Numerous mathematical methods could be used to analyze and parameterize the TSNIT shape. Previously, we used Fourier analysis as the mathematical analysis method to characterize the shape of the TSNIT pattern
(Fig. 1) . This “fast” Fourier analysis (FFA) linearly breaks up the pattern into sinusoidal variations in thickness (i.e., into a
set of sinusoids in which each sinusoid is a different scale, or frequency) and thus has a different number of humps across the TSNIT data set.
10 Fourier analysis breaks an individual’s TSNIT pattern into the sum of a set of sine-wave patterns of particular amplitude and phase (position). We have applied this analysis method to the TSNIT pattern previously in three ways: simultaneously at multiple distances from the disc in a two-dimensional polar Fourier analysis (Essock EA, et al.
IOVS 1999;40:ARVO Abstract 3481) at a single ring with the Fourier analysis performed separately on the superior and inferior halves of the data (Essock EA, et al.
IOVS 1999;40:ARVO Abstract 3481; Essock EA, et al.
IOVS 2001;42:ARVO Abstract 93; Bryant FD, et al.
IOVS 2000;41:ARVO Abstract 485; see also Ref.
16 ); and most typically, at a single ring for the full TSNIT pattern (Essock EA, et al.
IOVS 2001;42:ARVO Abstract 93; Sinai MJ, et al.
IOVS 2001;42:ARVO Abstract 717; Sinai MJ, et al.
IOVS 2002;43:ARVO E-Abstract 302; see also Ref.
11 ).
17 We have also considered combinations of amplitudes of specific frequencies (i.e., specific shapes) (Essock EA, et al.
IOVS 1999;40:ARVO Abstract 3481; Essock EA, et al.
IOVS 2001;42:ARVO Abstract 93; Bryant FD, et al.
IOVS 2000;41:ARVO Abstract 485)
10 both unsigned phase (i.e., indicating magnitude) (Sinai MJ, et al.
IOVS 2001;42:ARVO Abstract 717; Sinai MJ, et al.
IOVS 2002;43:ARVO E-Abstract 302)
17 and signed phase (indicating magnitude and direction) (Essock EA, et al.
IOVS 2001;42:ARVO Abstract 93) and measures of asymmetry of these amplitude and phase parameters, both between the fellow eyes and also between superior and inferior hemiretinas within an eye (Essock EA, et al.
IOVS 1999;40:ARVO Abstract 3481; Essock EA, et al.
IOVS 2001;42:ARVO Abstract 93; Sinai MJ, et al.
IOVS 2002;43:ARVO E-Abstract 302; Bryant FD, et al.
IOVS 2000;41:ARVO Abstract 485). The use of asymmetry values has appeared to be a particularly promising addition to FFA and are directly examined herein. However, despite the success of these various approaches, a Fourier analysis may not be the best choice to capture the shape of the normal TSNIT pattern in relatively few parameters. In the present paper, we report use of a different shape analysis method (Essock EA, et al.
IOVS 2003;44:ARVO E-Abstract 3378; Gunvant P, et al.
IOVS 2004;45:ARVO E-Abstract 5504)
18 19 20 that was developed to address this weakness of using FFA for RNFL analysis. Instead of a Fourier analysis that emphasizes the frequency domain (i.e., a set of the infinite regular repeating patterns of sine waves), we adopted a wavelet analysis for the primary analysis of the TSNIT pattern. A wavelet analysis offers the advantage that it emphasizes local shape (i.e., the space domain) and is better suited to capture the irregular or abrupt changes in the TSNIT shape that are particularly evident in GDx-VCC data (see
Fig. 6B ) (Vermeer KA, et al.
IOVS 2004;45:ARVO E-Abstract 3309).