The selective and strong ICG-staining of reticulocytes opens up the possibility that ICG could be used in research and diagnoses of certain hematopoietic disorders. Patients with disorders such as hairy-cell leukemia, hemolytic anemia, folate deficiency, or sickle cell disease often carry much higher concentrations of reticulocytes in the circulation than healthy individuals.
27 28 In sickle cell disease, some of these cells are thought to be stress reticulocytes. They are prematurely released from the bone marrow to compensate for the stress on the erythroid component of the blood.
29 30 Premature release, however, causes reticulocytes, which still express the vascular leukocyte antigen (VLA)-4 and CD36 (glycoprotein IV) antigens, to circulate,
27 enabling a normally refractive population to attach to vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1 on the endothelium,
31 32 as well as the fibronectin,
33 collagen, and thrombospondin components of basement membranes. In the eye, both VLA-4
+ reticulocytes and neutrophils have been demonstrated to bind to retinal vessels,
34 35 and choroidal vessels
33 in the presence of TNFα. Patients with sickle cell disease are known to have elevated cytokine levels in the circulation,
36 37 and the endothelial inflammation markers VCAM-1, intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, and P-selectin are induced in the retinal vasculature.
35 Therefore, prematurely released reticulocytes are proposed to be involved in sickle red cell–mediated vaso-occlusion and the resultant retinopathy. The ability to monitor reticulocyte trafficking in vivo will provide insights into the mechanisms involved in such abnormalities. ICG may serve as a specific dye for imaging reticulocytes, to better understand their behavior and contribution to eye complications in sickle cell disease.