In this study a new method for IOP measurement, based on a combined continuous force and area measurement during the initial phase of contact between sensor and cornea, was proposed. The ARS probe was further developed according to that method and evaluated in an in vitro porcine eye model. The new method effectively reduced the problem caused by variation due to intereye differences as well as the problem of decreased precision with increased pressure, both of which occurred in earlier versions of the ARS probe for IOP measurement.
3 4
The model represented by
equation 5 assumes that the change in frequency linearly corresponds to a change in area, as described in
equation 2 . To evaluate this assumption the indentation versus frequency was analyzed. It showed that the frequency change was linearly related to indentation within the frequency interval of (
f 0 – 150) to (
f 0 – 470) Hz. Furthermore, because the relationship between change in contact area and change in indentation,
dA/dL, was shown to be nearly constant, we can conclude that, within the chosen interval, a change in indentation corresponds to a linear change in area. This supports the hypothesis that a change in contact area, within this interval, corresponds linearly to a change in resonance frequency.
Previous evaluations
3 4 of ARS probes for IOP measurement have been based on a constant-force method and area measurement with the ARS probe. Those studies showed a high reproducibility within each eye, but clear differences between eyes. The Imbert-Fick law assumes that the cornea is infinitely thin, perfectly elastic, and perfectly flexible and that the only force acting against it is the pressure of the applanated surface.
7 None of these assumptions is true. The cornea is not a membrane without thickness, and it offers resistance to indentation, varying with its curvature and thickness and the presence or absence of corneal edema. The surface of the cornea is covered with a liquid film. Therefore, during the applanation of the cornea, capillary attraction or repulsion forces between the contact piece and the cornea interfere with the measurement.
2 The force term depends on the width of the ring (i.e., the amount of fluid).
2 Thus, there are forces unrelated to IOP that are present, and the magnitude of the forces is dependent on properties that differ from eye to eye and even from measurement to measurement. In Eklund et al.
3 it was shown that the correlation between reference IOP and IOP
ARS was
r = 0.92 (
n = 360, six eyes together) for the constant-force ARS method. By the same calculation, the present study with a model based on the continuous force and area measurement showed a corresponding correlation of
r = 0.99 (
n = 410, six eyes together). The eye-dependent variation in proportionality coefficient (β
1) was –25% to +16% (calculated from
Table 1 in Ref.
3 ) for the constant-force study and less than ±6% in the present study. This shows that the intereye variation was much less with the new method. One explanation for the improvement is that the differential force–area method is not sensitive to constant-force terms, because it analyzes the change in force over an area interval and is therefore unaffected by any constant terms.
Our anatomic measurements
(Table 1) of the porcine eyeball and cornea diameter corresponds approximately to the measurements of the human eye (∅
eye = 24 mm and ∅
cornea = 12 mm).
11 This supports the use of an in vitro porcine eye model for a first evaluation of new tonometers. However, factors such as scleral rigidity, ocular curvature, and pressure–volume relationships, all vary between species, and tonometers must be calibrated for each species.
Corneal thickness has been shown in numerous studies, reviewed by Doughty and Zaman,
13 to affect IOP measurement performed with the applanation method. The corneal thickness of the eyes of the Landrace pigs used in this study varied between 0.80 and 0.90 mm, thicker than the cornea of a normal human eye (
T human = 0.534 mm).
13 Ideally, for an applanation method, the cornea should be as thin as possible, indicating that the accuracy for an in vitro human eye should be better than the results of this study. Because of differences in corneal thickness, both the frequency interval and the coefficients of the model have to be optimized and reestimated for use in humans. Although only a small number of eyes were studied, there was a significant dependence of the ARS method on cornea thickness. This dependence, however, was less than the sensitivity to corneal thickness shown with GAT in healthy eyes (1.1 ± 0.6 mm Hg for a 10% change in corneal thickness).
13 Further studies are needed to determine fully the relationship between corneal thickness and accuracy of IOP
The maximum systematic difference between eyes was approximately 1 mm Hg, indicating that the intereye difference was at an acceptable level. The mean deviation of the residuals was zero, indicating a perfect accuracy within eyes. This, of course, is natural because the ARS is calibrated against the IOP
VC. We therefore cannot draw conclusions about overall accuracy in this type of study. Because the mean deviation is zero, the within-eye precision is described by the variation of the residuals. The overall SD of the residuals in this study was 0.93 mm Hg. This is in parity with the results of Schmidt
14 for GAT on four fresh enucleated human eyes (residual SD = 0.85 mm Hg,
n = 20, calculated from
Table 2 in Ref.
14 ). The quadratic and cubic models did not produce any substantial improvement in the precision of the method. For simplicity and robustness, we therefore choose and recommend the linear model
(equation 5) .
The problem with asymptotic behavior at higher pressure and corresponding loss of precision, associated with the ARS constant-force method,
3 was effectively reduced with the current method, which showed an approximately similar precision at all pressure levels
(Table 3) . The main difficulty with the previous ARS method was that it used constant force and measured the resultant contact area. The contact area was therefore inversely proportional to IOP
(equation 1) which resulted in small areas of contact and a decrease in resolution at high pressures.
3 This problem was solved with the new method, which uses the same contact area interval, independent of IOP. Similar to GAT, this leads to a measured force that is directly proportional to the IOP at all pressure levels. In addition, the area interval used in the new ARS method (4.3–11.0 mm
2) is close to the interval for which Goldmann
2 (4.9–12.6 mm
2, calculated from contact diameters of 2.5–4 mm) suggested that the Imbert-Fick law is valid.
For indentation methods such as Schiötz, a relatively large volume is displaced, resulting in a pressure increase during measurement that depends on the scleral rigidity of the eye.
15 With the GAT, the standard contact area guarantees that the displaced volume is small, and the pressure in the eye will be elevated only slightly.
15 For indentation–applanation methods with constant area and guard ring (Tono-Pen; Mentor, Norwell, MA) there is no control of the indentation and volume displacement. The area measurement of the ARS method and choice of area interval for analysis based on that measurement ensures that the indentation, as in the Goldmann method, is standardized (
L 2 ≈ 0.49 mm). Thus, the scleral rigidity-related IOP-increase during measurement is controlled and should be approximately the same for all measurements.
In a previous study,
4 off-center alignment was acknowledged as a source of error with the ARS. The study with an ARS mounted in a biomicroscope indicated that the maximum off-center alignment was approximately 1 mm. It also showed that this sensitivity could be reduced with a convex contact surface. The results of the present study showed that a 1-mm off-center alignment could result in a 4-mm Hg overestimation of the IOP
ARS at the 20-mm Hg level. Although the current tip was smaller and may be easier to apply at the center, this has to be taken into consideration in the future development of the ARS system.
Taking into account that the total time of application against the cornea can be less than 1 second and that the crucial phase used in the analysis is less than 80 ms after the initial contact, clinical application without requirement for anesthetic may be possible.
Eight measurements were excluded after initial analysis, because they clearly differed from the general distribution of the others. All eight came from two eyes, and five were at the 40-mm Hg level, which ended the protocol on each eye. This indicates damage to the cornea as a possible explanation. Another problem with the in vitro model is that the cornea was moistened with a brush, and this produced uneven wetting. The ARS needs a certain level of moisture on the eye to get good acoustic contact. Insufficient moistening is therefore another possible factor in the excluded measurements. We suspect that in an in vivo setting, normal blinking would moisten the cornea more evenly.
In summary, this article presents a new methodology for measuring IOP. The applanation principle states that IOP can be calculated as the ratio between force and contact area. Previous tonometry methods allow one or a few readings of force with constant area for estimating the IOP. The ARS method is, to our knowledge, the first to combine continuous sampling of both parameters during the application of the sensor onto the cornea, resulting in a linear curve for the force and area relationship. The IOP is then deduced from the slope of that curve, which is based on many points and is independent of constant forces. The ARS was evaluated in an in vitro porcine eye model and had a short measurement time and precision that was in parity with in vitro results produced with GAT. Consequently, there is a potential for reducing errors in the clinical routine with the use of a device based on this method. For further development toward clinical application, off-center dependence must be considered, and the sensor must be evaluated and recalibrated for in vivo human eyes. These investigations will be performed in a future study in which GAT will be used as a reference for the calibration.