The natural history of refractive errors among older adults has not been widely studied until the past decade. Most research has focused on myopia in children, as this condition is mainly considered to occur at young ages. More recent population studies, involving predominantly European-origin participants, have shown that refractive shifts continue in older adulthood.
19 21 22 The BESs provide the first longitudinal data, to our best knowledge, on refractive error changes in a large adult African-origin population. Over the 9-year follow-up period, refraction changes varied according to age. Persons 40 to 49 years of age at baseline experienced a hyperopic shift (mean, +0.47 D; median, +0.38 D) with only 4% having changes less than −0.5 D, whereas persons 60 years of age or more had refractive error shifts toward myopia (mean = −0.88 D; median = −0.75 D), with more than 50% of participants having myopic shifts.
The pattern of shift toward hyperopia among younger adults and the shift toward myopia among older adults is consistent with longitudinal observations in other population studies in Australia and the United States.
19 21 22 The 9-year changes in refractive errors in our study were also consistent with the baseline prevalence data from the BESs, which showed an increasing prevalence of myopia and a decreasing prevalence of hyperopia after 60 years of age.
15 Similar results were found in some
17 18 but not other studies.
10 11 13 16 30 The age patterns observed in our investigation indicate that actual longitudinal changes with age are a more likely explanation than a cohort effect, which was not apparent in our study. The shifts toward hyperopia in younger adults, as they increased in age during follow-up, seemed consistent with age-related biometric data from Chinese adults in Singapore.
31 In that cross-sectional study, hyperopia was more prevalent in the older than in younger members of the 40 to 59 year age group, an increase that was principally explained by shorter axial lengths and lesser vitreous chamber depths with age.
31 An additional contributor to the hyperopic shifts in younger adults from our study may be that nuclear cataract has a later onset (after 50 years). The myopic shifts in older adults thus may be largely influenced by the presence of nuclear cataract at baseline or at follow-up. In fact, baseline nuclear opacities and advancing age both independently increased the risk of myopia
(Table 4) . The 9-year incidence of myopia continued to increase with age, even in persons without nuclear opacities at baseline, from 3.3% in persons aged 40 to 49 years to 10.6%, 24.4%, and 29.2% in the subsequent age groups. Most of the older participants without nuclear opacities at baseline had nuclear cataract develop by follow-up, with frequencies being 8% and 40% in the two younger age groups, 76% in persons aged 60 to 69 years, and 90% in persons aged 70 years or older.
The Blue Mountains Eye Study (BMES) reported a 5-year hyperopic change in persons aged 49 to 54 years (+0.42 D) and a myopic shift (−0.22 D) in those aged 75 years or more. Myopic shifts of greater than 0.5 D were seen in only 3% of the younger age group, but they continuously increased to 28% in the older group.
21 In the Beaver Dam Eye Study (BDES), only 4% of participants 59 years of age or less had a shift toward myopia more than −0.5 D during a 10-year period, whereas 33% of those 70 years or more had such myopic shifts.
22 Myopic shifts at older ages appeared to be more substantial in BESs than in these two studies, and the reversal in age pattern occurred at younger ages. In BESs, a slight myopic shift was noticeable in persons as young as 50 to 59 years of age, and a marked shift toward myopia started at 60 to 69 years. In contrast, considerable myopic shifts in the BMES and BDES were not observed until 75 years of age at the 5-year follow-up and until 70 years of age at the 10-year follow-up, respectively. This finding may be partially attributable to the lower rate of cataract surgery in our study.
The women in the BESs population were more prone to development of hyperopia than were the men (RR = 1.4). Our results appear to support findings from various cross-sectional evaluations that reported a positive relationship between female gender and hyperopia.
10 12 13 15 17 18 The men had a 70% higher risk of moderate-high myopia (RR = 1.7). The somewhat larger 9-year myopic shift in the men (−0.11 D) than in the women (−0.06 D) was also statistically significant (
P = 0.03), after adjustment for age, lens opacities, and glaucoma status. Longitudinal investigations of refractive error change in BMES
21 and BDES,
19 22 however, showed no gender differences. The BESs protocol did not include measurements of axial length or keratometry. However, variations in ocular dimensions have been found in other adult populations and may partially explain the age and gender differences in refraction.
31 32
Education and near-work related occupations were not related to the development of myopia or hyperopia during 9 years of follow-up, consistent with findings from BDES, where education showed no effect on the longitudinal refraction changes.
22 Additional analyses also showed no significant interactions between education and occupation, as well as between age and each of these factors. In the BESs, near-work occupational categories were based on self-reported lifetime occupation (“what kind of work have you done for
most of your life”). Such a definition may not accurately reflect the extent and intensity of close-up activities of the participants. Genetic and environmental factors, and their interactions, may contribute to refractive errors, as has been mostly discussed in children.
33 Therefore, our results may be susceptible to uncontrolled confounding from factors such as near-work activity early in life and family history of refractive errors, which were not included in our data collection.
Although no association was noted between diabetes and incident myopia/hyperopia based on the cutoff of 0.5 D, persons with a history of diabetes had a nearly twofold risk of development of moderate-high myopia (< −3 D). In an adult clinic population in Denmark, a preponderance of myopia was reported in persons with diabetes (compared with those without).
34 35 In contrast, the presence of diabetes in BDES was related to a larger shift toward hyperopia
22 ; furthermore, diabetes did not predict 5-year refractive change in BMES.
21 Transient changes of refraction in diabetes could be myopic or hyperopic, depending on whether changes occur in the refractive indices or in the curvatures of the lens.
36 The relationship between diabetes and myopia thus merits further confirmation from other studies.
Eyes with nuclear opacities at baseline had a 1.7-fold risk of myopia and a 3.6-fold risk of moderate-high myopia at follow-up. The association of refractive errors to cataract, particularly nuclear cataract, has been reported in several cross-sectional population studies of adults.
15 16 17 18 32 37 38 In one study in which the relation between myopia and cataract morphology was investigated, investigators concluded that simple myopia does not predispose to cataract, but is the product of cataract—in particular, of nuclear sclerosis.
39 When examining the cross-sectional relationship of age-related cataract to refractive errors and biometric measurements, Wong et al.
38 found that nuclear cataract was associated with myopia but not with axial ocular dimensions. These observations are consistent with the index-myopia hypothesis that increasing nuclear sclerosis of the lens with age causes a myopic shift in refraction. In addition to the association between baseline nuclear opacities and incident myopia found in our study, data from several other longitudinal studies appear to support such a causal relationship. In the BDESs, no association was found between baseline myopic refraction and 5-year incident nuclear cataract,
40 but a significant relationship was reported between baseline nuclear sclerosis and a shift toward myopia after 10 years of follow-up.
22 In the BMES, the presence of nuclear cataract at baseline was associated with a 5-year myopic shift.
21 One small study also showed a significant myopic shift among persons with nuclear cataract.
41 However, myopia could also be related to the development of nuclear opacities, as shown from the significant association of baseline myopia to incident nuclear opacities, as found in separate evaluations of BMES
42 and BESs
43 data. The complicated interrelationship between nuclear cataract and myopia therefore needs further investigation.
The association of cortical cataract and refractive errors has not been established clearly. In the BESs, the presence of cortical opacities at baseline was negatively associated with incident myopia (RR = 0.6) after a 9-year follow-up. This relationship reflects a role for the
cortical only opacity type, since it was found after adjusting for other coexisting types of opacities, especially nuclear, which sometimes accompany cortical opacities. Although results were consistent with baseline findings from BES, there is no obvious explanation for such a relationship. The polarity of spherical aberration was shown to be negative in eyes with nuclear cataract, but was positive in eyes with cortical cataract
44 ; such disparity may have different effects on refractive errors.
The cross-sectional association of glaucoma and myopia has been demonstrated in various clinic-based and case–control studies.
45 46 47 Associations between IOP and refractive errors were also found in some
47 48 49 but not all reports.
50 51 52 In the older white population of the BMES, a strong relationship between myopia and glaucoma (two- to threefold) was found, as well as a borderline association between myopia and ocular hypertension.
53 In the large population survey conducted to identify patients for the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial, myopia was reported as a major risk factor for glaucoma—particularly for normal-tension glaucoma.
54 Investigation of our baseline data also shows a positive association of myopia to glaucoma and ocular hypertension, with a negative association with hyperopia.
15 Findings from the longitudinal data in the BESs cohort were thus consistent with results from our baseline cross-sectional evaluation, as they confirmed the relationship between myopia and glaucoma/ocular hypertension. Although glaucoma, ocular hypertension, and incident myopia appear to be linked, the temporal association of these conditions is not intuitively clear. The general impression is that myopia may predispose to glaucoma, rather than being its consequence; however, the association between baseline glaucoma/ocular hypertension and subsequent development of myopia in this adult population suggests otherwise. Because myopia and glaucoma both show changes in ocular connective tissue, they may share common pathways.
55 The linkage between myopia and glaucoma may not necessarily have a single causal explanation. Increased IOP can cause axial elongation of the globe and myopia in a previously emmetropic eye—a process more likely to occur in congenital or juvenile glaucoma.
55 Studies also have shown that reduction of IOP may prevent progressive myopia.
56 In sum, the physiological and clinical interpretation of these relationships remains in doubt.
In addition to the population-based design, major strengths of our study include the long-term follow-up of the cohort, with credible participation, as well as the standardized protocol for refractive errors and other outcomes at all study visits. However, losses to follow-up are inevitable in such a long-term study, and, as expected, nonparticipants were older.
25 The current results exclude persons with cataract surgery or very poor visual acuity, an approach similarly taken by other population-based studies on refractive errors. These exclusions could lead to selection biases, as those excluded may also be older and have a higher likelihood of ocular conditions such as cataract and glaucoma at baseline. Results may thus underestimate the incidence of myopia and overestimate the incidence of hyperopia, with possible attenuation of risk estimates. The infrequent presence of PSC opacities in this population did not allow an appropriate evaluation of this potential risk factor.