We used a recording paradigm optimized for glaucoma detection (PERGLA) whose details have been described previously.
17 The paradigm yields steady-state responses reported to have relatively low test–retest and operator-dependent variability.
10,17–21 In brief, retinal signals were recorded simultaneously from both eyes by means of standard 10 mm Grass gold surface electrodes taped on the lower eyelids. Similar electrodes were placed over the ipsilateral temples (reference) and central forehead (common ground). Subjects were fitted with the appropriate lens correction to reach J1+ visual acuity for viewing a pattern stimulus placed at 30 cm, and were instructed to fixate on a target at the center of it. Subjects did not receive dilating drops, and were allowed to blink freely. The pattern stimulus consisted of horizontal gratings (1.7 cy/deg, 25° diameter circular field, 98% contrast, 40 cd/m
2 mean luminance), reversing 16.28 times per second. Electrical signals were conventionally band-pass filtered (1–30 Hz), amplified (100,000-fold), and averaged in synchrony to the reversal period. During signal acquisition, sweeps contaminated by eye blinks or gross eye movements were rejected automatically over a threshold voltage of 25 μV. Two successive responses of 300 artifact-free sweeps each were recorded, separated by a brief pause. The first 30 sweeps of each response were rejected to allow steady-state conditions. The software (GLAID; Lace Elettronica, Rome, Italy) allowed visual inspection of two consecutive responses superimposed to check for consistency, and then computed the final PERG waveform (600 artifact-free sweeps). The PERGLA instrument provides a measure of within-test amplitude variability that was below 30% in all subjects.
17,22 Since the PERG was recorded in response to relatively fast alternating gratings, the response waveforms typically were sinusoidal-like, with a temporal period corresponding to the reversal rate (examples reported by Ventura et al.
14 ). PERG waveforms were analyzed automatically in the frequency domain by discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to isolate the frequency component at the contrast-reversal rate (16.28 Hz), and compute its amplitude in μV. The stimulus luminance/contrast did not change over the observation period as measured with a photometer (DR-2000-1; Gamma Scientific, San Diego, CA).