The L, M, and S cone contrast test scores (L CCTs, M CCTs, and S CCTs, respectively) were measured using the commercially available Rabin Cone Contrast Test (Provideo CCT Plus system; Innova Systems, Burr Ridge, IL, USA) in both study groups. The RCCT measures the contrast threshold levels of red, green, and blue cones. The RCCT presents a randomized series of red, green, and blue letters visible to a single cone type (L, M, or S). A letter of one color (D, E, F, H, N, P, R, U, V, Z in Arial bold font; L and M cones, 20/300; S cone, 20/400) is presented in the center of the display (Inspiron One 2330 computer; Dell, Round Rock, TX, USA). The letter and background have the same luminance and differ only in chromaticity. Due to overlapping cone functions, it is impossible to limit stimulation to a single cone type, but by maintaining equal stimulation in the letter and background (undetectable) for two cone types while systematically stimulating the third, the letter is detectable only by a single class of cones. The subject identifies the letters aloud. The letters decrease from a clearly visible cone contrast to a threshold level (L and M cone, 27.5%–1%; S cone, 173%–7%). The RCCT is conducted monocularly in a dark room at 36 inches; distance correction (+0.75 diopter) is worn if improved visibility of the letters is reported. The cone contrast sensitivity scores are normalized to a 100-point scale (passing scores are 75 points or more).