Our ZEST implementation within the computer simulation was similar to the one we have described previously.
11 The ZEST procedure is based on a maximum-likelihood determination described elsewhere.
8 9 For each stimulus location, an initial probability density function (pdf) is defined that states, for each possible threshold, the probability that any patient will have that threshold (after adjusting for normal aging effects). We used the combined pdf approach recommended by Vingrys and Pianta,
9 where the pdf is a weighted combination of normal and abnormal thresholds. The normal pdf gives a probability for each possible patient threshold, assuming that the location is “normal,” whereas the abnormal pdf gives probabilities assuming the location is “abnormal.” Our normal and abnormal pdfs were derived from empiric data as shown in
Figures 2A and 2B . The patient set used to determine these pdfs consisted of 541 normal and 315 glaucomatous visual fields and was different from the input to the simulation. For each location, the lower 95th percentile for normal performance was determined from the 541 normal visual fields. The abnormal pdf was derived from the 315 patients with glaucoma by including only those thresholds that were below the lower 95% percentile for norma subjects. For both normal and abnormal pdfs, threshold estimates were pooled across all locations. For each test location, the normal pdf was adjusted along the threshold axis so that its mode was at the initial estimate of threshold, and then the abnormal and normal pdfs were combined in a ratio of 1:4. A small nonzero pedestal was added to the normal pdf, to ensure that all thresholds were represented with nonzero probability in the combined pdf. This is shown in
Figure 2C , for an initial estimate of 32 dB.
The ZEST procedure presents the first stimulus at a luminance equal to the mean of the initial pdf and then uses the subject’s response (seen or not seen) to modify the pdf. To generate the new pdf, the old pdf is multiplied by a likelihood function (similar to a frequency-of-seeing curve), which represents the likelihood that a subject will see a particular stimulus. An expanded description of this process is provided in Turpin et al.
11 The likelihood function used in our simulations is shown in
Figure 2D . After the determination of the new pdf, the new mean is calculated and the stimulus intensity equal to that mean is presented. The process is repeated until a termination criterion is met (in this case, standard deviation of pdf <1.5 dB). The output threshold is the mean of the final pdf.