purpose. Ibopamine is a prodrug of epinine (deoxyepinephrine) that exhibits activity at dopaminergic and adrenergic receptors. Topical ocular application has been shown to cause mydriasis without cycloplegia and to increase the rate of aqueous humor flow in normotensive human eyes. Mydriasis can interfere with the measurement of aqueous flow. In this study ibopamine’s effect on aqueous humor production was measured while making allowance for the potential artifact caused by its mydriatic effect.
methods. The effects of topical ibopamine on pupillary diameter, aqueous humor flow measured by fluorophotometry, and intraocular pressure were studied in 24 healthy, blue-eyed humans. Ibopamine was administered with and without the α-adrenergic antagonist dapiprazole, and its effects were compared with those of tropicamide, with and without dapiprazole in a double-masked, randomized, crossover design.
results. Ibopamine dilated the pupil from a diameter of 3.7 ± 0.64 (mean ± SD, n = 24) to 7.7 ± 0.70 mm. Ibopamine, during its peak mydriasis, was associated with a very large increase in the rate of clearance of topically applied fluorescein from the cornea and anterior chamber, an effect that was not associated with tropicamide during its peak mydriasis. The mydriatic effect of ibopamine was completely blocked by dapiprazole, and the increase in fluorescein clearance was partially blocked. When mydriasis was blocked, ibopamine increased fluorescein clearance by 13% (P < 0.0001), which was interpreted as an increased rate of aqueous humor production. Compared with placebo and with the tropicamide control, ibopamine decreased intraocular pressure, despite its stimulation of aqueous humor flow.
conclusions. Ibopamine is in a specific class of drug, along with pilocarpine, epinephrine, and bimatoprost that in humans increases the rate of aqueous humor flow as measured by fluorophotometry. This effect is partly responsible for its ability to increase intraocular pressure in persons suspected to have abnormally low aqueous humor outflow facility. The transient apparent doubling of aqueous humor flow, measured by fluorescein clearance after administration of ibopamine is an artifact of increased fluorescein clearance through the dilated pupil while accommodation is active.
Ibopamine is a prodrug of epinine (deoxyepinephrine), which is a catecholamine that exhibits activity at both dopaminergic and adrenergic receptors.
1 Topically applied ibopamine ophthalmic solution has been shown to be clinically useful as a mydriatic,
2 3 as a provocative test for glaucoma,
4 5 and as a treatment for hypotony.
6 7 8 9 It causes mydriasis without cycloplegia
2 and has been found to cause a transient increase of the intraocular pressure in glaucomatous eyes but not in normal eyes.
4 5
Virno et al.
10 studied the aqueous humor dynamics of 12 human subjects, six with healthy eyes and six with glaucoma, and found that ibopamine increased the calculated rate of aqueous humor production remarkably, but increased intraocular pressure only in the glaucomatous eyes. This finding led to the study of ibopamine as an adjunctive treatment of ocular hypotony after vitreoretinal surgery.
The ability of ibopamine to increase aqueous humor production puts it into a nearly unique class. Only three other compounds have been shown to increase aqueous humor production in humans: pilocarpine,
11 bimatoprost,
12 and epinephrine.
13 The effects of pilocarpine (a cholinergic compound)
11 and bimatoprost (a prostamide compound)
12 are barely measurable and are of no clinical significance. Epinephrine has the strongest effect, whether administered topically
13 or intravenously,
14 but the effect is still relatively small compared with the normal rate of aqueous secretion. Dopamine at low infusion rates increased aqueous humor flow by approximately 30% in rabbits, although at high infusion rates it decreased the flow rate.
15 Because epinine stimulates dopamine receptors, it is not surprising that its prodrug ibopamine has been found to increase aqueous humor production. The magnitude of its effect is surprising, however; Virno et al.
10 estimated flow rates more than twice the untreated rates.
Ibopamine, in addition to its other effects, causes mydriasis without cycloplegia.
2 Under this condition, fluorescein, used to measure aqueous flow, may not be completely contained within the anterior chamber but could leak into the posterior chamber. With this loss, the rate of clearance of fluorescein would no longer be a reliable measure of the rate of aqueous humor formation. Maus and Brubaker
16 demonstrated this artifact by measuring fluorescein clearance after topically administering phenylephrine and tropicamide.
The mechanism of action of ibopamine is the key to its clinical application as a provocative test in glaucoma and to its potential use in the treatment of hypotony. In this study we measured ibopamine’s effect on aqueous humor production while we blocked or controlled for mydriasis.
Twenty-four healthy blue-eyed white subjects aged 22 to 40 years were studied in a randomized, double-masked, paired-comparison, crossover design. Participants were screened for eligibility and had two normal well-matched eyes and no eye disease or current use of topical medications. Subjects were excluded if they had narrow iridocorneal angles based on the ratio of the depth of the temporal anterior chamber to corneal thickness of less than 4 or an anterior chamber volume less than 120 μL. Each subject gave written informed consent to participate. This study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Mayo Clinic and adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Each subject was studied on three separate days (sessions A, B, and C) separated by at least 1 week. During each of these sessions intraocular pressure, diameter of the pupil, fluorescein concentration in the anterior chamber and cornea, and intraocular pressure were measured in the same sequence. Pupil diameter and fluorescence in the anterior chamber and cornea were measured at 07:45 and 08:15, and then hourly until 16:15. Estimates of aqueous humor flow represented the mean flow rate during the interval between fluorescence measurements and were graphed at the midpoint of the interval. Drugs or placebos were instilled at 08:00, 08:45, 09:45, and 10:45. Intraocular pressure was measured at 12:30 and 16:30.
In each session, two drugs or placebos were administered topically, one 5 minutes after the other, to each eye. All eyedrops were administered from code-labeled containers by one technician; another technician measured all variables. In preparing for a session, the subject self-administered 2% fluorescein eye drops 6 hours before the first fluorescence measurement. Drugs used in the study were: ibopamine hydrochloride 2% ophthalmic solution (Tubilux, Pomezia, Italy), tropicamide 1% ophthalmic solution (Bausch & Lomb Pharmaceuticals, Tampa, FL), dapiprazole hydrochloride 0.5% ophthalmic solution (Bausch & Lomb Pharmaceuticals), and a placebo (HypoTears PF Lubricant Eye Drops; Ciba Vision, Duluth, GA). For each subject, the order of the three sessions was randomized as was the left eye–right eye assignment of the drug combination, as shown in
Table 1 . We will refer to the eye that received the ibopamine as the “treated eye” and the eye that received the tropicamide as the “control eye.”
Fluorescein concentrations in the cornea and anterior chamber were measured by using a scanning ocular fluorophotometer.
17 The mass of fluorescein in each compartment was determined by multiplying the mean concentration by the compartment volume. Anterior chamber volume was measured photogrammetrically,
18 and cornea volume was assumed to be 70 μL in all subjects. The rate of aqueous humor flow through the anterior chamber was calculated from the rate of disappearance of fluorescein from the combined cornea and anterior chamber:
\[Flow\ {=}\ \frac{{\Delta}M_{\mathrm{f}}}{\overline{C_{a}}\ {\Delta}t}\ {-}\ 0.25\ {\mu}L/min\]
where Δ
M f is the loss of mass of fluorescein from the combined cornea and anterior chamber during an interval Δ
\(\overline{C_{a}}\) is the average concentration of fluorescein in the anterior chamber during the same interval (estimated from the initial and final concentrations assuming an exponential decay), and 0.25 μL/min is the assumed flow rate equivalent to the diffusional loss of fluorescein from the eye.
19 Aqueous humor flow rate was estimated at 1-hour intervals, except for the first interval, which was 30 minutes.
The diameter of the pupil was measured in ordinary room light (100–300 ft-cd) by comparing the appearance of the pupil with a series of solid black circles, of diameters 2.0 to 9.0 mm in increments of 0.5 mm, on a white background.
The intraocular pressure was measured with a pneumatonometer (Mentor O&O, Inc., Norwell, MA) at 12:30 and 16:30. One drop of anesthetic (proparacaine hydrochloride; Bausch & Lomb Pharmaceuticals) was placed in each eye. Three consecutive measurements of intraocular pressure in the right eye were averaged and three consecutive measurements of intraocular pressure in the left eye were averaged.
Significance of differences between treated and control eyes was tested by using two-sided paired t-tests (α = 0.05). In previous studies of normal subjects, the mean aqueous humor flow rate was 2.80 μL/min and the SD of the difference between aqueous humor flow rate in left and right eyes was 0.45 μL/min. The sample size of 24 was selected to provide a 95% chance of detecting a statistically significant difference of 12% or more in the rate of aqueous humor flow (α = 0.05, two-sided paired t-test).
The relationship between aqueous humor flow rate and pupil diameter was examined by calculating Spearman’s correlation coefficient (data were nonnormally distributed). Flow rates estimated on each 1-hour interval (starting with the interval from 08:15–09:15) were paired with the mean of the pupil diameters at the beginning and end of the interval. The relationship between intraocular pressure and aqueous humor flow rates was examined by calculating the Pearson’s correlation coefficient and its significance in a similar way. Flow rates estimated on the intervals from 12:15 to 13:15 and 15:15 to 16:15 were paired with intraocular pressures measured at 12:30 and 16:30, respectively.
Session C—Treated Eye: Ibopamine, Dapiprazole; Control Eye: Tropicamide, Dapiprazole