The number of refractive surgical procedures undertaken has grown rapidly in China over recent years, with LASIK and PRK remaining the most commonly used surgical techniques for the correction of myopia, and with intraocular lens implantation (ICL) a preferred method to correct super-high-degree myopia. It is essential to improve optical quality evaluation following surgery, especially in high myopic patients. Our study examined optical quality and intraocular scattering in young Chinese adults (18–40 years of age), a population with a large proportion of high myopes, and provides a reliable preoperative reference for myopic patients.
In the present study, objective optical quality and intraocular scattering values were evaluated using a double-pass system. Optical quality was lower and OSI was higher in HM and SHM groups compared to the LM and MM groups. In another study measuring optical quality in myopic chicken models with an objective double-pass technique, the researchers found that optical quality was worse in myopic eyes.
24 The study by Vilaseca et al.
14 involved 10 emmetropes from 20 to 30 years of age with BCVAs better than 1.0; their repeatability data exhibited better optical quality values than in our myopic population, with mean MTF
cutoff of 46.00 cyc/deg and mean OSI of 0.32. However, no such correlation has been found in previous studies involving a human population. This might be due to their relative small samples or limited degrees of myopia.
13,16 A study by Martínez-Roda and colleagues
13 showed no relationship between refraction and optical quality, but their study population was composed of subjects with hyperopia, emmetropia, and low/moderate myopia (sphere, +3.00 to −6.00 D), with no high myopia cases included (mean SE, 1.07 ± 1.39 D). Vilaseca et al.
16 classified 25 subjects with myopia (50 eyes) into different groups according to optical quality. The low optical quality group (−7.21 ± 1.83 D) showed a higher degree of myopia than the high optical quality group (−5.96 ± 1.28 D). However, lack of SE difference between the groups might be due to the relatively small sample size (6–18 eyes in each subgroup). The present study had a comparatively large sample size, and all the subjects were myopic. In addition, no difference was found between LM and MM, indicating that high myopia has more influence on optical quality and intraocular scattering.
Optical quality after posterior chamber phakic ICL for MM to SHM (−3.44 to −11.04 D) was evaluated in studies by Kamiya et al.
20 Mean MTF
cutoff and OSI were 27.58 ± 9.11 cyc/deg and 1.18 ± 0.53, respectively, after ICL for myopia correction in patients between 18 to 43 years of age, similar to the mean values for SHM in our study. No double-pass data on super-high myopia have been reported, so our results provide a useful reference for studies involving SHM. Saad et al.
12 investigated repeatability of the double-pass system and reported optical quality in four groups, normal or pathological. Our results showed significantly better optical quality and lower scattering than in their cataract group, in which mean MTF
cutoff and OSI were 13.3 ± 1.69 and 6.15 ± 0.50 cyc/deg, respectively. In addition, results from the LM and MM groups in our study are close to those for their younger (<30 years) control group, and our results for SHM are close to those for their older (>40 years) control group or post-LASIK surgery group. As suggested in the study by Saad et al.,
12 a wide interval exists between the normal and pathologic thresholds for OSI measurements; this could explain the relative large variability in our study. Artal et al.
23 measured OSI in patients diagnosed with cataract (grades NO2, NO3, and NO4) according to the Lens Opacities Classification System. Average values of OSI were 3.0 ± 1.0 for the NO2 group and 9.0 ± 3.0 for the NO4 group, much higher than the mean OSI in our study. The above comparisons suggest that, although the optical quality and scattering changes with myopic diopters are of great significance in our study, they are still within normal ranges. The effects of refractive error on MTF and OSI appeared much smaller than that of crystalline lens opacity.
There have been studies of objective quality and intraocular scattering in healthy adults in a number of countries, but data in China are lacking. Compared to the results reported by Martínez-Roda et al.
13 in 178 healthy young adults, the optical quality is lower and OSI is higher in our study; there are a number of possible reasons for the differences. Firstly, Martínez-Roda's study used an inclusion criterion requiring normal mesopic contrast sensitivity, and this may have resulted in a higher optical quality level. Secondly, the degree of myopia is much higher in our study compared to Martínez-Roda's, and this, combined with our findings that SE had important effects on optical quality, indicates that refraction disparity is the main cause of the optical quality differences seen between the two studies. Kamiya et al.
15 reported on a study of 100 healthy adults from 20 to 69 years of age; their optical quality was lower and intraocular scattering higher than found in our study. Age difference is considered to be the main cause, as our subjects were much younger (18–40 years). Thus it is suggested that our study can be assumed to reasonably represent retinal image quality and intraocular scattering in young myopic Chinese adults.
Previous studies have suggested that intraocular aberration and scattering increase with age (mainly due to lens opacity) while retinal optical quality decreases. Guirao et al.
25 used measures of MTF to evaluate the retinal image quality in different age groups. They found that with age, aberration increased and contrast sensitivity decreased. Kamiya et al.
15 studied a group of adults between the ages of 20 and 69 and found that MTF
cutoff and SR decreased significantly and OSI increased, also significantly, with advancing age. We found no relationship between age and any parameter in our study, which may be due to our age range (18–40 years). Within this age range, changes in the refractive media, for example, the lens and vitreous opacity, may be so small that their influence on optical quality and intraocular scattering is negligible. This indicates that optical quality and intraocular scattering are stable in 18- to 40-year-old adults. Similarly, Hennelly et al.
26 found that both the increase in straylight and the decrease in contrast sensitivity with age accelerated after age 45. The OSI has been used in previous studies to rank and classify cataract patients; in general, OSI increases with the degree of lens opacity, and young, normal eyes usually have an OSI below 1.0.
23 Mean OSI was 0.75 in our study, suggesting that the average refractive media opacity (mainly caused by the lens) was low in the study population.
A limitation of the present study is that the OSI acquired by the double-pass system shows intraocular scattering at a small angle, which reflects just a part of the scattering under natural viewing conditions. We considered that this limitation is not highly relevant to comparison of retinal image quality and scattering among different myopic groups. The double-pass system provided detailed information about optical quality, which was highly consistent with the visual function in myopes of different levels.
In conclusion, optical quality and intraocular scattering varied among individuals with myopia. The MTF is lower and intraocular scattering is higher in cases of high myopia compared to low and moderate myopia, and further study is needed to identify the mechanism behind this phenomenon. Other factors, such as age, sex, and eye side (right/left), were not found to affect the test parameters in our healthy young adult myopic study population. In addition, our study helps to establish optical quality and objective intraocular scattering standards for Chinese refractive surgery candidates.