Numerous functional and immunohistochemical studies on the RPE from a variety of species have established that Na
+-ATPase has a predominantly apical distribution. Recently, Burke et al.
29 showed that in bovine central retina, individual RPE cells exhibit differences in Na
+-ATPase staining, with adjacent cells in some regions having high and low levels of immunolabeling. Because Kir7.1 and the Na
+-ATPase are thought to be functionally coupled, we were interested to learn whether there is correlation in the distribution of these two proteins.
Figure 8 shows Nomarski and immunofluorescence images of peripheral
(Figs. 8A 8B 8C 8D) and central
(Figs. 8E 8F 8G 8H) retinal cryosections double labeled for Kir7.1 and Na
+-ATPase. In peripheral retinal sections, all RPE cells appeared to have Kir7.1
(Fig. 8B) and Na
(Fig. 8C) distributed in the apical processes, where the two proteins appeared to colocalize
(Fig. 8D) . In contrast, RPE cells in the central retina displayed intense Kir7.1 immunolabeling of their apical processes
(Fig. 8F) but had a heterogeneous expression pattern of Na
+-ATPase, with high and low levels of Na
+-ATPase immunolabeling in adjacent RPE cells
(Fig. 8G) . Hence, in some RPE cells within the central retina, Kir7.1 and Na
+-ATPase colocalized in the apical processes, whereas in other cells Kir7.1 was present in the apical processes, but Na
+-ATPase was present at low levels or was undetectable
(Fig. 8H) .