A CEC was created that allowed regulation of AF and humidity and control of temperature
(Fig. 1) . The chamber consists of a cage (Laboratory Products Inc., Seaford, DE) modified to allow the use of desiccants. The usable floor area of our modified cage is 725 cm
2. The roof of the cage is sealed with isolating material to make the chamber independent from the humidity of the room where it is placed. A hole on the roof allows the air to move outside the CEC. A stainless-steel barrier system has been placed inside the chamber, in which desiccants can be placed without the risk of any contact with the mice. For desiccants, we use indicating silica gel packed in cartridges of 114 mm diameter (Cole-Parmer Instrument Company, Vernon Hills, IL), and anhydrous CaSO
4 (Drierite; W. A. Hammond Drierite Co., Xenia, OH), both of which are commonly used to remove moisture from the environment and are nontoxic to humans and animals. The CEC is connected to an air line and a temperature and humidity recorder. A small, low-noise (38 dB) oilless linear pump (38 L/min open flow, 26 W; Gast Manufacturing, Inc., Benton Harbor, MI) placed 1 m from the chamber is used as the source of air. The flow is regulated by a flowmeter (0–50 L/min, accuracy ±5%) with a valve placed on the air line. The air is pumped into the chamber through four tips (1-mm diameter) placed in two opposite walls. The height of the tips (3.5 and 4.5 cm on one side, 3 and 4 cm on the other) has been chosen to correspond to the height of the mouse’s eyes. The humidity of the air pumped in the chamber can be regulated by a valve that can direct the air into a desiccant system made of a water separator (SMC Corp., Tokyo, Japan), and air-drying columns containing CaSO
4. In the CEC, temperature (range, 5–45°C, accuracy ±1°C), and humidity (0%–100%, accuracy ±2%) are constantly monitored by a probe and recorded on circular charts by a temperature humidity recorder (Supco, Allenwood, NJ).
The CEC was initially validated by testing the temperature and humidity in its environment in different room conditions. Specifically, we tested its capacity to decrease the humidity in its chamber by placing desiccants and maintaining constant AF of 15 L/min of dehumidified air. In the second phase of our studies we evaluated the CEC with mice in it. Before initiating these experiments, animals were kept in (standard) individual cages for at least 4 days. These cages were placed in the same room, with temperature maintained at 21°C to 23°C, at a relative humidity (RH) of 40% to 60%. The animals were then randomly divided into study (n = 30) and control (n = 30) groups. Mice in the study group were placed into the CEC (n = 5/cage) and exposed to controlled environmental conditions (RH, < 25%; AF, 15 L/min; temperature, 21–23°C) for 3, 7, 14, and 28 days, to determine the effect of these environmental conditions in vivo. These settings were chosen for two reasons: First, we selected environmental conditions that nearly maximized the capacity of the CEC to deliver a low-humidity and high-AF condition, to expose mice to a highly drying environment; second, we determined settings that we had determined could be reliably delivered and maintained by the CEC for prolonged periods. During these experiments, the animals’ behavior, food, and water intake were not restricted. The control mice (n = 5/cage) were kept in standard cages with a normal environment (RH, 50%–80%; no AF; temperature, 21–23°C) for the same duration of time as the study group.
Aqueous tear production and corneal fluorescein staining were measured by a masked observer in all mice, before and after exposure to the CEC or the normal environment. Conjunctival goblet cell density was measured in the study and control groups at the end of each experiment.