The present study is the first epidemiologic study to evaluate the association between blood cadmium levels and AMD. Our study demonstrated that the risk of any AMD type and early AMD significantly increased in those with high blood cadmium levels, compared with those in the lowest blood cadmium quintile. However, this association was only evident in men, and not in women. Finally, blood cadmium levels were higher in women (1.47 μg/L) than in men (1.19 μg/L, P < 0.001).
The risk of AMD was 2.38 times higher in subjects with high blood cadmium relative to those in the lowest blood cadmium quintile. This risk was 1.96 times higher even after adjusting for potential confounders, such as sex, age, smoking status, and hypertension. This result is supported by previous findings. For instance, a recent case control study using donor eyes demonstrated that cadmium levels in the retina and RPE is higher in those with AMD (11 eyes) than in age-matched controls (28 eyes).
13 In another study examining aqueous humor trace elements, 12 patients with dry AMD had significantly higher cadmium levels (median, 0.70 μM) compared with 11 patients without AMD (median, 0.06 μM).
12 However, these studies were case control studies and were limited by the small number of subjects. Our findings confirmed cadmium as an etiological factor for AMD using a population-based epidemiologic approach with a relatively large number of participants (
n = 4933). In the AMD subtype analysis, late AMD was not significantly associated with blood cadmium level, although early AMD was associated. The OR for late AMD is higher than for early AMD, and a wide CI included a null point. This seems to be due to an insufficient number of subjects with late AMD (17 subjects). Further studies including sufficient number of subjects with late AMD are needed to elucidate the association between cadmium and late AMD.
Sex differences in the association between blood cadmium and AMD were identified in the present study. Men with high blood cadmium levels have a 2.11 times higher risk for AMD compared with men in the lowest blood cadmium quintile level even after adjusting for potential confounders. However, in women, there was no statistical significant association between blood cadmium and AMD after adjusting for age. A prior study reported a similar association; Wills et al.
13 reported that higher cadmium levels were only found in the retina and RPE of donor eyes with AMD from males and not females. It is unclear why men would be more susceptible to cadmium-related AMD. One possible reason for this is the high current smoking rate in men (55.1%) compared with women (6.1%) in the Korean population used in the present study. Smoking plants is a resource for cadmium intake, as well as being a consistent risk factor for AMD.
6 The prior study by Wills et al.
13 included no information on donor smoking history; therefore, the authors could not determine the exact cause for sex difference in cadmium level. However, in the present study, this sex difference persisted even after adjusting for smoking status. Thus, the results of the present study are suggestive of possible sex differences related to the metabolism of cadmium metals in the human retina.
Blood cadmium level was significantly higher in women (1.47 μg/L) than in men (1.19 μg/L,
P < 0.001). This finding is consistent with previous studies. For instance, Satarug et al.
23 reported that women who were nonsmokers had nearly the same cadmium body burden as men who smoked an average of nine cigarettes per day for 10 years. Another study using donor eyes showed that cadmium levels in the retina and RPE were significantly higher in females (
n = 17) than males (
n = 15).
7 Although the exact reason for this discrepancy is unknown, higher blood cadmium levels in women can be explained by higher absorption of cadmium due to low iron status.
24 Women have low levels of iron and are susceptible to chronic iron deficiency and iron deficiency may enhance cadmium absorption by up to 10-fold.
25 Unfortunately, we had no information regarding iron status in this study. To identify another possible cause for this sex difference, we examined the effect of menopause and estrogen on cadmium levels; there is no significant difference in blood cadmium levels between pre- (1.44 μg/L) and postmenopausal women (1.49 μg/L). In addition, premenopausal women (1.44 μg/L) have significantly higher blood cadmium levels than men (1.19 μg/L). This finding suggests that sex difference in cadmium levels in Korean populations are not caused by menopause or estrogen hormone levels. However this stratified analysis by menopausal status could be confounded by varying iron supplementation practices.
The finding that blood cadmium levels are higher in women, and that blood cadmium levels were associated with AMD only in males and not in females, are intriguing and may reflect a sex difference in the uptake and metabolism of this metal ion. Further studies, are needed to identify factors responsible for this difference, and to elucidate the exact biologic mechanisms of cadmium absorption and regulation by sex.
The major strength of the present study is the relatively large number of participants (
n = 4933) and the study design, which implemented systemic stratified, multistage, clustered, random sampling methods. Another strength is the rigorous quality control for ophthalmic fundus examination and blood cadmium measurement in KNHANES. However, our study has several limitations. First, we did not examine occupational exposure, such as smelting, electroplating, pigment manufacture and application, and alkaline battery manufacturing, as KNHANES does not include information about occupation or job. Second, we used blood cadmium levels instead of urinary levels. Urinary cadmium level is known as a better cumulative biomarker of lifetime cadmium exposure, while blood cadmium may reflect only recent exposure.
26 However, blood cadmium is also a good proxy for cadmium body burden in populations with low level environmental exposure.
27 Third, as subjects not included in the analysis were more likely to be older, have higher cadmium levels, be hypertensive, and be a smoker (
Table 1), exclusion of nonparticipants might have biased the results. Finally, our study has a cross-sectional design, which makes inferring causality difficult. For example, if a patient receives a diagnosis of AMD, this may alter their future smoking behavior, which affect the blood cadmium levels. However, in this case, we have documented associations between blood cadmium levels and AMD on the basis of existing evidence regarding their effects on AMD development. This differential blood cadmium pattern is unlikely to be due to AMD.
In conclusion, the present study provides the first population-based epidemiologic evidence of an association between blood cadmium and AMD in a representative Korean population. Blood cadmium level was associated with AMD in men but not in women after adjusting for potential confounders, including age, smoking status, hypertension, heart problems, and stroke. However, overall blood cadmium levels were higher in women than in men. We hypothesize that accumulation of cadmium is detrimental to retinal function and likely contributes to pathophysiological conditions, such as oxidative stress, that underlie AMD development and progression. Consequently, low-dose lifetime environmental exposure to cadmium from dietary resources, polluted air, and tobacco smoking may lead to retinal health problem. Our results have important health policy and disease prevention implications.