purpose. To test the hypothesis that the surrounding vascular plexus of the lacrimal sac and the nasolacrimal duct contributes to the regulation of tear outflow.
methods. Experiments in 30 probands aged between 15 and 37 years were performed in both nasolacrimal systems of each subject by observing with an endoscope the transit time of an applied tear drop containing fluorescein dye until its entry into the inferior meatus of the nose. Four different experiments were performed to determine the median transit time under normal conditions and the influence on transit time of a decongestant drug, a foreign body on the ocular surface, and a decongestant drug applied together with a foreign body on the ocular surface. Comparisons were made between the right and left nasolacrimal system, in males and females, eyeglass wearers and non–eyeglass wearers, and the different experiments and the results statistically analyzed.
results. The tear transit time was independent of side (right or left), gender, or eyeglass wear. It showed great individual variability. Application of a decongestant drug or placement of a foreign body on the ocular surface both prolonged the dye transit time significantly. Application of a decongestant drug simultaneously with placement of a foreign body shortened the dye transit time significantly compared with the effect of the decongestant drug alone but revealed no significant difference compared with application of a foreign body alone.
conclusions. The cavernous body of the lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct plays an important role in the physiology of tear outflow regulation. It is subject to autonomic control and is integrated into a complex neuronal reflex feedback mechanism starting with the dense innervation of the cornea. Moreover, its function can be pharmacologically influenced.
Many factors have been hypothesized to be involved in tear outflow, reflecting the unique anatomic configuration of the efferent tear ducts. These include an active lacrimal pump mechanism that functions by contraction of the orbicularis eye muscle; a “wringing out” mechanism governed by a system of helically arranged fibrillar structures; the action of epithelial secretion products; and physical factors, such as capillarity, gravity, respiration, evaporation, and absorption of tear fluid through the lining epithelium of the efferent tear ducts (for review, see Ref.
1 ).
As early as 1866, Henle
2 described a vascular plexus surrounding the lumen of the lacrimal sac and the nasolacrimal duct. This network of large vessels is connected caudally with the cavernous body of the nasal inferior turbinate.
3 4 5 6 Recent morphologic investigations have shown that the vascular system is embedded in the wall of the lacrimal sac and the nasolacrimal duct and fills more than two thirds of the bony canal between the orbit and inferior nasal duct
(Fig. 1) .
7 Specialized types of blood vessels have been distinguished inside the vascular tissue that surrounds the lumen of the lacrimal passage: barrier arteries, capacitance veins, arteriovenous anastomoses, and throttle veins.
7 It has been hypothesized that the surrounding vascular plexus is comparable to a cavernous body. In addition to regulating the blood flow, it is thought the specialized blood vessels permit opening and closing of the lumen of the lacrimal passage, effected by the bulging and subsiding of the cavernous body, and at the same time regulate tear outflow.
7 Swelling occurs when the barrier arteries are opened and the throttle veins closed. Filling of the capacitance veins occurs at the same time as closure of the lumen of the lacrimal passage. By contrast, closure of the barrier arteries and opening of the throttle veins reduce the blood stream to the capacitance veins, simultaneously allowing blood outflow from these veins with resultant shrinkage of the cavernous body and dilatation of the lumen of the lacrimal passage. Arteriovenous anastomoses provide for direct blood flow between arteries and venous lacunae. Thus, the subepithelially situated capillary network can be avoided, and rapid filling of capacitance veins is possible when the shunts of the arteriovenous anastomosis are open.
7 Moreover, it was demonstrated that the specialized blood vessels of the cavernous body are densely innervated.
8 It has been speculated that by means of this innervation the cavernous body of the efferent tear ducts acts to protect the ocular surface against foreign bodies and is also involved in epiphora related to emotional response.
The presumable impact of the cavernous body of the efferent tear ducts on tear outflow regulation
1 7 8 led us to a detailed analysis of its physiological function in the healthy state and an investigation of potential differences under experimental conditions.