Hydrophobic binding through the isoprenyl group is the major mechanism by which Τβγ and, other Gβγ isoforms target cell membranes and their effector proteins.
9 10 Reversible methylation at the neighboring carboxyl group is thought to play a role in regulating isoprenylated proteins.
11 In rod outer segments, Tβ1γ1, along with the α, β-subunits of PDE and the small G protein, undergoes reversible methylation.
36 The enzymes that specifically catalyze the methylation and demethylation of the farnesylated cysteine have also been identified.
37 38 Several in vitro studies have shown that methylation increases the Tβγ-mediated activities
30 31 39 ; most discussions credited the effects to enhanced hydrophobicity and membrane binding. However, several observations from this study indicate that reversible methylation also induces conformational changes that modify the electrostatic surface of Tβγ. First, during native-PAGE the demethylated Tβγ migrated much faster than the methylated dimer, indicating large electrostatic changes that could not be explained by the difference of one negative charge on the intrinsically acidic rod or cone Τβγ.
15 Second, pdc masked the mobility differential between methylated and demethylated Tβγ, suggesting an overlap between the pdc binding domain and the surface that is electrostatically regulated by Tγ methylation. Third, the demethylated Tβγ shows twofold lower affinity for pdc than the methylated dimer, even though the crystal structure shows that the Tγ methylation site is outside of the pdc binding surface on Tβγ.
33 35 The crystal structure of Tβ1γ1 suggests a plausible mechanism for such changes. It is known that the farnesyl group and the methylation site of Tγ is surrounded by a prominent patch of positive charges formed by 11 basic residues that scatter throughout the Tβ peptide but come together in the three dimensional space.
34 35 40 This means that reversible methylation, by regulating the presence or absence of a negative charge juxtaposed at the center of domain, is poised to induce far-reaching changes in the spatial arrangement of these basic residues. Of note, this basic surface on Tβγ is not only a part of membrane binding domain but also overlaps with a highly conserved sequence motif, HIKE,
42 which encompasses amino acids residues that are essential for as well as regulate Tβγ interaction with pdc and most of the Gβγ effectors identified to date
(Fig. 6) . A recent report has shown that electrostatic interactions between this positively changed domain and the membranous acidic phospholipids increase the membrane partitioning of Tβγ by one order of magnitude.
40 This means that electrostatic changes induced by reversible methylation may also play a role in regulating Tβγ binding to membranes. It is noteworthy that Tβγ binding to pdc and the Tβγ-stimulated membrane-dependent GTP-S exchange by Tα
30 are similarly affected by reversible methylation, suggesting a common underlying regulatory mechanism.