The present study demonstrates that the expression of transcription factor Sp1 in the mouse cornea is developmentally regulated. Immunohistochemical studies indicated that the Sp1 protein in the cornea, especially in corneal basal epithelial cells and keratocytes, was abundant until P11. It was dramatically decreased at P15 and remained low in the adult mouse cornea except in a few superficial epithelial cells. By contrast, the Sp1 level in the central lens epithelium was very weak from E18.5 to all the late stages. Sp1 might not have as important a role in the late lens differentiation as other transcription factors, such as Krüppel-like factor 6.
39 It is of note nonetheless that the Sp1 expression pattern in the lens and the corneal epithelium is different, even though both are derived from the ectoderm between E10.5 and E12.5. These observations are consistent with results from previous developmental
8 and
Sp1 null mouse
19 studies that the expression of Sp1 differs in various cell types during development and that, aside from its general role in the transcription of housekeeping genes, Sp1 has an important regulatory function in development. Also in agreement with previous findings,
8 our data show that Sp1 is downregulated in fully differentiated cells, such as corneal epithelial cells and keratocytes, of adult mouse and in the nondividing and essentially quiescent central epithelial cells
40 of the lens.
Sp1 in the corneal basal epithelium and keratocytes exhibits a dramatic decrease from P11 to P15 that seems to coincide with eyelid opening. This result suggests that developmental programming or environmental changes caused by eyelid opening, including altered light and increased oxidative stress,
36 41 may influence Sp1 expression. To evaluate the effect of light on Sp1 expression, one group of mice was bred in the dark. In these mice, the Sp1 level in the cornea at P15 was still much lower than that at P11. Therefore, we concluded that the altered light might not have had much influence on Sp1 expression during corneal development. Further investigation into the impact of oxidative stress and other factors on the Sp1 expression is merited.
The developmental pattern of Sp1 mRNA transcript in the mouse cornea, as revealed by in situ hybridization, paralleled that of the protein expression of Sp1. Sp1 protein has been shown to be related to a large extent to the mRNA level,
8 but there are also other control mechanisms, such as proteasome-dependent degradation.
42 43 Our data suggest that Sp1 protein in the mouse cornea is mostly regulated at the transcriptional level.
In the adult mouse cornea (
Fig. 1 , P30 and P60), strong Sp1 expression was observed in a few superficial epithelial cells. Epithelial renewal is a constant feature of the corneal epithelium in homeostasis.
44 Precisely how cells are lost from the corneal epithelium has not been fully clarified, though Ren and Wilson
45 suggest that apoptosis
46 is involved. Fas ligand (FasL) is a key physiologic inducer of apoptosis.
47 It was reported that FasL mRNA is expressed in primary cultures of human corneal fibroblasts, epithelial cells, and endothelial cells.
48 FasL protein was detected in the epithelial and endothelial cells in fresh-frozen human corneas,
48 and it was also noted in keratocytes under diseased conditions such as in Fuchs’ corneal dystrophy
49 and keratoconus (Nakamura H, et al., unpublished observation, 2003). Recently, evidence has been provided that Sp1 upregulates apoptosis through the promoter region of FasL and caspase 3 in differentiated cells including Sertoli, Jurkat, T, smooth muscle, and PC12 cells.
11 16 17 18 50 We thus speculate that Sp1 expression may be related to the apoptotic process in the superficial corneal epithelial cells.
For more quantitative data, we attempted Western blot and relative quantitative RT-PCR analyses at least three times using the developing corneal samples (data not shown). However, the results did not correlate well with those of the immunohistochemical analysis and in situ hybridization. Samples used for quantitative analyses were from full-thickness corneas because it was difficult to dissect each corneal layer separately. It is thus reasoned that the inclusion of corneal endothelial cells and superficial epithelial cells that showed intense Sp1 expression might have presented a complicated scenario. Isolation of single cells from different layers of corneal tissues seems to be necessary, and recently developed techniques such as laser capture microdissection may aid in this effort.
Although the mechanism is unclear, Sp1 has been shown to be upregulated in keratoconus. Results of the present study imply that perhaps in keratoconus, the postdevelopmental program engineered to silence Sp1 is aberrant such that the Sp1 level in the mature cornea remains abnormally high or unsuppressed. The human Sp1 promoter has been cloned and characterized,
51 and the 1.6-kb promoter is GC rich. The presence of CpG islands suggests the possibility that epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation
52 53 54 and histone acetylation
53 55 may be involved in the transcriptional regulation of Sp1.
In summary, we presented herein a dynamic pattern of developmental expression of transcription factor Sp1 in the mouse cornea. The results provide a basis for further investigation into the regulation of the Sp1 gene during corneal development and in diseases such as keratoconus.
The authors thank Maria Ramirez, Xiang Shen, and Ruth Zelkha for assistance in immunohistochemical experiments and imaging and Mary Ann Stepp, George Washington University, for pilot studies.