Cross-sectional data were obtained from 83 children aged 5.0 to 9.25 years, of whom 55 were either undergoing (n = 24) or had recently completed (n = 31) treatment for amblyopia (with varying degrees of success) and 28 were normally sighted controls. All subjects had standard clinical vision tests conducted by one of the authors just before their eye–hand coordination abilities were assessed. For the patients, this was always on the day of a routine clinical appointment and included evaluations of logMAR distance VA in each eye, of stereoacuity, and in those deemed necessary, of suppression (Bagolini lenses, followed by Worth 4-dot lights, when this was inconclusive). The initial stereo test was for “gross” (3000 arc seconds) stereopsis using the Titmus fly test. Patients passing the fly test were examined further with the Titmus circles and then, in most cases, the Frisby test. As the results of these tests were well correlated (R 2 = 0.89, P < 0.001; n = 19), the lowest (best) score was recorded as the stereo-threshold. Solid stereograms were used because they are more akin to real-world 3D stimuli (which also contain monocular depth cues) and are easier for children to understand (and, hence, to administer) than random-dot displays. When not directly tested, other patient data, for example, on refractive error, suppression, cover test, ocular motility, convergence, and prism fusion ranges, were obtained from their earlier clinical appointment record.
Patient details are summarized in
Table 1, grouped by younger (5.00–6.92 years) and older (7.0–9.25 years) ages, in anticipation of differences in hand movement control strategies, at least in the visually normal children at these matching ages.
12–14,21 In brief, 19 of the patients had “pure” anisometropia (>1 diopter [D] interocular difference in the most ametropic meridian) and 36 were strabismic (including microtropia and four of mixed type). The severity of amblyopia present, as quantified by the range and mean interocular difference (IOD) in logMAR VA between the affected and dominant eyes, was similar in the two age-groups (
P = 0.5). Around 20% of the children in each group no longer had amblyopia, as conventionally defined, since their IODs were less than two lines (i.e., <0.20 logMAR). These subjects were initially labeled as “cured,” with others designated as having “mild” or “moderate” amblyopia, based on IOD values of 0.20 to 0.39 and 0.40 to 1.10, respectively. A similar proportion (20%) of the 7- to 9-year-old patients (all anisometropic) had stereoacuity thresholds of 50 to 85 arc seconds, indicating that their binocular vision had recovered (two were also no longer amblyopic) and were initially classed as having “cured” stereovision—as was one child with moderate amblyopia among the 5- to 6-year-olds—with the rest classified as having “coarse” (100–600 arc seconds), “gross” (3000 arc seconds; fly only), or “nil” stereovision. Pilot data were obtained from four additional amblyopic children (two anisometropic; one mixed; one strabismic) studied longitudinally on 2 to 3 separate occasions before and/or during their normal treatment regime. Control children at ages 5.33 to 6.92 (
n = 13) and at 7.0 to 9.08 (
n = 15) years met inclusion criteria by having normal or corrected-to-normal VA in each eye with IODs < 0.20 (respective means were 0.03 [±0.06 SD] and 0.01 [±0.07 SD] logMAR), stereo-thresholds of ≤85 arc seconds, and no history of ocular disorder. Informed consent/assent was obtained for participation, and conduct was in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and both National Research Ethics Service UK and Senate Ethics Committee of City University London approval.