The present data confirm in humans conformity to LL under conditions when it is expected to prevail. Saccades with the head immobile have been shown to obey LL in the position domain,
42 although slight deviations from the predicted velocity axes of saccades have been observed.
27 43 Our data, collected with the head immobile, confirm these observations. The LP defined during saccade trials was slightly but significantly thinner than that defined during visual pursuit at 1.1 ± 0.4° versus 2.0 ± 0.6°. Others also have reported LP thickness in the range of 0.9 to 1.2° in monkeys
10 and 1.2° in humans.
6 The thickness of LP recorded in the current experiment during pursuit was slightly greater at 2.0 ± 0.6°, perhaps because the search coil annulus slipped slightly more over the eye during pursuit.
44 A second possibility is that when saccades define LP, most of the data were collected during fixations, which obey LL more precisely than pursuit.
27 One unexpected finding was that there was a systematic difference in vertical LP orientation between the two eyes, for reasons not clear. The orientation of LP did not depend on whether saccades or pursuit were used for definition. In the present study, the average TAR for vertical saccades was 0.45 ± 0.11 (mean ± SD) and 0.50 ± 0.07 for horizontal saccades. These values are consistent with the half-angle velocity domain requirement of LL. Taken together, these observations not only support the robustness of LL, but also provide confidence in the recording and analytical methods used in the present study.
The present study also confirms the non-LL behavior reported somewhat more variably for the VOR. During head motion, eye position has been described to correct for head position without regard to the orientation of LP.
10 12 In the more sensitive velocity domain, the ocular rotational axis reportedly deviates from the head axis by roughly one quarter the angle of eye position, both during low-frequency, sinusoidal head rotation
6 29 and rotational transients.
7 8 12 The present study confirms this finding, extending its temporal resolution to include the time of initiation of vertical saccade onset. Even as the saccade was about to begin, the mean TAR of the VOR slow phase was 0.29 ± 0.07, not significantly different from quarter-angle behavior.
Conformity to LL in the angular position domain implies in the velocity domain a half-angle dependence of the ocular axis on eye position.
4 By visually triggering vertical saccades during large horizontal VOR slow phases, however, the current experiment demonstrates that the converse of the preceding statement is not always true. Whereas the Euler angle and velocity domain formulations of LL are theoretically identical when eye position begins in LP,
4 they are no longer equivalent when eye position begins out of LP. To obey LL in the position domain in such a case, a saccade beginning from a position out of LP would have had to return to LP by correcting the preexisting torsion. That correction would require rotation about an axis not changing by half of eye orientation and so violating the half-angle rule. To conform to the velocity axis definition of LL, the preexisting non-Listing torsion cannot be canceled, requiring eye position to follow a trajectory paralleling but displaced from LP. The VOR slow phase, as observed in this study, did not conform to LL and so generated a torsional eye position displacement out of LP that was present when the visually generated saccade occurred. Despite this initial condition of non-LL torsion, the resultant visually guided saccade conformed to the velocity domain formulation of LL, because the eye’s rotational velocity axis changed by half the angle of horizontal eye position. The saccade made during the VOR slow phase had a TAR of 0.45 ± 0.07 (mean ± SD), identical with the 0.45 ± 0.11 observed during vertical saccades with the head immobile and not significantly different from 0.5. Moreover, the visually guided vertical saccade exhibited this half-angle behavior in the velocity domain despite progressively increasing non-LL torsion due to the ongoing VOR slow phase. Rather than returning the eye to LP, the vertical saccade during the horizontal VOR continued to depart LP in about the same way as for the VOR alone. While failing to observe the position domain formulation of LL, the vertical saccades observed the velocity domain formulation of LL.
The kinematic result just described is seemingly at odds with the study of Lee et al.,
30 who examined saccade kinematics from non-LL starting torsion induced by torsional OKN. The optokinetic system accesses vestibular velocity storage and can also produce ocular torsion out of LP. They found that saccades during torsional OKN returned eye position to LP.
30 Although the velocity domain formulation of LL was not explicitly examined by Lee et al., such a saccade would necessarily violate LL in the velocity domain, since the torsional component of eye velocity must correct the initial non-LL torsion induced by the OKN stimulus. However, during normal torsional OKN, a slow-phase component brings the eye out of LP and is followed by a torsional quick phase that returns the eye back to LP.
30 Given the similarities between the VOR and OKN, one might have incorrectly expected the saccade in the current experiment to have returned eye position to LP. The difference in outcomes may be related to the reflexive coupling between the slow and quick phases of nystagmus. During OKN, quick phases reflexively return eye position to LP, even in the absence of any voluntary saccade. It has been reported that during vestibular nystagmus, quick phases even drive the eye out of LP, allowing slow phases to return the eye to LP.
10 One must presume that the neural commands for slow and quick phases of nystagmus are not independent
45 46 and that saccades may trigger quick phases. Vestibular nystagmus, with its repetitive alternation of slow and quick phases, has an element of predictability that may confound the study of VOR kinematics. It is possible that in the experiments of Lee et al.,
30 the experimentally imposed saccade entrained an OKN quick phase that was responsible for bringing eye position back into LP. The current experiment altogether avoided predictability and quick phases and indeed any saccades besides the desired vertical one. Unlike the experiment of Lee et al., in the present study, vertical saccades during the angular VOR never returned the eye to LP.
The transition in kinematics between the quarter angle of the VOR and the half angle of saccades occurred in the current study without measurable delay. It has been demonstrated that the TAR for the VOR is near 0.25 as early as 20 ms after head rotation onset.
12 Because computation of the TAR requires sufficiently high eye velocity to compute the rotational axis in the presence of baseline noise, 20 ms is as early as any VOR axis can be determined at all and is very close to human angular VOR latency, as measured under these conditions.
38 This suggests that quarter-angle kinematics are an intrinsic property of disynaptic VOR. The current results indicate that the TAR remained near quarter angle up to saccade onset and thus was not modified in anticipation of the saccade. By the time peak velocity was reached only 35 ms later, the TAR for the saccade was 0.5, as required by the velocity domain formulation of LL. Thus, the velocity domain formulation of LL seems to be an inherent property of the visually guided saccade, irrespective of head motion. We would therefore propose that the underlying rationale for LL originates in the velocity rather than in the position domain.
The purpose and underlying basis of LL in the oculomotor system remain controversial. Some favor a neuronal implementation of LL in the premotor neural circuits,
15 30 47 48 whereas others have suggested that the origin of LL lies in the mechanical action of rectus EOM pulleys.
20 36 49 The finding of Lee et al.
30 that saccades beginning out of LP return the eye to LP has been taken as support for a neural origin of LL, but that finding is contradicted by the current results for the VOR. If a saccade always ended in LP, it would imply that the saccade was programmed to do so based on knowledge of starting eye position relative to LP. If such behavior had been observed, it would have been difficult to explain on the basis of mechanical factors. The current findings support a mechanical basis for LL. These results indicate that if the VOR has moved the eye out of LP at the beginning of a visually guided saccade, the eye remains out of LP at the end of the saccade. Thus, in the current paradigm, the absolute location of the eye relative to LP does not seem crucial to the oculomotor system. It is rather the half-angle velocity domain relationship that apparently provides the more general basis for LL.
Most of the vertical saccades studied were in response to target motion that occurred 40 to 120 ms before head rotation began. Saccade planning began, but may have been incomplete, when head rotation started. It should be noted that this is a major difference between the present study and the study of Lee et al.
30 in which saccades were initiated during OKN. In that study, saccade programming began while relatively low velocity torsional OKN slow phases out of LP were already under way. For most saccades studied in the current experiment, the eye was still quietly in LP when saccade planning began. Thus, it is possible that in the saccades studied by Lee et al. during steady state OKN, neural programming could compensate for predictable and slowly accumulating ocular torsion, while neural programming could not anticipate the torsion later to develop due to the current unpredictable, high-acceleration VOR.
Perhaps in the current experiment saccade innervation was adjusted during saccade planning, or intrasaccadically, to fit the velocity domain definition of LL, and this computation was updated by ongoing vestibular input. Such a dynamic 3-D neural computation would be complex and serve no obvious purpose. A sensory purpose of LL is not evident, despite the suggestion that LL simplifies perception of orientation for eccentric gaze locations.
50 Perception is not a factor during the flight of a saccade,
51 although visual perception is vital during postsaccadic fixation.
49 Perception does not explain why the saccade follows the velocity domain definition of LL despite initial torsion out of LP. The currently observed saccade behavior seems aimed to preserve the non-Listing’s torsion driven by the VOR slow phase. The torsional VOR slow phase itself is perceptually valuable to compensate for head rotation, since the VOR stabilizes images of the world on the retina to enable clear vision. Another possible rationale for neural implementation of LL is decreased energy expenditure,
6 but the negligible energy expenditure associated with rotating the eye a few degrees in torsion hardly seems a rationale for such complex neural processing.
The current observations appear consistent with peripheral mechanical constraints on ocular rotation. The model of Quaia and Optican
49 demonstrates that if the half-angle eye velocity dependence on eye position corresponding to LL is implemented in orbital mechanics, the oculomotor plant appears commutative to the brain and can be commanded by signals corresponding to time derivatives of eye position without measurable errors in velocity–position matching.
20 This facilitates the matching of the saccadic pulse and step commands, so that perceptually important postsaccadic drift is avoided. Strong functional anatomic evidence from orbital magnetic resonance imaging indicates that the rectus EOMs change their pulling directions by half the change in eye orientation across a broad range of secondary and tertiary gaze positions.
52 53 This mechanical behavior intrinsically implements half-angle behavior, corresponding to the velocity domain formulation of LL. The active-pulley hypothesis proposes that the half-angle kinematics of the rectus and inferior oblique EOMs is due to their path constraint by connective tissue rings comprising pulleys. These pulleys receive insertions from the orbital layers of their respective EOMs, permitting (for all pulleys except the trochlea of the superior oblique) active control of pulley position and hence EOM pulling direction.
52 53 54 Thus, it appears that the velocity domain formulation of LL is an emergent property of the orbital mechanics and is a sort of default mode for the ocular motor apparatus. With such plant mechanics, visual fixation and pursuit can be commanded by 2-D retinal error signals without central neural representation of 3-D eye position
19 ; and, although a 3-D representation of eye position is necessary at a higher level for the sensorimotor transformation that allows accurate target localization in space,
55 peripheral orbital mechanics constrain the torsional DF.
The observation that the quarter-angle VOR behavior of the VOR and half-angle behavior of saccades can occur within a few milliseconds of each other provides some clues to the underlying basis of how the oculomotor system changes between these behaviors. It has been suggested that the quarter-angle behavior of the VOR could be caused by anteroposterior displacement of the pulleys.
19 56 However, no such movement of the pulleys has been observed, and quarter-angle VOR kinematics may be more simply explained by weak torsional VOR gain.
15 The current findings provide further evidence that the pulleys do not shift anteroposteriorly during the VOR, since the transition between quarter- and half-angle kinematics observed in our study would require such a hypothetical shift to occur in the unrealistically short time frame of 20 ms or less. Neural control of the VOR axis has been offered as a plausible alternative.
15 If quarter-angle VOR kinematics is a neural strategy, it implies an underlying purpose. Quarter-angle VOR behavior has been suggested as a strategy for maintaining eye position within the oculomotor range and as a compromise between limiting optic flow at the fovea and the periphery.
15 However, the current results indicate that a vertical saccade superimposed on the horizontal VOR does not bring eye position closer to LP, and so it does not confine the limit of eye position.
This evidence argues for reconsideration of mechanical factors in ocular kinematics, because rectus EOM paths are the determinants of the velocity axes the EOMs impose on the eye. The current experiment demonstrated that the quarter-angle VOR kinematics and half-angle kinematics of saccades could follow within a few milliseconds of each other. Quarter-angle VOR behavior that violates LL may be explained by oblique EOM action on rectus EOM pulling directions. The orbital layers of the inferior
57 and superior oblique EOMs insert directly and indirectly on the rectus pulleys, so that oblique EOM activity can alter the torsional orientation of the rectus pulley array during the VOR.
23 36 This imposes a torsional offset in the mechanically implemented LP, as is observed during static head tilts.
33 58 Consistent with the noncommutative demands of the VOR,
59 torsional repositioning of the rectus pulley array influences the directional response of the rectus EOMs to subsequent activation by other inputs, including saccadic target programming. It appears likely that vestibular inputs drive the instantaneous torsional position of the rectus pulley array. This torsion is mechanically superimposed on the mechanical configuration of the rectus EOM pulleys necessary to implement the half-angle dependency of ocular rotational axis on eye position required by LL. This would explain the current finding that vertical saccades during the horizontal VOR slow phase not only maintain the non-LL starting torsion imposed by the VOR, but also the current finding that this torsion increases intrasaccadically as the VOR continues. This arrangement also explains the absence of observable delay in shift between quarter-angle VOR kinematics and the half-angle kinematics of the saccade. The current findings correspond to those predicted by the “displacement-feedback” model of Crawford and Guitton, in which visual retinal error can be mapped only onto corresponding zero-torsion motor error commands within LP.
60 The displacement-feedback model, with either a mechanical or neural basis for half-angle behavior, can simulate the visuo-motor transformations necessary for accurate and kinematically correct saccades within a reasonable oculomotor range, but was rejected by Crawford and Guitton on the basis of their supposition of empirical findings contrary to those of the current experiment.
60 The current findings suggest that the “displacement-feedback” model, lacking in a neural representation of LL, is plausible for control of saccades to visual targets, and that in context of realistic mechanical properties of EOM pulleys,
53 control of visual saccades does not require explicit neural computation of ocular torsion. The quarter-angle dependence of the VOR axis on eye orientation, however, is a complex behavior that may result from both mechanical and central neural causes yet to be clarified.
The authors thank Nicolasa de Salles for help in recruiting and organizing the subjects and Frank Enriquez and David Burgess for providing technical support.