Experiment 1 showed that multiple white optotypes on a black background yield the highest acuity estimates and that the ETDRS yields the lowest. The Single E optotype test, even in the absence of crowding effects and with the possibility of viewing with the preferred retinal locus, yields lower estimates of acuity than the Multiple E test and comparable values to the ETDRS. Lastly, the effect of polarity—white on black is better than black on white—is consistent with results found in persons with cataracts and persons without ocular abnormalities.
30 31 44
For patients with AMD, experiment 2 showed that the differences between the ETDRS and the Single E test decrease as acuity worsens. With a different clinical population (patients with idiopathic macular hole), Wittich et al.
25 found that resolution acuity measured with the Landolt C is more impaired than recognition acuity measured with the ETDRS and concluded that the component cues in letter optotypes help in their identification and lead to an overestimation of acuity in those patients. Patients with AMD in the present study might have used similar top-down cognitive processes, improving the acuity measured with the ETDRS in relation to the Single E test, as acuity worsened. The acuity measured with the Multiple E test, on the other hand, is independent of acuity when compared with the ETDRS.
As expected, the difference between the Single and Multiple E tests for the patients with AMD increased as acuity worsened. The evaluation of probability summation in persons with normal vision showed that the measured acuity was, on average, 0.10 logMAR units better with the Multiple E than with the Single E test, and this value was within the limits of test–retest variability reported in the literature.
45 46 These data indicate that for persons with normal vision, the presence of multiple optotypes does not improve measured acuity. For persons with AMD, on the other hand, the mean difference between the Single and Multiple E tests is 0.20 logMAR units, or two lines on a standardized chart, with large variability and limits of agreement that spanned 1.5 logMAR units. For patients with AMD, measurements of monocular and binocular acuity for the Multiple E test were higher than those for the Single E test, even though the latter test was free from the effects of crowding and lateral interactions. These data are in agreement with the values obtained by Harris et al.
29 with the Multiple Black E test and a linear E test in patients with AMD and normally sighted controls tested with a plus lens that produced 20/70 or worse acuity on the linear test.
For patients with macular degeneration, multiple optotype tests minimize the effects of fixation instability and defective gaze selection by maximizing the likelihood that one of the optotypes will fall on the most sensitive part of the retina. A useful application of these tests is the estimation of potential visual acuity at baseline before training or surgery. For instance, an acuity chart for patients with macular hole using multiple Landolt C rings was found to be a better predictor of postoperative acuity than standard charts.
47 Another experiment using the Regan high-contrast repeat letter charts found that persons with normal vision show similar acuity values when tested with single, line (eight letters per line), and repeat letter acuity tests, whereas patients with macular degeneration show higher acuity with the repeat letter chart compared with the line chart and higher acuity with the single letter test compared with the line test, indicating deficiencies of gaze selection and crowding, respectively.
The data from experiment 2 show that the mean binocular gains of normally sighted persons and patients with AMD are similar to each other whether they are measured with the Multiple E or with the Single E test. It appears that the visual systems of patients with AMD maintain their ability to combine the inputs from the two eyes, resulting in a binocular gain similar to that of normally sighted observers, in spite of the fact that, typically, AMD does not affect the two eyes equally and that the two monocular acuities can differ considerably. The data agree with previous results showing that older persons with and without interocular acuity differences measured with the ETDRS acuity charts exhibit small binocular acuity gain.
Sometimes binocular performance is worse than that of the best eye alone, resulting in what is known as binocular inhibition. Using contrast sensitivity as a measure, studies have found binocular contrast inhibition in a large proportion of patients with AMD for gratings of low and medium spatial frequencies.
49 50 In a recognition task using the Multiple E test we present here, Tarita-Nistor et al.
43 found that though overall binocular ratios were similar for young and elderly observers with good vision and observers with AMD, evidence indicated that age rather than disease determines the number of persons exhibiting inhibition.
Although interesting, the data on binocular summation do not elucidate the mechanisms underlying the processes that integrate the information from the two eyes in persons with AMD; furthermore, the present models based on visually normal observers are based on the assumption that the inputs from both eyes are similar. Even less is known about spatial summation in these patients.
In form perception, local elements are first detected at early levels of visual analysis and then are integrated into contours and shapes at intermediate levels of processing which, in turn, are combined to constitute complex objects at higher stages of processing. Furthermore, information is integrated across space, as exemplified by spatial summation, wherein performance improves with increasing pattern size. This summation occurs over a limited spatial extent, after which, depending on stimulus contrast, performance stabilizes.
51 At lower levels of processing, summation is indicative of center-surround interactions. At intermediate levels of processing, it offers a window on how information is integrated or pooled. In a study of the effect of age on spatial summation and suppression in humans, older observers were found to exhibit less suppression than younger observers, suggesting that center-surround interactions are modified by age.
52 In addition, performance on contrast-defined stimuli declined more with age than performance on luminance-defined stimuli, suggesting that cortical involvement varies with age.
53 At intermediate stages of processing, other results indicate that discriminating deviations from circularity for a subset of patterns is not affected by age
54 but that performance worsens for observers with AMD, suggesting a deficit for global form perception.
5 To date, no studies have evaluated the nature of spatial summation in patients with macular deficits.
Finally, low-contrast spatial vision is a better predictor of subsequent acuity loss with aging
55 56 than standard high-contrast clinical tests. Psychophysical data from patients with AMD consistently show reduced function, not for the high-contrast, high-illumination targets of standard clinical acuity tests but for medium- and low-contrast targets.
2 6 57 One further advantage of the computerized acuity test we present here is the possibility of varying contrast
43 so that it can be used in the early detection of macular disease.
The results presented here indicate that typical clinical measures of acuity may underestimate the residual visual abilities of patients with AMD. The multiple-optotype, reversed-polarity test provides a measure of the optimal visual acuity a person is capable of; in this sense, it could be a useful tool for assessing rehabilitation progress.
The authors thank Linda Lillakas for her comments on the manuscript, and they thank Gillian Hurwitz and Emad Eskander for help with data collection.