In this study, the tear lipid interference color chart for the specific interference camera, DR-1, which visualizes clear interference images, was synthesized in a colorimetric approach. The colors in the chart were apparently similar to the reported interference colors using the DR-1.
19 30 This chart is expected to contribute to the exact quantification of the interference images.
The principles of tear interference colors including the meaning and specifics of each color have not been discussed satisfactorily until now. King-Smith et al.
11 first showed the principle of tear interference in detail using a simulated equal-energy spectrum or the spectrum of the Tear Scope (Keeler, Windsor, UK), with fundamental retinal spectral sensitivity. However, usage of the Tear Scope was impractical, because the image always overlapped with the background iris color, producing an unclear image, because it could not achieve the normal incident specular reflection.
Goto and Tseng
29 30 reported the trial quantification of the lipid layer thickness with the color comparison method using the DR-1 and the color chart of King-Smith et al.
11 based on a simulated equal-energy spectrum, which was not based on the spectrum from the DR-1. However, progress and changes in physical optics and colorimetry stimulated us to develop the current color chart system, which would be more suitable for DR-1 camera optics. The DR-1 camera, having superior specular angle capabilities, was the only camera system appropriate for the quantification of the interference images through its sophisticated optics.
We believe that our efforts in devising the current chart are the first steps in accurate quantification of the interference images. Our chart differs from that of King-Smith et al.
11 in color intensity and interference orders, which makes it more suitable for the DR-1 system. Quantification of RGB color intensities at specific spots on the precorneal tear film may pave the way for the development of the quantification of tear film lipid layer thickness in the near future.
Although tear interferometry has been designed principally for the study of the tear lipid layer, up until now it has been used to investigate the changes in the aqueous layer status, lipid–aqueous layer interaction,
19 22 and combined aqueous tear and lipid deficiency in certain patients with dry eye.
30 Although real-time topographical interference displays in the DR-1 using our color chart have not been achieved at present, conversion of interference colors to lipid layer thickness data based on our logical color chart system has been realized. It is our belief that conducting further clinical studies to determine repeatability of results obtained with our color chart in patients with dry eye and ocular surface disorders would be highly interesting. Our method can also have application in the evaluation of objective and quantitative parameters with different therapeutic modalities.
In conclusion, we developed a new color chart that we believe will be of benefit in converting tear interference color information to tear lipid layer film thickness data.
The authors thank Fabrice Manns, PhD, Ocular Biophysics Center, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami (Miami, FL), and Naoshi Shinozaki, Executive Director, Cornea Center and Eye Bank, Tokyo Dental College (Chiba, Japan), for instruction on the principles of the interference phenomena and Hirayuki Sato and Koji Endo, PhD, Analytical Research Center, KAO Corp. (Tochigi, Japan), for providing expertise in linking colorimetry and interferometry.