The study included 15 patients with glaucoma who had a mean age of 58 years (range, 31–77). The patients were recruited from a larger set of patients tested on the mfVEP and visual field analyzer (HVF; Humphrey perimeter; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA) during a 1-year period. For inclusion, at least one eye satisfied the following criteria: abnormal optic disc, an abnormal results in a 24-2 Humphrey visual field (HVF) test, and an abnormal mfVEP. To be considered abnormal, the HVF had to have a glaucoma hemifield test (GHT) result outside normal limits, a pattern standard deviation (PSD) with
P < 0.05, and a cluster of points. The cluster criterion was defined as three or more contiguous points within a hemifield with
P < 0.05, one of which had to exceed
P < 0.01. To avoid rim artifacts, the cluster could contain no more than one point from the outer ring of the 24-2 HVF points.
21 22 The mfVEP was considered to be abnormal if there was an abnormal cluster of points on the monocular and/or interocular test, as previously described.
23 The abnormal cluster of points on the mfVEP overlapped the cluster of points on the 24-2 HVF in the worse (more affected) eye of all patients.
Table 1contains the age, sex, and diagnosis of each patient. Both eyes were included in the analysis.
Tables 1(worse eye)
and 2(better eye) summarize the results of the HVF, mfVEP, and PERG tests.
The 16 individuals serving as control subjects had a mean age of 44 years (range, 26–65) and normal vision, including normal HVF and mfVEP test results. The control group was younger, on average, than the patient group. It is well documented that there is a trend for the PERG to decrease with age.
15 18 24 25 26 Because we focused on patients with PERG amplitudes in the normal range, the difference in mean ages works against this finding. That is, if the control subjects were older or we had corrected for age,
27 the normal range would have included more of the patients’ data.
Informed consent was obtained from all subjects before participation. Procedures adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki, and the protocol was approved by the committee of the Institutional Board of Research Associates of Columbia University.