Experiments were performed monocularly in a room where the display was the only light source. Before each experiment, the subject adapted for 5 minutes to the average luminance of the screen. The subject’s head was supported by a chin rest. Central fixation (without fixation point) was used in all experiments.
One eye was covered with a black eye patch. The pupil of the other eye was dilated to 8 mm with 1 to 4 drops of 10% phenylephrine hydrochloride (Metaoxedrine; Smith & Nephew Pharmaceuticals, Ltd., Romford, UK), which leaves accommodation unaffected. The average retinal illumination produced by our display was 2500 photopic trolands, which corresponds to 6500 scotopic trolands.
Thresholds were determined with a two-alternative, forced-choice algorithm with the four-down/one-up rule.
18 The contrast step was constant at 0.1 log units throughout the algorithm. The threshold contrast at the probability of 84% correct was obtained as an arithmetic mean of eight contrast reversals.
Each trial consisted of two exposures, separated by an interval. Both exposures were accompanied by a sound signal. Only one exposure contained the signal, but both exposures contained an uncorrelated sample of white temporal noise. The subject pressed one of two keys on an ordinary computer keyboard to indicate the exposure that contained the signal. An auditory feedback signal indicated whether the response was correct.
Every data point is the median of at least three threshold measurements. Median was used because, for a small number of samples (three to six threshold measurements), median is less affected by occasional outlying values, and hence it is statistically more robust estimate of the true threshold. The goodness of the least-squares line fits (GoF) was calculated as
\[\mathrm{GoF}{=}100(1{-}k{\varepsilon}){=}100{\{}1{-}k{[}1/n\ {\Sigma}(\mathrm{log}\ {\eta}_{\mathrm{est}}{-}\mathrm{log}\ {\eta})^{2}{]}^{0.5}{\}}\]
n is the number of data points, η refers to data, and η
est to predicted value. Logarithmic values were used for calculating the RMS error (ε), as data were plotted on a logarithmic scale. The value of
k is 1 for sensitivity and 0.5 for efficiency, because efficiency is based on contrast squared. If the average error between log η and log η
est is Δη, then GoF = 100 [1 −
k abs(Δη)]. For example, if
k = 0.5 and Δη = ±0.30, then GoF = 0.85, which appears to be the lower limit for visually acceptable fit. The reason for using GoF instead of
r, the coefficient of determination, is that for fits with shallow slopes, both the explained variation and thus also the value of
r tend to be small, whereas GoF still gives reasonable values (for further details, see Ref.
9 ).