For the pooled data of all subjects, no correlation was found between the horizontal location of primary position of the paretic eye and the vertical deviation between the two eyes during straight-ahead gaze. There was, however, a good correlation between the temporal displacement of primary position and the increase of vertical deviation between the two eyes with the paretic eye in adduction and gaze moving downward. This gradient of vertical deviation is an indicator of the reduction in force of the superior oblique muscle, because this muscle has its main vertical action in adduction.
26 Thus, the temporal displacement of primary position appears to be directly related to the decreased function of the superior oblique muscle.
21 27 Considering this muscle’s action—a rotation of the ocular globe around an axis that lies nearly in the horizontal plane of the eye and forms an angle of approximately 43° with the sagittal axis
1 —a superior oblique muscle palsy causes the eye to change its torsional orientation as a function of gaze depression—that is, the eye develops relative extorsion with downgaze compared with normal function. Such a torsional gradient in the vertical direction implies a temporal location of primary position.
24 Because only patients with acquired trochlear nerve palsy showed the temporal displacement of the primary position of the paretic eye, we infer that, in this group of patients, other extraocular muscles of the same eye are not (or not fully) compensating for the torsional gradient in the vertical direction. Our patients showed no abnormal displacement of the horizontal component of primary position in the unaffected eye, in contrast to Wong et al.,
27 who reported temporal displacement of primary position in both eyes of patients with chronic acquired superior oblique palsy. This discrepancy is not easily explained. There were methodologic differences between the two studies (e.g., the pattern of target displacements and refixations that may affect Listing’s plane,
28 and the overall displacement of the primary position in the paretic eyes of the patients in Wong et al.
27 was also larger than in our study.
Interestingly, a temporal displacement of primary position is also observed in a physiological situation: When healthy eyes converge, the primary positions of both eyes move outward.
29 In other words, during convergence, the eyes are relatively intorted in upward gaze and extorted in downward gaze, which results in a more temporal location of primary position. This phenomenon is probably due at least in part to the decreased activity of the superior oblique muscle. In fact, it has been demonstrated in alert monkeys that the firing rate of neurons in the trochlear nucleus decreases with convergence.
30 Thus, independent of whether a superior oblique muscle deficit is pathologic (palsy) or physiological (decreased activity), the eye’s primary position moves in the temporal direction. Note, however, that during very close viewing, weakening of the superior oblique muscle alone may not account for the total temporal displacement of the primary position. Decreased innervation of the inferior oblique muscle or increased innervation of the superior rectus muscle may also be necessary.
31 It is also possible that translation of ocular pulleys with convergence accounts for some of this change.