The 129/SvJ strain of mouse harbors a mutation in the CP49 gene that consists of an approximately 6-kb deletion spanning the end of intron B and the first eight amino acids of exon 2. Because the deletion eliminates the splice site at the 5′ end of exon 2, the entire exon is omitted from the mRNA. Little is known of the intermolecular interactions that occur in the beaded filament, so it is difficult to speculate about the impact of the absence of exon 2. Sequence analysis of most IF proteins predicts that the initial stage of assembly is the formation of a coiled–coil dimer.
16 17 18 19 20 Cross-linking data have supported this, but more recently electron paramagnetic resonance studies of spin-labeled vimentin has mapped the specific residue interactions in vimentin dimer formation, leaving little doubt about the coiled–coil nature of the vimentin dimer.
21 Because the general plan of IF proteins structure is conserved, it is reasonable to extrapolate these observations to most IF proteins. Thus, one might expect that CP49 and filensin similarly form a coiled–coil dimer. If true, then loss of exon 2, which is 28 residues of the central rod domain, would be predicted to be catastrophic to CP49-filensin assembly. However, CP49 and filensin primary sequence are the most divergent of the IF family, exhibiting variations that predict secondary structural divergence from the rest of the IF family. Filensin for example is unique in having a shortened central rod domain.
3 Analysis of CP49 rod domain shows an absence of, or a weaker propensity for, coiled–coil structure in the beginning of the rod domain,
22 and it is in this domain that the 28 residues of exon 2 are found. Reports have also appeared that suggest that the molar ratio of CP49:filensin is 2:1 or 3:1, observations that suggest something other than a simple heterodimer as the initial stage of assembly.
23 24 25 Finally, CP49 and filensin are localized to beaded filaments and not 10-nm IFs. Thus, although the absence of a part of the central rod domain would most likely be catastrophic to most members of the IF family, the impact on the beaded filament remains unknown.
It is of interest to note that the resultant CP49 mRNA levels were much lower than that of the wild-type control. The reason for the reduced levels is unknown, but it raises the possibility that the 6 kb of intronic DNA contains regulatory sites that contribute to the control of CP49 transcription, and/or that exon 2 contributes to message stability. Though CP49 message is detectable at low levels in the 129/SvJ lenses, CP49 protein was either absent, or at least reduced to the point that protein was not evident by Western blot analysis of whole-lens homogenates. This apparent absence may reflect the sensitivity of the approach, or may suggest that CP49 without exon 2 does not undergo proper folding and is therefore targeted for destruction.
Additional phenotyping included northern and Western blot analysis of filensin, CP49’s assembly partner, as well as slit lamp examination, and both light and electron microscopy. The resultant data mirrored the results that have been reported for the CP49 knockout. Filensin mRNA levels are comparable to that of the wild-type, whereas filensin protein levels are sharply reduced. The initial elongation of the fiber cell appears to proceed normally, and the precision of fiber cell packing appears unperturbed.
It is important to note that the loss of clarity in the lenses of the 129/SvJ strain and in the CP49 knockouts is very subtle in the younger animals and is not readily demonstrated except by low angle slit lamp examination. Thus, an absence of an obvious cataract by direct examination should not be construed as an absence of the mutation.
10 11 The cause of the loss of clarity has not been definitively established, but a recent report from Sandilands et al.
11 suggests that older fiber cells may undergo structural changes that could account for the changes in optical properties. Alternatively, the loss of clarity could be due to the accumulation of the insoluble assembly partner filensin. This possibility is being directly tested by the creation of a CP49-filensin double knockout.
Although we describe herein the results of phenotyping the 129/SvJ mouse, we initially detected the mutation in a P1 clone derived from the 129/OLa strain that we used in the preparation of a targeting vector for the CP49 knockout. Thus, at least two substrains of the 129 animals are affected, both of which are a commonly used source of embryonic stem cells for gene-targeting studies.
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 The presence of a naturally occurring mutation in a lens-specific gene in these strains thus has the potential to confound interpretation of other lens gene-targeting studies. Loss of clarity is one established issue that must be considered. However, the absence of CP49, the near absence of filensin, and the resultant absence of the beaded filament may well have specific molecular effects on any proteins or structures that bind to or are bound by these proteins. Thus, the true ramifications of the CP49 mutation on past lens gene-targeting studies may be difficult to assess fully and may require that the targeted gene be crossed out to a wild-type background to eliminate the possibility that the CP49 mutation will affect the results. The wild-type/mutant status of the CP49 gene in existing knockouts, as well other mouse strains may be established with the primer sets described herein.