We have created a
BAC-Pcp2-IRES-Cre transgenic mouse line, in which Cre recombinase is under the transcriptional control of the mouse
Pcp2 gene. Our results show that Cre activities were restricted to the cerebellar Purkinje cells and retinal rod bipolar neurons. These data are consistent with those in previous studies that showed that the
Pcp2 gene is expressed only in cerebellar Purkinje cells and retinal rod bipolar neurons.
12 13 14 25 Previously, a short
Pcp2 DNA fragment was used to direct Cre expression in a mouse transgenic line,
17 However, few bipolar neurons were shown to be Cre positive in
L7 mice. Furthermore, significant nonspecific staining was detected in various tissues other than the cerebellum.
17 24 In the transgenic mouse line described herein, we chose to direct Cre expression using a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) carrying the entire
Pcp2 gene, because its large size may protect the transgene from being influenced by a nearby locus. The extraregulatory sequences carried on the BAC may help ensure that Cre will be expressed in the same manner as the endogenous gene, in this case
Pcp2. Indeed, a high level of Cre activities was detected only in Purkinje and rod bipolar cells. This work has further demonstrated the use of
BAC-Cre transgenes generated by red-mediated recombineering.
25 26
During development, retinal cells are born in sequence. The order is defined by the day when the different types of cells undergo their last S-phase, when examined by [
3H]thymidine labeling and autoradiography.
27 28 Immunolabeling with PKC, the specific cell marker of rod bipolar cells,
29 has also provided data about the number and position of rod bipolar cells at different developmental stages. In the mouse retina, it has been found that PKC-immunoreactive bipolar cells develop postnatally, becoming distinguishable at P7.
30 In the adult mouse retina, anti-PKCα-immunoreactive cells were present in the INL with projections extending into the outer and inner plexiform layer.
30 In
BAC-Pcp2-IRES-Cre mice, β-galactosidase activity was not observed in embryos until P7. The number and density of β-galactosidase-positive cells increased gradually until adulthood, when most of the rod bipolar neurons were β-galactosidase positive
(Fig. 4) . Our results are therefore consistent with the maturation process of rod bipolar cells.
We noted that the number of EGFP-positive neurons was only a fraction of the number of β-galactosidase-positive neurons at 20 weeks of age
(Fig. 3) . Of note, the number of EGFP-positive neurons was only approximately 0.1% and 30% of the total anti-PKCα-immunoreactive neurons at 3 and 20 weeks of age, respectively (data not shown), perhaps because of the variations in genetic background or Cre expression in different individuals. The efficiency of Cre-mediated recombination can also be affected by various factors such as chromosomal location and the relative distance between two
LoxP sites, suggesting that incubation time is an important consideration for Cre recombinase catalyzed reactions. Given enough time, it is possible that most of the rod bipolar cells would have become EGFP positive, as was observed in β-galactosidase-positive cells. We cannot rule out that the observed differences between
ROSA26 and
EG mice is due to the use of promoters of different strength to drive the reporter genes. It is also possible that the nature of the reporter proteins, such as different sensitivities and half-lives, gave rise to the observed variations.
This BAC-Pcp2-IRES-Cre transgenic mouse line can be used to generate rod bipolar cell–specific conditional knockout mice for the study of gene functions in postnatal rod bipolar cells and to activate the expression of a cytotoxic protein to ablate retinal rod bipolar cells in an age-dependent manner. This transgenic line will be a valuable tool for the study of the development, function, and physiology of retinal rod bipolar cells.
The authors thank Benjamin Reese for comments on the manuscript and Linyu Lu for helping with the figures.