Visual acuity testing reveals foveal function but does not provide a functional map of the central retina. As RPD lesions are predominantly seen perifoveally and foveal architecture itself is usually normal in patients with exclusively RPD, BCVA represents a poor surrogate for a structure/function analysis in RPD patients. Multifunctional ERG is a well-established technique for functional analysis of the central retina, and previous studies reported a robust intrasession and intersession reproducibility of mfERG measurements.
27,28 The aim of our study was to find correlations between morphologic parameters of RPD progression over time seen in SD-OCT and cSLO imaging and longitudinal changes in retinal function based on mfERG.
Querques and coworkers
16 analyzed RPD progression in SD-OCT over 24 months. They selected only lesions that were judged to show progression over 2 years and found that 100% of RPD lesions graded as stage 1 progressed to stage 2; 81.3% graded as stage 2 at baseline examination progressed to stage 3, and 18.7% progressed to stage 4. All RPD graded as stage 3 at baseline examination progressed to stage 4.
16 In our study, we looked not only at progressive RPD lesions but at the absolute number of RPD lesions to determine changes in the “RPD load” over 1 year. In accordance with Querques et al.,
16 we observed an increase in lesion stages over time and additionally an increase in the number of lesions itself. Notably, RPD progression in terms of height seen in SD-OCT has to be interpreted cautiously. Firstly, the exact placement of follow-up SD-OCT scans compared to baseline, as well as accurate spatial correlation of SD-OCT findings to cSLO images, still remains a crucial challenge for longitudinal analysis of RPD evolution. Secondly, the natural course of RPD development is still poorly understood. Reticular pseudodrusen evolution patterns seem to be quite heterogeneous. Progression and regression of RPD lesions over time have recently been confirmed by Auge and coworkers.
29 The authors emphasize the importance of exact registration of SD-OCT B-scans at different time points as well as the use of very dense volume scans in order to be capable of reliably assessing such discrete intraretinal changes over time.
29 Recently, Spaide
20 reported complete regression of RPD lesions associated with significant changes in the outer retina over 3 years in nearly half of the retrospectively observed patients. The author introduced the term “outer retinal atrophy” describing a degeneration of photoreceptors in the context of RPD regression and considered this phenomenon a new distinct form of late-stage AMD.
20 Consequently, one cannot readily assume that an increase or a decrease in RPD lesion stages detected in SD-OCT follow-up scans directly correlates with a disease progression. Based on the current limited knowledge on RPD evolution, we therefore rather interpreted the changes themselves in RPD numbers and RPD stages as a marker for disease activity.
Previous studies reported a reduced CT and choroidal volume in eyes with RPD lesions.
18,19,30 Spaide
20 investigated for the first time the long-term clinical course of eyes with RPD and evaluated, among other parameters, the CT at baseline and at follow-up visits in eyes showing complete regression of RPD lesions. Over a mean 2.9-year follow-up period, the underlying choroid decreased to 81.4% of its initial value. According to the author, eyes with regression of RPD develop outer retinal atrophy and loss of the underlying CT.
20 The study period in our analysis was shorter, and none of our patients showed a complete regression of RPD after 12 months. Nevertheless, we similarly observe a decrease in CT in our RPD patients over time to 96.1%, which, however, turns out to be less considerable than in Spaide's data. Presumably, the unequal study periods sufficiently explain this difference. A general limitation in measuring CT is both the intra- and interindividual variation of the choroidal architecture influenced by numerous factors. Age and refraction represent the most important interindividual factors.
21,22 Both parameters were comparable in the two groups, which significantly reduces CT variation in our analysis. In the future, a more precise delineation of the different layers of the choroid is needed to reveal further insights in pathologic choroidal changes associated with RPD.
Based on three-field composite cSLO FAF imaging, Steinberg et al.
17 observed a continuous enlargement of RPD-affected retinal areas in patients with GA due to AMD, indicating disease progression over time. They reported a mean difference of interobserver agreement of 0.9 mm
2 and a mean growth rate of the RPD-affected area of 4.4 mm
2/year. Our data show equally reproducible measurements, proving the quality of the previously established measurement technique. Results of the two studies are not entirely comparable, as we did not use composite images for area quantification. In our study, no patient showed RPD-affected retinal areas at the nasal, temporal, or inferior edge of the 30° cSLO image frame. However, in three patients the RPD-affected area exceeded the image frame superiorly. Therefore, the convex hull had to be drawn at the border of the image, and the measured area must be regarded as the minimum RPD extent in these patients. Based on the comparably smaller RPD area growth rate in patients with exclusively RPD compared to GA patients, one may suppose that the presence of GA indicates a higher RPD disease activity. However, the small sample size in our study does not allow definitive conclusions in this regard. Interestingly, Marsiglia and colleagues
31 recently reported that GA expanded particularly into areas previously affected by RPD. Based on these results, the authors postulated that RPD represent an early manifestation of the process leading to GA.
31 In the same year, a study on RPD and multilobular GA by Xu et al.
32 confirmed that GA lobules frequently develop in areas of RPD, strengthening the theory of the same underlying disease process in both phenotypes.
The area quantification method employed in this study does include only the absolute retinal area size of RPD involvement, disregarding the actual number or density of RPD lesions. Measuring two-dimensional progression of RPD extent based on the absolute number of single lesions does not seem reasonable, as single RPD lesions vary considerably in size and often tend to coalesce over time.
Gerth and colleagues
13 reported a progressive loss in mfERG responses in patients with soft drusen over a period of 31 months.
13 Feigl et al.
14 followed retinal function in patients with soft drusen by means of mfERG over 1 year. They found a significant impairment of retinal function at baseline compared to healthy controls, yet in contrast to Gerth et al.
13 observed no further deterioration after 1 year. The functional results in soft drusen reported in those two studies are not consistent with our findings in patients with exclusively RPD, which may reflect the different impact on photoreceptor integrity of both AMD phenotypes.
14 Mrejen and coworkers
33 investigated the cone photoreceptor mosaic in eyes with RPD using adaptive optics and compared the cone density to that in eyes with soft drusen. Interestingly, they report a dramatic reduction in cone density over RPD lesions possibly due to a change in their orientation, an alteration of their cellular architecture, or even absence of the cones themselves.
33 Based on our mfERG data, a complete absence of cones above RPD lesions seems unlikely. Functional RPD studies with a longer follow-up period than in this study, and particularly functional data on regressing RPD and consequent outer retinal atrophy, are of particular interest and may give further insight in RPD pathophysiology.
A previous report of our group suggested that RPD do not distinctly impact the retinal function seen in mfERG, supporting the theory by Curcio et al.
4 hypothesizing that RPD originate from rod physiology, and therefore, negative impact on rod function was not detected in mfERG.
4,15 However, even if this assumption proves to be correct, it appears unlikely that RPD lesions interfere only with rods and not with cones lying in immediate proximity. In fact, mfERG amplitudes measured in areas affected by RPD and control areas differed significantly at the follow-up time point, demonstrating an effect of progressing RPD on cone function. Nevertheless, this effect appears to be rather small within the observation period, as we could see it only when performing comparison within the affected eyes and not when comparing with healthy controls, which may be due to the small sample size and the statistical spread.
In another structure/function analysis based on microperimetry, Querques and colleagues
34 reported a greater extent of reduced sensitivity in eyes with RPD compared to eyes with typical soft drusen. Similarly, Ooto and coworkers
35 found that distribution and number of RPD lesions are closely associated with retinal sensitivity in microperimetry measurements. Longitudinal data on microperimetry measurements in RPD are not available yet. Although mfERG provides more objective information on retinal function, microperimetry offers a higher spatial resolution and allows for measuring both cone and rod functions.
Obviously, the small number of subjects included in our study and a follow-up period of 12 months preclude any definitive interpretation. Yet patients showing exclusively RPD lesions are rare, and a longer study period increases the risk of developing additional AMD phenotypes like soft drusen, GA, or CNV that would interfere with morphologic and functional measurements.
1 Three patients showed isolated soft drusen at follow-up examination; however, their number in each patient did not exceed three lesions, which makes their impact on morphologic and electrophysiological measurements rather negligible.
With the retinal imaging technology currently available, an exact quantitative and qualitative analysis of RPD progression over time appears challenging, and eventually an estimate remains. The advent of adaptive optics may allow a more reliable stage classification of RPD lesions in the en face image mode as well as an absolute quantitative assessment of the RPD load and its progress over time.
31 Multi-wavelength cSLO imaging also appears promising in characterizing RPD lesion architecture more accurately.
Apparently, the approach of employing a convex polygonal hull for RPD-affected area quantification represents a definite limitation. Furthermore, retinal area quantification was restricted to the central cSLO image. Presence and evolution of RPD lesions beyond the 30° frames were not documented. Similarly, slight variations in follow-up OCT scan positioning and irregular point-to-point correlation cannot be completely ruled out. The restriction to five high-quality OCT scans limits this uncertainty; however, it produces a selection bias at the same time.
Studying eyes with exclusively RPD and no other signs of AMD raises the question whether these eyes may be attributed to AMD at all and whether these eyes might represent a disease entity itself. Future longitudinal and genetic studies must resolve this issue. In our study group, 11 out of 12 patients showed distinct AMD phenotypes in the fellow eye, which allows us to draw firm conclusions regarding the functional impact of RPD in AMD patients.
A fundamental question in structure/function analysis is whether morphological changes in the outer retina precede functional alterations or vice versa. Based on mfERG and combined cSLO and SD-OCT, our data suggest that RPD lesions can be detected before progression causes functional loss. In the follow-up, differences in changes in mfERG amplitudes between RPD-affected areas and nonaffected areas were still very small. It cannot be ruled out that mfERG is methodologically limited with regard to detecting the earliest functional deficits caused by RPD, or that there are certain compensatory functional mechanisms in the retina when sufficiently small morphological defects are already present, or both. The main signals in the mfERG are derived from cones. Testing only cone function in this perifoveal phenotype certainly represents a further limitation. Current mfERG technology has its limitations concerning spatial resolution. Consequently, an exact correlation of single RPD lesions to mfERG signals cannot be achieved today.
To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting longitudinal structure/function correlations in eyes with RPD. Multifunctional ERG allows for detecting a decline of function over time in eyes with progressive RPD. Functional decline could not be correlated to changes in individual morphologic parameters. Further functional loss due to RPD than detected in our study group presumably occurs at later disease stages, that is, when RPD regression occurs or outer retinal atrophy develops.