight-threatening, findings of the present study indicate that dry eye is associated with an adverse impact on vision-related QoL, which is correlated with anxiety and depression symptoms. These data add further weight to the consideration of dry eye as a significant public health problem that merits further study.