Nb-A medium is a serum-free medium derived from the original DMEM/Ham’s F12 formula by modifying (glutamine, sodium bicarbonate) or eliminating (glutamate, aspartate, ferrous sulfate) certain components, and by diminishing the osmolarity.
36 It was difficult to determine the absolute cell recovery of this preparation, because we could not distinguish between the efficiency of cell attachment to the substrate and the percentage of cells surviving or dying before attachment. After approximately 24 hours in vitro, we estimated living attached cells to represent 5% of those initially seeded (2 to 3 × 10
4 cells per coverslip). Thereafter, cell survival and expression of photoreceptor proteins remained constant for 1 week before beginning a slow decline. Both rods and cones continued to express S-antigen and recoverin, whereas rods expressed rhodopsin and cones expressed cone arrestin. In our earlier study,
14 photoreceptors did not survive in vitro when isolated from rats older than 2 weeks. The difference in the technical approaches may partly explain these results. Vibratome isolation may be more stressful to cell survival and photoreceptors may have greater difficulty in recuperating from the mechanical damage. Indeed, we observed that pig photoreceptors survived only very poorly when isolated by vibratome and cultivated without feeder layers.
28 Enzyme digestion does not lead to such severe perturbations. Another possible explanation is that adult pig photoreceptors possess higher endogenous levels of FGF2, which allows survival up to 15 days without any further addition. We have shown that endogenous retinal levels of FGF1 and FGF2 increase dramatically (more than 100-fold) during late postnatal stages.
37 38 There is growing evidence that adult neurons exhibit different responses to neurotrophic factors than do newborn or embryonic tissue.
25 39 There are changes in expression and recruitment of both pro- and antiapoptotic proteins in mature compared with immature cells.
40 41 Eventually, endogenous growth factor levels seem to be depleted in our culture conditions and are not sufficient to allow continued cell survival. We have no direct evidence that photoreceptors die by apoptosis in these experimental conditions, but a large body of literature suggests that photoreceptors die by apoptosis in numerous retinal degenerations in vivo
42 43 and in dispersed primary culture.
44 Comparison of relative percentages of rods and cones during culture showed little variation, either as a function of in vitro age or the addition of growth factors. These values (approximately 35%–40% cones and 60%–65% rods) are somewhat higher than the same percentages in vivo (15%–20% cones, 80%–85% rods
12 ), which may result from preferential release of the more superficially located cones during isolation. Given that there is experimental evidence for the existence of rod-derived cone survival factors,
45 46 differential survival might have been expected. One plausible explanation is that sufficient numbers of rods remain viable in these cultures to assure cone survival. Unambiguous testing of this possibility necessitates purification of the rod and cone populations currently being tested.