The present study was designed for the main objective of comparing the glaucoma detection ability of macular GCIPL thickness with that of peripapillary RNFL thickness in highly myopic patients. We confirmed that the peripapillary RNFL and macular GCIPL have similar diagnostic ability for discriminating between healthy and glaucomatous eyes in both highly myopic and nonhighly myopic patients.
Generally, peripapillary RNFL measurements are known to a good parameter for glaucoma discrimination, because nearly all of the axons arising from RGCs radiate toward the ONH, and are not affected by macular pathologies such as age-related macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy. However, as the optic disc cube protocol of the SD-OCT device (Carl Zeiss Meditec) uses a 3.46-mm fixed-diameter circle, peripapillary RNFL measurements in highly myopic patients are not always reliable. The optic disc of highly myopic eyes is frequently associated with tilting, oval configuration, and peripapillary atrophy,
17,26 and it can influence the disc margin definition algorithms. Furthermore, as RNFL thickness decreases with increasing distance from the disc margin, optic disc size also affects peripapillary RNFL thickness.
20,22,27–29 Although some study reported no relationship between peripapillary RNFL thickness and spherical equivalent,
29,30 highly myopic patients usually tend to have thinner RNFL than the normal population.
18,19,21,22,31–34 Also, Shoji et al.
13 recently showed that the diagnostic accuracy of peripapillary RNFL measurement in highly myopic eyes decreased significantly.
Macular GCIPL thickness is a new parameter that reflects the thickness of RGC bodies directly affected by glaucoma with their axons. Because it is still unknown whether axonal pathology precedes or follows RGC loss in glaucoma,
23 assessing changes of RGC bodies also are important. Ganglion cell densities reach 32,000 to 38,000 cells/mm
2 in a horizontally oriented elliptical ring 0.4 to 2.0 mm from the foveal center; and the human retina contains more than 1 million RGCs.
24 Also, RGC bodies are more than 10 to 20 times the diameter of their axons, and the RGC layer in the macula is more than one cell thick.
35,36 Because the macular region contains more than 50% of all RGCs, the macula is expected to be the best location for evaluating RGC changes. Although highly myopic patients tend to have thinner parafoveal and perifoveal thicknesses as well as different topographic profiles from those of nonmyopic subjects,
37–39 recent studies have shown that another macular parameter, GCC, offers a comparable or superior glaucoma detection ability to peripapillary RNFL thickness in highly myopic patients.
7,12,13 Notably, Shoji et al.
13 showed that the diagnostic accuracy of macular GCC does not decrease in highly myopic patients, unlike peripapillary RNFL thickness. But there is as yet no study that has compared macular GCIPL thickness with peripapillary RNFL for high myopia.
Studies on the glaucoma diagnostic ability of macular GCC in highly myopic patients show conflicting results. Kim et al.
7 reported a comparable glaucoma detection ability of macular GCC thickness relative to peripapillary RNFL in highly myopic subjects. However, Shoji et al.
12 found that global loss volume of macular GCC showed statistically significant better AUROC than average peripapillary RNFL thickness for perimetric glaucoma detection in highly myopic patients. Another study by Shoji et al.
13 showed that only peripapillary RNFL measurement had a decreased ability to detect glaucoma in a highly myopic group, whereas macular GCC measurements efficiently detected glaucoma in both highly myopic and emmetropic groups. The diagnostic ability of GCC thickness might actually be superior to total macular thickness measurement, because glaucoma preferentially affects the inner retinal layers; moreover, macular thickness decrease is believed to be due to the loss of RGC and RNFL.
4,5 But, because the RNFL is included in the GCC, the diagnostic power of macular GCC is influenced by the RNFL. Unlike GCC measurements, the GCA algorithm segments the macular GCIPL without including the RNFL. So there is a theoretical possibility that macular GCIPL could offer a better diagnostic ability to reflect RGC change. However, previous studies with highly myopic patients have shown best macular GCC parameters AUROC ranging from 0.889 to 0.954, which are larger than our result (0.852 at inferotemporal GCIPL). However, because of the differences in the characteristics of the study subjects and anatomic structures that each measures, our GCIPL thickness results cannot be directly compared with those of macular GCC. Resolution of these issues must await further study comparing the diagnostic accuracy of GCC and GCIPL thicknesses in the same subjects.
In our study, diagnostic accuracy was measured by means of ROC analysis. Previous studies have shown the commercial SD-OCT device's (Carl Zeiss Meditec) RNFL parameter AUROC ranged from 0.60 to 0.98, depending on the parameters and the characteristics of the participants.
15,16,40–42 Moreover, in those investigations, inferior RNFL thickness often demonstrated the best ability for discriminating normal eyes from glaucoma, with sensitivities between 38% and 82% for specificities of 90% or higher.
15,40–47 And in other previous studies, macular GCIPL thickness showed AUROC of 0.64 to 0.99, with sensitivities ranging from 60% to 95%,
15,16 which are results similar to those reported here for the present study. In our study, the best SD-OCT (Carl Zeiss Meditec) parameters with the largest AUROC were inferior RNFL thickness (AUROC = 0.906); the 7-o'clock sector (AUROC = 0.840); and the inferotemporal GCIPL (AUROC = 0.852) in the highly myopic group, and average RNFL thickness (AUROC = 0.920); the 6-o'clock sector (AUROC = 0.851); and the minimum GCIPL thickness (AUROC = 0.908) in the nonhighly myopic group. These results were consistent with our findings that the nasal and temporal peripapillary RNFL thicknesses showed no significant differences between normal and glaucomatous eyes, especially in the highly myopic group.
It is known that among the six sectoral GCIPL parameters, the superonasal sector has the thickest GCIPL and the inferior sector the thinnest.
16,23 This is consistent with other findings, which are that RGC densities in the nasal retina exceeded those at corresponding eccentricities in the temporal retina by more than 300%, and that superior exceeded inferior by 60%.
24 Because glaucomatous optic disc change usually starts from the superior or inferior area
48,49 —and RGCs in the superior or inferior temporal macula project their axons in an arcuate pattern to the superotemporal or inferotemporal portions of the ONH—it is reasonable that the inferotemporal GCIPL (RGC body) and the corresponding inferior peripapillary RNFL (RGC axon) showed the best AUROC in the highly myopic group. However, in the nonhighly myopic group, the average RNFL and the minimum GCIPL showed the best AUROC. Because the minimum GCIPL thickness is thought to represent a focal loss of RGC volume, it is possible that a focal loss of RGC would be easily detectable in a nonhighly myopic group, owing to diffuse thinning of the peripapillary RNFL and macular GCIPL in highly myopic eyes. This is consistent with the findings of studies by Mwanza et al.
15 and Takayama et al.
16 that indicate minimum and inferotemporal GCIPL thickness showed the best AUROC among GCIPL parameters. Also, previous studies have reported that inferior and temporal macular regions showed greater susceptibility to glaucomatous damage.
50–52 We found that the diagnostic abilities of the GCIPL parameters were not superior to those of the peripapillary RNFL parameters. However, because it remains unknown whether axonal pathology precedes or follows RGC loss in glaucoma,
23 and because macular GCIPL and peripapillary RNFL thickness represent the RGC body and axons respectively, these two parameters can be considered complementary in diagnosis of glaucoma.
In our study, the average, superior, and inferior peripapillary RNFL along with all of the macular GCIPL thicknesses were significantly thinner in the highly myopic group than in the nonhighly myopic group. Also, the inferior peripapillary RNFL and all of the macular GCIPL thicknesses, excepting the superotemporal GCIPL, were thinner in the normal control of the highly myopic group than in the normal control of the nonhighly myopic group. However, the SD-OCT device (Carl Zeiss Meditec) used does not correct for axial length during acquisition or analysis, and so magnification errors can occur. In our study, the mean axial length in the highly myopic group was 26.63 (range: 24.52–29.29 mm). After adjustment by a factor of 1.10 (1.00–1.21) according to the Bennett formula,
53 the inferior peripapillary RNFL and macular GCIPL thicknesses in the normal highly myopic group increased from 0% to 21% and lost their statistical significance relative to the normal control of the nonhighly myopic group. It is a limitation of this study that the decrease in the measured peripapillary RNFL and GCIPL thicknesses in the highly myopic group might be the effect of magnification on the area measured, which can overestimate the glaucoma diagnostic ability of high myopia. In this study, however, some of the macular GCIPL thicknesses were positively correlated with the spherical equivalent; and in fact, other studies have shown conflicting results with respect to the relationship between myopia and OCT parameters after magnification correction.
32,54,55 Further studies assessing this relationship will be required.
In this study, the highly myopic group was younger than the nonhighly myopic group. This was possibly due to the highly myopic group's many patients who had been referred to the glaucoma clinic due to a variation in the ONH shape. Also, because the highly myopic subjects had many other ophthalmic conditions such as peripheral retinal lattice degeneration or floater symptoms, they received their ophthalmic exams earlier and more frequently than the nonhighly myopic subjects. However, given that age showed no significant differences between normal and glaucomatous eyes in either the highly myopic or the nonhighly myopic group, the diagnostic ability of OCT parameters might not be influenced by age. Also, one of the limitations of this study is that the findings were obtained on Korean subjects lacking ethnic variety. Another limitation of this study is the small number of normal controls, especially in the highly myopic group and conducted only using an SD-OCT device (Carl Zeiss Meditec) for GCIPL measurement. Further large-cohort studies will be necessary in order to establish a normative database of highly myopic subjects.
In conclusion, the glaucoma detection ability of macular GCIPL thickness in high myopia was found to be comparable with that of peripapillary RNFL thickness. Thus, the macular GCIPL thickness can be used as a complementary glaucoma diagnostic test.