Various models have been used to study PVR in vivo (e.g., see Agrawal et al.
15 for a recent review). Past studies have shown that the intravitreal injection of various cell types found in PVR membranes (i.e., fibroblasts, RPE, glia, or inflammatory cells) can produce PVR-like fibrotic changes in rabbit eyes.
17,19,25–27 Other studies in rabbits and rodents have used proteolytic enzymes that digest the retina and release endogenous cells that result in PVR.
Although such small animal models have been useful in PVR research, the swine has several advantages when studying this major complication of retinal detachment surgery and severe ocular trauma. The swine eye is similar in size to that of humans, has a holangiotic retinal vasculature, and a cone-enriched area centralis (i.e., the visual streak).
20,28 Despite such advantages, the swine has rarely been used as an animal model for PVR. To the best of our knowledge, there is only one previously published study that used the swine as a model for PVR.
29 That study involved multiple surgical steps including retinectomy, partial vitrectomy, and cryotherapy. In this study, we describe a new model of PVR in the swine, induced by the injection of RPE cells into the vitreous cavity.
We noted the appearance of an epiretinal membrane on the inner surface of the retina following intravitreal injection of RPE cells, with contraction of the membrane causing folding of the neurosensory retina and the eventual development of a localized, traction retinal detachment by day 14, a course similar to that observed in humans.
Epiretinal membranes associated with PVR in patients contain a variety of cell types including RPE cells, glial cells, fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, and macrophages.
10,11 We chose intravitreal injection of RPE cells because they have been suggested to play an important role in the initiation of PVR. GFP+ RPE cells were used so that we could trace the cells after injection into the vitreous cavity. These cells induced PVR in all (14/14) experimental eyes, whereas none of the control eyes developed PVR. These results clearly establish that injection of RPE cells can result in a clinical picture analogous to PVR.
Gross examination of the enucleated eyes on day 14 confirmed the presence of epiretinal membranes on the inner surface of the retina. These membranes consisted of GFP+ cells and were localized to the areas of traction retinal detachment. The use of GFP+ cells allowed us to follow the cellular phenotype during PVR development in the swine. It also allowed us to distinguish between donor and host cells. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed that the GFP+ cells were of epithelial origin (i.e., cytokeratin-positive). Most of these cells assumed a fibroblastic morphology and strongly expressed vimentin, an intermediate filament protein often used as a marker for EMT of RPE cells. Some GFP+ cells expressed α-SMA, a marker for myofibroblasts, as well as fibronectin, an extracellular matrix protein often used as a marker for fibrosis. α-SMA-positive myofibroblasts are thought to play a role in wound contraction and fibrosis in various organs, including PVR.
31–33 Fibronectin can facilitate cell migration, cell proliferation, and fibrosis.
34 Taken together, our data strongly indicate that in this model RPE cells undergo EMT to assume a fibroblastic phenotype, with some cells further differentiating into myofibroblasts, and that these RPE-derived cells form the epiretinal membrane that eventually contracts and causes localized, traction retinal detachments in vivo.
Iba1 was detected within the detached retina but only rarely in the epiretinal membrane. Past studies have shown that damage to the retina, such as a retinal detachment, can activate microglia, and because Iba1 expression is increased in activated microglia,
35,36 these Iba1-positive cells are most likely activated microglia. Immune cells, specifically macrophages, have been detected in epiretinal membranes from early stage PVR patients,
37 and therefore, it is not surprising that some Iba1-positive cells were detected within epiretinal membranes in this model. Taken together, our data obtained using GFP+ RPE cells and cell type-specific markers demonstrated that epiretinal membranes in this PVR model contain four of the five major cell types found in epiretinal membranes from human PVR patients. Three of these cell types are RPE-derived (RPE, fibroblasts, and myofibroblasts) and constitute the major contractile elements that result in localized retinal detachments in vivo. Very few host immune cells are present, and the absence of GFAP+ glial cells contrasts with past studies that have demonstrated the presence of such cells.
38,39 The absence of a retinal break, which could allow migration of astrocytes/Muller cells into the vitreous cavity and onto the surface of the retina, and the short period of time for PVR development (14 days) in our model could explain the absence of glial cell contribution. Regardless, our results demonstrate that injection of RPE cells into the vitreous cavity can produce contractile cellular epiretinal membranes without astrocyte/Muller cell contribution. Furthermore, contraction of these membranes can lead to traction retinal detachments analogous to that observed in the early phases of human PVR. It will be interesting to know the specificity of RPE cells in inducing PVR, and future studies will examine whether other cell types, such as glial cells and/or macrophages, can replace or augment the PVR effect of RPE cells in the swine model.
In summary, we have created a new animal model of PVR by using the swine, a large animal that has an ocular structure similar to that in humans. The model was created by the intravitreal injection of RPE cells, and our use of GFP+ RPE cells allowed us to trace the contribution of these cells to the epiretinal membranes responsible for PVR. We demonstrated that fibroblastic and myofibroblastic phenotypes can be derived from RPE cells and that they can form a contractile cellular membrane that results in localized, traction retinal detachments. This model may aid in understanding the pathophysiology of PVR, as well as provide a tool to test new therapeutic strategies to prevent the development of PVR in man.