In the present study this summation of coherent Airy-like discs on the retina was studied by computer simulation MatLab software (The MathWorks, Natick, MA). The study adhered to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki for research in human subjects. The outcome was compared to the subjective appearance of actual ciliary coronas. Subjects were asked to tell us about the details that were observed in the ciliary corona of their own eyes. For this, a bare 100-W halogen lamp was used, viewed on its smallest side (1.8 × 1.0-mm filament size), located 4 meters from the subject against a black background. The viewing condition was otherwise unrestricted. The intensity of this light was relatively easily to bear, with no adverse effects such as frequent blinking or excessive tearing. Approximately 20 individuals were asked for more global descriptions (appearance of “very fine needles,” presence of “weak colorations,” global extent) while wearing their habitual correction. Four ophthalmically normal subjects participated in a more elaborate process and systematic comparison. In these four subjects habitual correction was used, and also best correction with trial lenses, but this made no difference. Natural as well as dilated pupils were used. We tried to make the observations on the subjective appearance as quantitative as possible. This was possible with respect to the estimation of maximum extent of the corona (∼8°, see the Results section) and the ratio between inner and outer end of the line segments seen in the corona (∼0.7, see the Results section). The other observations remained qualitative (e.g., “bluish” end “reddish” end regions, needles being “very fine,” but “coarser” for smaller pupils. See the Results section). Their retinal stray-light values were measured quantitatively using a psychophysical approach, “the direct compensation method” described in the literature.
2 16 Their measured stray-light values are in the normal range for the respective ages.
4 In short, this method involves presenting a flickering ring to the subject. Because of light-scattering in the eye, part of the flickering light from this ring also reaches the center of the retinal projection of this ring. Because of that, the subject perceives a (faint) flicker in the center of the ring. With counterphase modulating light added to the center, this stray-light flicker can be silenced. The amount of counterphase-modulating light needed for silencing directly corresponds to the strength of retinal stray light in the respective individual. This approach was implemented in a noncommercial instrument,
16 as used in the present study, but recently a market instrument was manufactured by Oculus GmbH (Wetzlar, Germany). Main subjects were the three authors and one other member of the group. The stray-light values are given as the log stray-light parameter (log(s)) for 10° of visual angle
4 : subject MH, age 25, glasses OD sphere (S): −7.0, cylinder (C): −0.75, OS S: −6.75, C: −2.25, log(s) = 0.8; subject AR, age 31, glasses OD S: −1.75, OS S: −1.5, log(s) = 0.9; subject JC, age 31, glasses OD S: −4.25, OS S: −4.25, log(s) =1.0; subject TB, age 54, no correction (OD S: −0.75, OS S: −0.37), log(s) = 1.1.