As the GCC scan yields a 6-mm map of the macular area (10 degrees in the superior and inferior directions, 7 degrees in the nasal direction, and 13 degrees in the temporal direction), the macular VF was projected slightly nasally on the Humphrey 24-2 SITA map, as shown in
Figure 1.
7,19 The global macular VF mean sensitivity (MS) in the Humphrey SAP was defined as the average value of the differential light sensitivity (DLS) obtained at each 12-test-point in the map. This average value then was correlated with the global average GCCT. The superior macular VF MS, corresponding to the inferior hemiretinal GCCT, was calculated from six test points in the superior macular hemifield, while the inferior macular VF MS corresponding to the superior hemiretinal GCCT, was calculated from the six test points in the inferior macular hemifield.
Based on the ONH maps,
7,19 the six, temporal pRNFL sectors (TU1, TU2, ST2, TL1, TL2, and IT2) shown in the ONH scan mode of RTVue SD-OCT correspond topographically to the GCC scan area. This measurement is referred to as the mpRNFL (
Fig. 2). Therefore, we calculated the average thickness of the six temporal sectors of the pRNFL, and this measurement is referred to as the average mpRNFLT. We also calculated the average of the three temporal sectors of the macular pRNFL to obtain the superior and inferior macular VF correlations (TL1, TL2, and IT2 sectors or TU1, TU2, and ST2 sectors, respectively). The superior macular VF MS associated with the inferior mpRNFLT measurements was calculated using data from six test points in the superior macular VF, and the inferior macular VF MS pertaining to the superior mpRNFLT test data was calculated from data obtained at six test points in the inferior macular VF.
The global, extramacular retinal MS was defined as the average value of the DLS obtained at each of 38 points except for the 12 test points that correspond to the GCC map on the Humphery 24-2 SITA map and the two points nasal to the blind spot. We also calculated the average thickness of the 10 extramacular sectors (ST1, SN1, SN2, NU2, NU1, NL1, NL2, IN2, IN1, and IT1) of pRNFL and this measurement is referred to as the average extramacular pRNFLT (empRNFLT). The superior, extramacular retinal MS associated with the inferior hemiretinal empRNFLT (NL1, NL2, IN2, IN1, and IT1) was calculated from 19 test points in the superior extramacular hemifield, and the inferior extramacular retinal MS referring to the superior hemiretinal empRNFLT (ST1, SN1, SN2, NU2, and NU1) was calculated from 19 test points in the inferior, extramacular hemifield.
The VF MS was expressed in two forms: on the decibel (dB) and on unlogged 1/L scales (L, luminance measured in lamberts). The DLS at each tested location can be simply written as DLS (dB) = 10 × log
10 (1/L). The nonlogarithmic 1/L value at each tested location was calculated by dividing the dB reading by 10 followed by derivation of the antilogarithm. Details of the MS calculation have been described previously.