Over recent years, several studies have focused on the likely involvement of proteolytic enzymes of the metalloproteinase class in the pathogenesis of pterygia
7 8 9 10 11 12 14 and the potential role of UV light in the development of this lesion.
13 14 37 38 Previously, we reported the abundant expression of MMP-1 in pterygium tissue,
7 at the invading pterygium edge,
10 and in cultured PECs.
7 The current investigation extends these observations and suggests that MMP-1 is a likely candidate enzyme in pterygium formation, because UV light regulates this enzyme at the level of transcription and translation. Of interest, although MMP-1 was increased in a time- and dose-dependent manner in cultured PECs, the same could not be said for its counterregulatory molecules, the TIMPs. Likewise, MMP-1 protein was significantly elevated in UVB-exposed organ-cultured pterygia. These data imply a possible imbalance in favor of enzymatic over inhibitory activity that may facilitate pterygium invasion through the normal cornea.
MMP-1 was the first described and is to date the best characterized member of the MMP family. This enzyme is one of three interstitial collagenases capable of selectively cleaving fibrillar collagen at a single locus.
23 For this reason, it is one of the most important ECM rate-limiting enzymes in humans. Knowledge of the activation and expression status of MMP-1 in pterygia is therefore relevant, as interstitial fibrillar collagen makes up a large component of this lesion.
7 This was a major reason that we focused our attention on MMP-1, although other enzymes with broader substrate specificity, such as MMP-3, may also be relevant. Other reasons for studying MMP-1 include the enzyme’s potential to promote directed cell migration, and hence it may be regarded as a potent chemoattractant.
41 Similarly, type I collagen peptides generated by MMP-1 have chemotactic activity for human leukocytes.
42 In the present investigation, ECM-bound MMP-1 was observed in pterygia
(Fig. 1M) , and its affinity for the collagen molecule is well established.
43 It is likely that matrix-bound MMP-1 forms a reservoir of latent enzyme. Once activated, MMP-1 may release chemotactic collagen peptides and promote leukocyte infiltration and inflammation. MMP-1 can also mediate tumor cell invasion
44 and keratinocyte migration
45 through type I collagen in vitro. Likewise, migrating human keratinocytes actively involved in reepithelialization (wound healing) acquire a collagenolytic phenotype in vivo.
46 This is relevant to pterygia, because this lesion resembles a disregulated model of wound healing.
The notion that UV radiation may be a causative factor in the development of pterygia is derived from extensive epidemiologic studies.
13 14 15 16 17 In our recent investigations, UV exposure amplified the production of inflammatory cytokines and growth factors in cultured PECs and organ-cultured pterygia.
37 38 The present study extends these observations to determine whether the UV-mediated induction of MMP-1 is through a direct or indirect pathway. Petersen et al.
30 demonstrated a dose-dependent and Herrmann et al.
47 a time course-dependent induction of MMP-1 in UVA-irradiated human fibroblasts. As in the current investigation, these studies noted a minimal increase in TIMP-1, suggesting that both genes were discoordinately regulated in response to UV. Corroborating in vivo data were presented by Scharffetter et al.,
48 who demonstrated intense localized MMP-1 mRNA in dermal fibroblasts in UVA-exposed human skin. These data also support the hypothesis of UV-mediated tissue damage in pterygia and other sunlight-related diseases, as proteolysis may be in excess relative to inhibitory activity. In dermal fibroblasts, the UVA-mediated induction of MMP-1 is through an autocrine pathway
49 that is initiated by the early production of IL-1α/β (within hours), which in turn induces IL-6 and subsequently MMP-1.
Minimal erythemal doses of UVB have been shown to increase the transcription, translation, and activation status of MMP-1, -3, and -9 but not of MMP-2 in human skin.
22 Likewise, no modulation of MMP-2 expression after UVB exposure was observed in our study. A possible explanation may be the absence of critical elements in the promoter region of this gene that are present in other MMP promoters and are responsive to UVB.
22 Intense mRNA and protein staining for MMP-1 has been reported in keratinocytes throughout the epidermis of UVB-treated compared with nonirradiated human skin.
21 Furthermore, immunoreactivity for this enzyme was noted throughout the collagenous matrix in UVB-exposed skin,
21 a result that corroborates our findings
(Fig. 1M) . MMP-1 was not induced when either human CECs
(Fig. 6A) or pterygium fibroblasts (data not shown) were irradiated with UVB, and the fact that keratinocytes rarely respond to UVA suggests that different UV spectra may trigger alternate intracellular signal transduction pathways in certain cells. It has also been noted that cells of differing lineage acquire diverse UV-responsive phenotypes.
31 Multiple UV exposures were not performed in the current investigation, and this is perhaps relevant to pterygia, as this lesion often develops over decades. Exposure of human skin to multiple doses of UVB resulted in sustained maximum MMP-1 levels over 7 days.
21 Accumulation of matrilysin (MMP-7) and metalloelastase (MMP-12) has been reported in sun-damaged and photosensitized human skin in a bandlike pattern below basal keratinocytes, similar to the MMP-1 staining observed in the present study (
Fig. 1A , arrowheads). The same study demonstrated increased MMP-12 after multiple exposures to UVB.
From our tissue localization studies
(Fig. 1) and our ex vivo
(Fig. 9) model, it could be argued that levels of MMP-1 reflect the hyperplasia and inflammation that characterize the disease. The high and variable level of this enzyme in nonirradiated specimens is supporting evidence for this hypothesis. However, the significant induction of MMP-1 after UVB exposure suggests a probable role for this agent in the pathophysiology of the disease. Furthermore, no reliable animal model for the disease is available for accurate assessment of the pathophysiological effect of UVB. Although many cell types express MMP-1 in pterygia, our in vitro model demonstrated the specific effect of UVB on the induction of MMP-1 in pterygium epithelial cells but not pterygium fibroblasts.
An interesting but yet to be resolved question is whether limbal stem cells and/or their daughter progeny might be responsible for the post-UV effect. Although it is difficult to postulate from our in vivo data, our in vitro results have provided some clues in favor of this hypothesis. First, both the PECs and LECs used in this study share some typical limbal stem cells features that include a distinct cytokeratin profile,
36 p63 expression (data not shown), and an extensive proliferative capacity. Both cell types are also sensitive to the effects of UVB
(Fig. 6) . In contrast, the CECs have a significantly reduced lifespan and do not respond to UVB with respect to MMP-1 production. It is then tempting to speculate that limbal stem cells in vivo may be more susceptible to and altered by environmental agents. Their activation in situ may result in enhanced invasive and proliferative capacity as they express a wider range of effector molecules.
Although the expression of p63 was not the main focus of the current investigation, our immunohistochemical data resemble findings in a previous study
40 in which little or no staining for p63 was detected in the peripheral and central corneal epithelium
(Fig. 1K) but was abundant in the limbus, predominantly in the basal limbal epithelium. This increased staining may be an indicator of enhanced proliferative capacity associated with the least differentiated cells that reside in the basal regions of the limbus.
40 One notable difference between the two studies was the absence of any p63 staining in the superficial limbus,
40 possibly attributable to slight protocol modifications.
Currently, three distinct MAPK pathways have been characterized in detail
51 : ERK1/2, JNK/SAPK, and p38 MAPK. All three pathways can be activated by UV light to varying degrees.
52 This rationale was used to identify the intracellular pathway involved in our model. SB202190 (an inhibitor of p38 and JNK) had no marked effect on MMP-1 levels, whereas PD98059 (an inhibitor of ERK1/2) potently inhibited the UVB-mediated induction of this protease by at least 50%
(Fig. 8) . Future studies will focus on components of AP-1 (namely c-Jun and c-Fos), for several reasons: (1) They are both immediate early induced genes, they complex and bind to eight possible AP-1 sites in the MMP-1 promoter, and they are efficiently induced by UV.
To our knowledge, this is the first study to establish a link between UVB exposure and the induction of matrix-denaturing enzymes in pterygia. The sum of our previous and current data indicate potentially harmful secondary effects of UVB on the induction of proinflammatory cytokines and growth factors, an imbalance in the expression of MMP-1 compared with TIMP-1, and the overexpression of MMP-1 by PECs compared with CECs. If UV light is an environmental factor involved in the pathogenesis of pterygia, then the best form of disease prevention may be ocular protection.
The authors thank Jeanie Chiu for establishing and propagating primary cultures of limbal epithelial cells, Taline Hampartzoumian for assistance with the flow cytometric analysis, and Rakesh Kumar for help with the fluorescence microscopy.