Capillary networks in the human retina are required to support the immense energy demands of neuronal components without compromising the optical integrity of the light pathway to the outer retina. In this regard, the function served by the retinal circulation is significantly different from other capillary networks in the central nervous system (CNS). Oxygen tension and demands within the retina markedly are heterogeneous,
9 and the metabolic demands of distinct retinal layers are satisfied most likely, to varying extents, by capillary adaptations that function to increase the efficiency of regional nutrient delivery and waste removal. Therefore, studying morphometric variations between capillary networks may provide vital information concerning the energy requirements of regional neuronal structures via effective neurovascular coupling mechanisms. It also may allow useful structure-function extrapolations between capillary morphometry and previously determined measurements on retinal metabolism
3–8,26–29 to be performed.
Previous investigators have used a variety of different techniques to document the organization of capillary networks in the primate retina. Trypsin digest
30 and corrosion casting
31 techniques have provided valuable information concerning the three-dimensional morphology of capillary networks, however, inadvertent tissue damage as a result of these techniques limited localization of capillary networks respective to retinal layers. Fluorescein angiography
32 and magnetic resonance imaging
33 have been used recently to study the retinal circulation; however, the limited resolution offered by these techniques again precluded study at a cellular level and restricted colocalization. A major advantage of the methodology used in our study is that it allows complete labeling of the retinal microcirculation without inadvertently altering surrounding nonvascular structures. Triple-labeling of post-perfused tissue also allowed accurate identification of capillary network location within the retina and confirmed what was demonstrated on flat-mount confocal microscope images.
There have been varying reports concerning the order and number of capillary networks in the human retina. Early trypsin digest studies by Toussaint et al. demonstrated a lack of capillary lamination,
34 while Michaelson et al. demonstrated a two-layered laminar pattern using benzidine peroxidase techniques.
35 The histologic details reported in these studies most likely were limited to some extent by the microscopic and immunohistochemical techniques that were available at the time. Snodderly et al.
15,16 and Gariano et al.
10 published excellent studies in the 1990s, and demonstrated two inner and two outer capillary beds in human and nonhuman primate retinae. Our findings reaffirm that of the latter 2 groups, and demonstrate four morphometrically different capillary networks in the human retina being present in the following regions: NFL, RGC layer, border of IPL and superficial boundary of INL, and boundary of deep INL and OPL. Similar to these previous investigators,
10,15,16 we found that the innermost and outermost capillary networks displayed a single, planar configuration, while that of the RGC and IPL demonstrated a complex three-dimensional configuration. Three-dimensional vascular configurations are believed to increase the efficiency of oxygen transfer and waste removal in metabolically active tissues.
21,23 The variation in retinal capillary network morphology identified in our study demonstrated important parallels to the human cerebral cortex where the microcirculation is adapted in accordance with regional neuronal demands.
24,36,37 Previous researchers have shown that the inner 1 mm of cerebral cortex demonstrates large meshes, the next 2 mm are filled with fine polygonal meshes, and the outer 0.1 mm contains large quadrangular meshes that run parallel to the surface.
24,36,37 Taken together our findings suggested that, similar to the brain, capillary networks in the retina are morphometrically adapted to serve the unique functional demands of each retinal layer.
Using confocal microscope techniques and image analysis software, we were able to quantify the morphometric characteristics of each capillary network and, thus, extend on the observations made by previous investigators. We identified significant differences in capillary diameter among all four networks, with the smallest capillary diameter being present in the RGC and IPL networks. Mean capillary diameter is one measure of the rate at which a capillary network is able to exchange oxygen per unit volume of blood.
38 A reduction in capillary diameter increases the surface area-to-blood volume ratio, resulting in greater oxygen exchange area for a given amount of blood. In the brain, differences in intracortical capillary network diameters correlate with regional variations in neuronal function.
39 Lower mean diameters of capillary networks in RGC and IPL layers suggested high rates of oxygen exchange in this region of the retina. These morphometric findings correlated with our previous in vivo functional studies, in which we demonstrated high oxygen uptake in the IPL.
9 Capillary diameter measurements in our study also were greater than in previous reports
15,16 and may reflect inter-species and tissue preparation differences.
Within the grey matter of the CNS an increase in capillary density correlates strongly with an increase in blood flow and mitochondrial activity.
40 Histologic studies have shown significant variation in vascular density across neuronal layers in the brain.
41 Total capillary density in the nonhuman primate fovea, peri-fovea and peripapillary region has been measured as 40%, 45%, and 60 to 70% of cases, respectively.
15,16 Vascular density also is known to vary depending on the eccentricity from central retina.
10 To our knowledge, there have not been previous capillary density measurements of individual networks in the human retina. In our study, capillary density was greatest in the RGC layer implicating it as a metabolically intense region. The dependency of RGCs on a high density capillary circulation may be one reason why this subset of neurons could be vulnerable particularly to acute, transient and mild hypoxic stress.
Although our study provided important new knowledge regarding retinal capillary topography in human eyes, we acknowledge several limitations of the report. Firstly, the sample size of our study is relatively small and consists of only 16 human eyes. It is difficult to acquire human eyes from healthy individuals and we did not wish to waste human tissue by performing an extensive analysis when appropriate statistical tests permitted us to identify reliably differences between capillary networks, despite the relative small sample size. The other limitation of our work is that only one retinal eccentricity was examined. The aim of our study was to quantify the morphometric characteristics of capillary networks, and speculate upon structure-function relationships between vascular units and regional metabolic activity. It is expected that the morphometric characteristics of capillary networks will vary according to retinal eccentricity especially in specialized regions of the retina, such as the fovea, macula, and immediate peripapillary tissue. Similar to the report by Snodderly et al.,
15,16 we observed a change in the NFL capillary network in a proximal-distal direction. Gariano et al. demonstrated that deeper vascular layers disappear in the peripheral retina.
10 Therefore, examination of the far peripheral retina possibly may demonstrate significant alterations to capillary networks.
Our study provided important insights into vascular mechanisms relevant to retinal homeostasis. We demonstrated that mode of death was a significant factor in determining capillary density, and it is expected that regional capillary networks will be altered by ocular and systemic disease. Therefore, it will be important to perform similar studies using diseased human eyes as it may enhance our understanding of capillary-mediated mechanisms in retinal vascular disease.