The results show that congenic nondystrophic RCS rats have acuity and contrast sensitivity measures that are indistinguishable from Long-Evans strain rats; a strain known to have normal spatial vision.
19 21 An acuity of approximately 1.0 cyc/deg has been achieved in normal pigmented rodents in several behavioral studies, using quite different but often more time-consuming testing regimens,
18 not suitable for the current studies. In addition, physiological recording from cells in the primary visual cortex of normal pigmented rats have given spatial-resolution thresholds of approximately 1.2 cyc/deg, suggesting that this is the true optimal performance that can be expected in rodents.
The contrast sensitivity curve of the RCS rats was essentially identical with that of Long-Evans. A similar U-shaped function has also been characterized,
24 but the low-frequency fall-off in both strains at 0.059 cyc/deg may have been exaggerated by the small number (2) of cycles on the screen.
The retinal dystrophy in the RCS rat was first recognized on a pink-eyed tan hooded rat,
25 crossbred to produce a strain with pigmented eyes.
26 This strain was subsequently outbred
26 and sent to the Institute of Ophthalmology (London, UK) where it was maintained as an inbred colony and provided the source of the present animals. Previous studies
21 23 have shown that genetic mutations, such as those of albinism, can produce large changes in visual acuity. The normality of the nondystrophic RCS rat demonstrated in this study is important, because it establishes that it can serve as a suitable control in many experiments and that comparative data from Long-Evans rats is relevant. With respect to the present studies, abnormalities in the visual function of dystrophic RCS rats (
rdy +,
p +) are exclusively the consequence of the RPE abnormality and not of the irrelevant background effects resulting from inbreeding. This study also shows that spatial vision deteriorates in dystrophic RCS rats in two phases: (1) a phase of rapid deterioration already underway by 1 month, when the acuity is 0.82 cyc/deg, and continuing until 4 months of age, by which age the acuity has reached 0.32 cyc/deg; and (2) a phase of slow deterioration of responsiveness that begins at 4 months and gradually increases in slope, leading to eventual total loss of spatial vision by 11 months. This sequence and indeed the levels of performance possible at even 6 months of age might not be predicted from previous anatomic and functional studies.
Anatomic investigation has shown that although a near complete photoreceptor complement is present at 1 month of age, there is nevertheless considerable disruption of outer segments. Over the next months, there is a decline in photoreceptor density from 300 photoreceptor cell nuclei per midsagittal section at 2 months of age (approximately two nuclei thick) to 100 at 3 months (a single cell layer).
8 12 After that, only a discontinuous layer of single cells is seen, although a few photoreceptors, which appear to be cones, are still present at 1 year of age. Because rods account for more than 95% of photoreceptors in the rat, any raw count of photoreceptors without distinction of type is likely to bias toward rods. There has at this point been no systematic study of changes in cone numbers with age. With time, there are changes in the inner retina.
13 14 15 Some of the changes result from abnormal vascular formations and from 6 months onward, there is progressive loss of retinal ganglion cells.
ERG studies
27 28 indicate that the a-wave, an indicator of rod function, is lost by day 55, and the remaining b-wave which is largely cone dependent disappears by 80 to 100 days. Adaptation studies (Girman S, et al.
IOVS 2003;44:ARVO E-Abstract 482) indicate that rod function is severely compromised as early as 3 weeks of age, although there is indication that a slowly adapting response is still present up to 3 months, but this would be unlikely to play any role in discriminations under the testing conditions used in this study. Physiological studies (Girman S, et al.
IOVS 2003;44;ARVO E-Abstract 482) of single-unit responses in the cerebral cortex of RCS rats show that with time, units become less well tuned to specific stimuli and by 7 months, units can no longer be isolated that respond to visual stimulation. Multiunit recording studies from the superior colliculus under mesopic conditions (background luminance of 0.02 cd/m
2) show that thresholds increase with age and that by 6 months it is hard to get responses to focal stimulation although responses can still be elicited to full-field stimulation. Certain reflex responses such as the pupillary light reflex can be elicited albeit with higher threshold levels up to at least 12 months of age.
29 30 However, it has been shown that such responses may be driven by melanopsin-containing ganglion cells and may not need photoreceptors.
31 32
Head-tracking to moving stripes is lost in untreated dystrophic rats by 8 weeks,
17 whereas normal rats can track at better than 0.5 cyc/deg. Previous work
17 testing acuity in dystrophic RCS rats also showed deterioration in performance with time, but under the testing conditions used, best performance in nondystrophic animals was approximately 0.38 cyc/deg and by 6 months. Dystrophic rats from the same strain as that used in the current study were unable to discriminate stripes of 0.1 cyc/deg. The present test gives optimal performance in nondystrophic rats at levels similar to those found in other experiments,
18 33 and, at 6 months, dystrophic rats can still perform at 0.28 cyc/deg. The increased sensitivity of the present method allows better analysis of change with time and titration of the dynamics of such change.
It appears then that there are several variables that affect measures of performance. First is the question of whether rods, cones, or some other cell type such as the melanopsin-containing ganglion cells are responsible for behavior. The present study was conducted under photopic conditions in which rods are likely to be saturated. Furthermore, adaptation studies (Girman S, et al.
IOVS 2003;44ARVO E-Abstract 482) and the age at which the ERG a-wave is lost
27 28 suggest that much of the testing in dystrophics is done under conditions in which the rods are likely to be severely dysfunctional or nonfunctional. The luminance levels that drive melanopsin-mediated responses
31 are much higher than those used in our study. For these reasons, it is most likely that the test reflects the abilities of cones. The second variable is the sensitivity of the particular test. It is known for example that in patients with retinal disease, the ERG response can be flat, but the patients may still have a considerable degree of vision.
34 In dystrophic RCS rats, the cone-based ERG fails at approximately 14 weeks,
27 28 which is close to the end of the first phase of deterioration in acuity. Comparisons between our results and those attained previously
17 show that even minor changes in methodology and testing conditions can influence performance measures considerably. A third potential variable is the condition of the inner retina, whether changes in cell patterns and synaptic details and, after 6 months of age the loss of retinal ganglion cells, might all contribute to the decline over time. Finally, there is the issue of where in the central nervous system (CNS) the input signals are being processed to effect the behavior. Based on previous observations,
35 it is likely that high-resolution responses are cortically mediated. However, it cannot be excluded that at lower spatial frequencies, noncortical mechanisms may also play a role.
In summary, these results show that the Visual Water Task provides a highly discriminative method for assessing visual performance in normal and dystrophic rats. It shows the progressive deterioration in vision in dystrophic RCS rats, continuing over a time frame that is more extended than would be expected from previous studies, and it shows two distinct phases in the deterioration curve. This prompts further investigations of the substrates of the changes, focusing particularly on cone-mediated channels, and the limiting factors in performance, including the potential for gain change with time. Most important, this work provides the substrate for further studies
36 (Prusky GT, et al.
IOVS 2003;44:ARVO E-Abstract 512) investigating the effects of transplantation and other procedures designed to slow the progress of retinal degeneration on visual performance. The fact that spatial vision as assessed in this study does not correlate easily with indices, such as counts of cells in the outer nuclear layer and full-field ERG recordings, emphasizes the importance of studying it as an endpoint in potential treatments for retinal disease, since the goal of such studies is clearly to improve vision above all.