ECs have been shown to express both Fas and FasL, but are resistant to FasL-induced apoptosis under normal conditions because of the inhibition of cell death by FLIP.
32 33 However, EC Fas expression is upregulated under static and irregular flow conditions
34 and ECs can undergo autoregulatory apoptosis through the Fas-FasL pathway under such conditions.
25 32 Abnormal flow conditions are probably present in the preretinal tufts, which sometimes are not completely luminized. Fas expression is also increased on ECs when treated with growth factors such as VEGF and bFGF in vitro.
26 We saw an upregulation at the mRNA level of Fas in the P17O
2 retina, possibly a result of static and irregular flow conditions in the neovascular tufts. The ECs located within the neovascular tufts are probably primed for Fas-mediated cell death, because of the initial increased levels of VEGF in the hypoxic retina, but are initially resistant. However, by P17O
2, waning levels of VEGF could tip the balance toward the upregulation of proapoptotic factors in conjunction with reduced levels of antiapoptotic factors such as FLIP.
35 Mature vessels are likely to be resistant to this cell death through cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions.
36 These findings suggest that apoptosis may play an important role in autoregulation of neovascularization and, without this level of regulation vessel growth, can proceed unchecked. As shown by Griffith et al.,
18 the expression of FasL throughout the retina may be important for this regulation. Recently, it has also been demonstrated that EC apoptosis induced by thrombospodin-1 (TSP1) and pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) occurs through the Fas-FasL pathway.
26 In a model of corneal angiogenesis, neovascularization was inhibited by TSP1 and PEDF in B6 mice, whereas gld mice were resistant to this inhibition. PEDF has also been shown to be antiangiogenic in the mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy, adding credence to our hypothesis that preretinal EC apoptosis is Fas-FasL mediated.