This cell line was originally established from retinal tumors arising from the expression of SV40 T-ag.
16 Therefore, immunoblot analysis
(Fig. 1A) revealed that while T-ag is absent in the normal retina, its expression in the 661W cells is as abundant as in COS-7 cells, the monkey kidney cells transformed by T-ag.
26 In terms of photoreceptor-specific proteins, these cells were found to express cone blue opsin (SWS1,
Fig. 1B ), cone red or green opsin (L/MWS,
Fig. 1C ), transducin (GαT1,
Fig. 1D ), and cone arrestin (cArr,
Fig. 1E ). Because mouse cone photoreceptors express only green opsin,
27 the cone pigment detected in 661W cells was probably green opsin. However, 661W cells did not express rod-photoreceptor–specific proteins, such as rod opsin (Rho,
Fig. 2A ) or rod arrestin (rArr,
Fig. 2B ). Furthermore, 661W cells do not express RPE65
(Fig. 2D) , which has been shown to be expressed in RPE and cone photoreceptors.
28 Finally, these cells were devoid of other proteins that are common to both rods and cones. Proteins such as phosducin (Phos,
Fig. 2C ), peripherin/rds (P/rds,
Fig. 2E ), and ROM1
(Fig. 2F) were not detected in 661W cells.