The initial binding event is thus governed by the balance between three fundamental nonspecific physicochemical forces (van der Waals [hydrophobic] electrostatic and acid-base interactions), by the capsular polysaccharide/adhesin (PS/A), by one of several surface proteins (staphylococcal surface protein, fibrinogen binding protein, matrix protein binding), or by a combination of these.
16 20 This first phase takes place immediately,
24 which is comparable to our results. Although slime secretion is quite well documented, the production of leglike appendages is by far more intriguing. It is not clear whether they represent cell wall material projected quickly toward the IOL surface by the bacteria to strengthen their initial binding or an early image of slime secretion. The time delay remains an important, although as yet unknown, factor. Specific factors are involved in primary attachment of
S. epidermidis. Some bacterial proteins are precisely described to be organized in a fimbriae-like structure.
16 Moreover, the first step of adhesion can induce modifications of genomic expression, as has been shown for
S. epidermidis.
14 Bacteria could thus acquire new adhesive structures—pili, lateral flagella, exopolymers
25 —that could resemble leglike appendages. Recently, Vidal et al.
26 showed curli (a type of pili) overexpression by an
Escherichia coli mutant strain, induced by the surface contact and regulated by microenvironmental sensors. Furthermore, Leatherwood
27 and Akin
28 and Akin and Amos
29 found rodlike appendages attaching rumen bacteria to cellulose or plant cell walls. Samples were fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide, as in our own study. Moreover, according to some photomicrographs,
29 a single rumen bacterium could be anchored by as many as four or five stalks, each of them being approximately 0.16 μm long, as are the leglike appendages of the bacteria in our study.