purpose. Despite the identification of a small population of cells residing in the ciliary body (CB) of the adult mammalian eye that have the capacity to generate retina-like cells in vitro, their activity in vivo remains quiescent. The authors sought to identify whether the predictable and time-dependent death of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) results in activation of progenitor-like cells within the CB.
methods. RGC injury was induced by optic nerve axotomy in adult mice. Thymidine-analogue lineage tracing and immunocytochemistry were used to identify dividing cells and the phenotype of newly generated progeny.
results. Two populations of nestin-expressing cells are present in the CB of the uninjured eye. One population resides in periendothelial cells of blood vessels, and a second resides in the ciliary epithelium. Axotomy increases proliferation in the CB, a response that begins before the onset of RGC death and continues during a time that corresponds with the peak in RGC death. In addition, a subpopulation of nestin-positive cells in the CB upregulates the homeodomain protein Chx10. Finally, recoverin, the expression of which is normally restricted to photoreceptors and bipolar cells of the retina, is upregulated in the CB in a manner that is independent of proliferation.
conclusions. Together, these results suggest that progenitorlike cells of the CB respond to cues associated with the loss of a single retinal cell type and that a subpopulation of those cells may differentiate into a cell that bears phenotypic resemblance to those seen in the retina.
The vertebrate retina originates from a population of retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) in the embryonic primordium of the diencephalon. During retinogenesis, a temporally choreographed sequence of progenitor proliferation and subsequent induction of retinal cell phenotypes is initiated. These distinct cellular phenotypes, which constitute all seven neural cell types of the adult retina, emerge in a well-characterized histogenic order.
1 2 Throughout adulthood, the neurogenic capacity of the vertebrate eye is attenuated; in the mammalian eye, it is virtually abolished. Continually active postnatal and adult RPCs have been described in the lower vertebrate eye, including cells located at the border of the retina and adjacent epithelium, termed the ciliary margin (CM) of the amphibian eye
3 and retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), rods, and Müller glia in fish.
4 Cells originating from the CM of the lower vertebrate eye continuously generate a population of retinal neurons throughout metamorphosis and adulthood.
5 These progenitors thus contribute to the prodigious capacity for neural regeneration in many lower vertebrates. Some higher nonmammalian vertebrates, such as the postnatal chicken, also retain the capacity to repopulate the adult retina throughout adulthood and under pathologic conditions.
6 7
In mammalian systems, the existence of adult retinal neurogenic potential was demonstrated using an in vitro colony-forming (neurosphere) assay.
8 9 This research identified a small population of nestin-positive cells derived from the pigmented ciliary epithelium (CE), a bilayer of cells that cover the ciliary body (CB), a structure involved in mediating lens shape. These nestin-expressing cells retain the ability to clonally proliferate, generate sphere colonies, and self-renew for many passages. When exposed to differentiating media conditions, they generate progeny with phenotypes reminiscent of retinal neurons and glia. These CE cells, termed retinal stem cells (RSCs), have been identified in rodent and human eyes.
8 9 RSCs differ from many other neural precursors in that they can proliferate in the absence of mitogenic factors in vitro and are not abolished after the genetic deletion of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) during development.
8 10 In vitro, these cells exhibit multipotentiality and express transcription factors (Pax6, Six3, Chx10, Rx, Lhx2) and phenotypes associated with other general precursors in the central nervous system (Nestin, Musashi1, SSEA-1).
11 In vivo, mammalian RSCs reside in a quiescent state and show no proliferative activity under control conditions. This quiescence, coupled with the absence of a putative marker, challenge our ability to characterize and determine a role for endogenous RSCs.
In vivo responses of cells in the adult mammalian CB and CM to changes in their intrinsic gene expression have also been investigated. Mutant mice undergoing constitutive activation of the canonical sonic hedgehog signaling pathway display enriched populations of proliferating cells in the adult CM.
12 Cross-breeding of these mutants with a model of retinal degeneration, a pro23his rhodopsin mutant, generated CM-derived divided cells with phenotypes consistent with neurons and photoreceptors. This evidence suggests that adult CM progenitors can be stimulated to contribute to the repopulation of the adult mammalian retina.
Responses of adult mammalian CM and CE cells to injury have not been fully characterized. Injury to CNS tissue has been shown to generate changes in the local microenvironment through the release of diffusible factors and proteins mediating cell–cell interactions.
13 14 15 Neurogenic regions in brain respond aggressively to pathologic conditions brought on by a wide range of damaging stimuli.
16 17 18 19 20 In lower vertebrates, a robust neurogenic response in the CM is elicited after injury to teleost
3 and chicken
6 retinas. To a lesser extent, adult mammalian Müller glial cells re-enter the cell cycle and undergo reactive gliosis in response to excitotoxic lesions of the retina,
21 upregulate appropriate progenitor machinery when exposed to exogenous growth factors,
22 and, in some instances, generate neuron-like progeny in vivo
23 and in vitro.
24 The influence of specific classes of retinal cells on the activity of RPCs during development, including aspects of proliferation and the fate of cells generated by RPCs, has also been described. Of specific interest is the well-characterized regulation of fate determination during early retinogenesis by accumulating numbers of RGCs.
25 26 RGCs are a source of diffusible factors that act to regulate progenitor proliferation
26 and the further production of RGCs.
25 26 Recent evidence suggests that the proliferative capacity of RPCs is also partially dependent on the presence of newly generated RGCs.
27 The influence of RGCs on the activity of quiescent neural precursors in the adult mammalian CB, however, has not been described.
The goals of this study were to examine the following in the adult rodent: levels of proliferation within the CB, CM, and adjacent retina; phenotypes of proliferating cells and their progeny; and response alterations of these cells after RGC injury. We describe a novel proliferative and phenotypic response of cells of the CB to optic nerve (ON) transection, an effect that is initiated before and increases during the period of RGC death. Taken together, our results demonstrate that quiescent progenitors can be activated after selective injury of at least one class of retinal neuron.
Animals were killed 4, 14, and 28 days after surgery (n = 4–5 per group). Animals were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of a lethal dose of sodium pentobarbital (100 mg/kg) and underwent transcardial perfusion with chilled solutions of 0.1 M phosphate buffer followed by 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer. Before the eyes were removed, sutures were placed in the conjunctiva as a reference point for retinal orientation. Eyes and brain were removed, postfixed for 3 hours in 4% paraformaldehyde, and cryoprotected in 30% sucrose. Eyes were embedded in gelatin, and the same postfix and cryoprotection procedure was repeated before sectioning (35 μm) on a freezing microtome. Brains, which were used to confirm CNS bioavailability of BrdU, were removed, postfixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, and cryoprotected in 30% sucrose before sectioning at 40 μm. Sections were stored in Milonig solution (0.1 M PBS/0.075% sodium azide) until staining.
Labeled sections were imaged using a confocal microscope (LSM 510 or 510 META; Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). Objective lenses (1.4 oil/DIC; Plan-Apochromat; Carl Zeiss) ranging from 40× to 100× magnification were used. Pinhole diameters were maintained at 1.0 to 2.0 Airy units for all wavelengths when quantifying double- and triple-labeled cells. Laser outputs were set at 5% (488 nm), 80% (543 nm), and 9% (633 nm). Emission filters were 505 to 530 nm (Cy2), 560 to 615 nm (Cy3), and more than 650 nm (Cy5). Orthogonal analysis was used to ensure colocalization of all multilabeled sections.
We used at least four animals per group for our experiments. For BrdU-labeling experiments, three sagittal sections at the level of the ON per animal were visualized on a fluorescence microscope (DM400;Leica, Wetzlar, Germany) equipped with an electronic stepper stage (Ludl, Hawthorne, NY). BrdU-positive nuclei within the CE, CM, and adjacent neural retina were counted and plotted using scientific software (Neurolucida and Stereo Investigator; MBF Bioscience, Williston, VT). All counting was performed with investigators masked to the experimental conditions. Unused sections at the level of and adjacent to the ON were used for further phenotypic analysis.
BrdU data are expressed as the mean number of BrdU-positive nuclei per retinal section, at the level of the ON ±1.0 SEM. Repeated-measures analysis of variance was performed, using the independent variable of surgical group (three levels: transected ON, nontransected ON [right eyes], and sham operated). Repeated-measures analysis allowed us to use the right eye as an internal control for each subject. When faced with a significant main effect, Scheffé and t-test post hoc analyses were performed to test differences among individual groups.
To analyze changes in the number of Chx10-positive nuclei in the CE of animals across all groups, we used analysis of covariance, with the total number of cells in the CE (counts from CE at either end of the retinal section are pooled) of each section as the covariate. This analysis was used to control for differences in the total number of nuclei within the CE of different sections. Chx10 data are expressed as the mean number of Chx10-positive cells ± SEM, per retinal section. Post hoc t-test comparisons were used to compare differences among groups after a significant main effect.
CB and Epithelium Contain Two Distinct Populations of Nestin-Positive Cells in the Uninjured Eye
Nestin-Positive Cells of the CE Undergo Low-Level Proliferation in Response to RGC Injury
Examination of retinas from sham-operated and right eye, noninjured controls revealed extremely low-level proliferation in the CB and CM, as seen by BrdU incorporation (typically 1 or 2 nuclei per section). Cellular proliferation followed a temporal progression in injured and noninjured retinas. However, proliferation was significantly greater in injured than in uninjured eyes at 4 and 14 days, when eyes were examined with a BrdU chase paradigm. Differences in proliferation over 14 to 28 days were not detectable after a pulse of BrdU, likely because of dilution of BrdU by subsequent cell division or death. Furthermore, BrdU administration restricted to the first few days after axotomy would not be seen because of a delay of several days in CB proliferative response to axotomy.
38 Given these observations, data from animals exposed to chronic (chase paradigm;
Fig. 1 ) BrdU exposure are presented for the remainder of the study when assessing proliferation.
Interestingly, proliferation increases in the CB of noninjured eyes over time, suggesting that cells of the CB undergo a constitutive, slow rate of cell division or that cells recently generated outside the eye migrate to the CB. However, the proliferative response after RGC injury is increased and is temporally restricted: a significant increase in the number of BrdU-positive nuclei in the CB is seen at 4 days (MEANINJURED = 1.67, MEANUNINJURED = 0.17; P < 0.003), peaks at 14 days (MEANINJURED = 10.9, MEANUNINJURED = 2.0; P < 0.004), and returns to levels that are not significantly different from those of controls by 28 days (MEANINJURED = 13.7, MEANUNINJURED = 9.9; P > 0.05) after injury.
To determine whether cells of the CB and CE that proliferate in response to RGC injury express nestin, double-label immunocytochemistry was performed. Staining revealed a population of recently divided cells in the CE that expressed nestin after ON transection
(Fig. 3A) . Orthogonal confocal analysis confirmed the presence of BrdU-positive nuclei within chains of nestin-expressing cells, which themselves extended to the RPE
(Fig. 3B) . These dividing cells, however, were restricted to the pars plicata and did not extend to the pars plana, suggesting that dividing progeny did not migrate to the CM or adjacent neural retina.
Orthogonal analysis was used to quantify the number of nestin-, BrdU-, and nestin/BrdU-positive cells present in the CE within injured eyes
(Fig. 3D) . Twenty-eight days after injury, when the number of BrdU-labeled nuclei was the highest, 58 ± 9 cells per section were nestin positive; of those, 27% (16 ± 6) were BrdU positive. Conversely, approximately 80% of the BrdU-positive cells in the CB at this time expressed nestin, indicating that most recently dividing cells exhibited this progenitor-like phenotype.
Taken together, our results show that the selective injury of at least one retinal cell type, the RGC, induces the activation of a small population of cells in the CB that resemble RPCs. Nestin-expressing cells of the CB proliferate and upregulate Chx10, a transcription factor expressed in active RPCs and RSCs. Finally, nonproliferative cells present in the CB upregulate recoverin, a calcium sensor protein expressed in photoreceptors and bipolar cells, after injury, suggesting an attempt at retinal cell production by endogenous precursors.
In this report, we describe a population of cells in the CB of adult mice that express proteins similar to those seen in retinal stem and progenitor cells previously described by in vitro methods. The influence of the adult retina on the activity of retinal stem/progenitor cells in the CB has been investigated. Previous reports in lower vertebrates show a salient influence on adult marginal progenitors located in the peripheral retina by glucagon-expressing neurons.
36 Similarly, the capacity for murine RPCs and Müller glia to enter the cell cycle is influenced by retinal tissue.
40 These results, supported by those reported here, clearly show that even into adulthood, neural progenitors in the peripheral aspect of the adult eye retain the capacity to respond to cues provided by the injury or death of retinal neurons.
Previous studies have identified a number of secreted factors that are released in the retinal microenvironment in response to RGC injury and death.
13 Possible mechanisms of release include recently characterized indirect pathways by which Müller glia release a variety of neurotrophic factors in response to ON transection.
41 In addition, the release of bFGF and glial-derived neurotrophic factor are induced by signaling from infiltrating microglia, cells that are present and active during RGC death.
41 42 The specific mechanism by which CE cells respond to RGC injury is still unclear. Recent evidence suggests that an increase in proliferation (as measured by Ki67 and Cyclin D1 expression) within nestin-positive cells of the CB follows exogenous application of insulin and FGF-2,
43 observations that are consistent with those reported in chick
44 and that support a role for growth factors in the regulation of RSC activity.
An unexpected finding evident in our data is the moderate proliferative response detected in retinas 4 days after ON transection. As discussed, factors released as a function of cell death can elicit a mitogenic response by CNS precursors. This proliferative response 4 days after axotomy, however, precedes the onset of RGC death after axotomy by 1 day,
45 indicating that although the proliferative response in the CE may be augmented by RGC death, it is initiated by injury.
Of particular interest in our study is the activation of transcriptional machinery appropriate for progenitor activity after RGC injury. Chx10 has been shown to play a pivotal role in the development of the neural retina. Although not necessary for the genesis of all retinal cell types, mutations in Chx10 result in abnormal eye growth, including microphthalmia, cataracts, and iris malformations.
46 47 Furthermore, the absence of Chx10 expression in Chx10 orJ/orJ mice results in small eyes but a several-fold increase in the number of adult retinal stem cells,
8 48 an effect thought to be attributable to the loss in negative regulators elicited by the diminished RPC cell population. The initial in vitro phenotypic screening during the discovery of RSCs demonstrated that these cells express nestin and Chx10, two keystone phenotypes of RPCs. Consistent with these findings, we report in vivo evidence of axotomy-induced activation of a population of cells expressing both nestin and Chx10 in the same anatomic location. Although this observation is not sufficient to conclude that RSCs are being activated, it is consistent with previous findings.
One well-characterized role of Chx10 is the maintenance of proliferation within pools of RPCs. Chx10 mutations result in premature depletion of RPCs and subsequent reduction in retinal volume.
46 In our study, we observed a robust increase in Chx10 expression with a relatively modest increase in proliferation. Although we would hypothesize that Chx10 upregulation should be coincident with proliferation within the CE, it is possible that its expression is insufficient to elicit a robust response in the absence of other mitogenic genes such as Pax6, which is not upregulated after RGC injury.
Our results show that, in vivo, cells of the CB respond to axotomy with a relatively low level of proliferation that is initiated before, and increases during, the period of RGC death. In addition, RGC injury increases the number of cells expressing Chx10 within the CB and the proportion of those Chx10-positive cells that express nestin. Finally, it is evident that cells of the CE have the capacity to express a phenotypic marker (recoverin) seen in retinal photoreceptors and bipolar neurons, a response that is not coincident with cell division. From these data, we conclude that CB cells express phenotypes reminiscent of RPCs and RSCs in response to RGC injury in a time-dependent manner, in accordance with the known temporal progression of RGC death. In addition, cells of the CE can be induced in vivo to express phenotypes normally seen in retinal neurons. Further understanding of the mechanisms underlying the activation of RSCs, and their responses to different pathologic conditions, may provide important insight into the future development of cell replacement strategies for treating various retinal abnormalities.
Supported by the Capital Health Research Fund, Halifax, Nova Scotia, and the Department of Surgery, Dalhousie University. JGE was partially supported by fellowships from the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.
Submitted for publication February 9, 2007; revised April 19 and May 26, 2007; accepted August 22, 2007.
P.E.B. Nickerson, None;
j.g. Emsley, None;
T. Myers, None;
D.B. Clarke, None
The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be marked “
advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.
Corresponding author: David B. Clarke, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Dalhousie University, 5850 College Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 1X5;
Antibody | Cellular Phenotype | Source and Immunizing Information |
CRALBP | Adult Müller glia | 1:1000, Abcam, Cambridge, MA |
| | Catalog no. ab15051 |
| | Monoclonal clone B2, IgG2a |
GFAP | Activated Müller glia and nonretinal | 1:100, Novo Castra, Newcastle, UK |
| astrocytes | Catalog no. NCL_GFAP_GA5 |
| | Clone GA5 |
| | Species and isotype mouse anti-GFAP IgG1 |
Glutamine synthetase | Adult Müller glia | 1:1000, Chemicon, Temecula, CA |
| | Catalog no. MAB302 |
| | Species and isotype mouse anti-GS IgG2 |
| | Glutamine synthetase whole protein (1–373 bp) used as the immunizing antigen |
Nestin | Neuroectodermal, stem/progenitors, RPCs, | 1:500, BD PharMingen, San Diego, CA |
| and activated Müller glia | Catalog no. 556309 |
| | Clone 401 |
| | Species and isotype mouse anti-nestin IgG1 |
Musashi-1 | Neuroectodermal, stem/progenitors, and | 1:1000, Chemicon |
| RPCs | Catalog no. AB5977 |
| | Species is rabbit anti-musashi-1 |
Pax6 | RPCs, amacrine, horizontal, and RGCs | 1:500, Covance Research, Berkeley, CA |
| | Catalog no. PRB-278P |
| | Species is rabbit anti-Pax6 |
Chx10 | RPCs, bipolar, and a small subpopulation | 1:500, Chemicon |
| of Müller glia | Catalog nos. AB9014 and AB9016 |
| | Species sheep anti-recombinant human Chx10 |
Factor 8 | Vascular endothelium | 1:500, Oncogene Research Products, San |
| | Diego, CA |
| | Catalog no. PC313 |
| | Species rabbit anti-factor 8-related antigen/vWF (Ab-1) |
DCX | Immature, postmitotic neurons | 1:500, Chemicon |
| | Catalog no. AB5910 |
| | Species guinea pig anti-DCX |
β-III tubulin (Tuj1) | Immature and mature neurons | 1:1000, Chemicon |
| | Mouse anti-Tuj1 |
NeuN | Postmitotic CNS neurons | 1:1000, Chemicon |
| | Catalog no. MAB377 |
| | Species mouse anti-NeuN |
MAP-2 | Mature CNS neurons | 1:500, Chemicon |
| | Catalog no. AB5622 |
| | Species rabbit anti-MABP-2 |
Recoverin | Photoreceptors and bipolar cells | 1:4000, Chemicon |
| | Catalog no. AB5585 |
| | Species rabbit anti-recoverin |
BrdU | Anti-5-bromo 2′-deoxy-uridine | 1:1000, Research Diagnostics Inc., Flanders, NJ |
| | Sheep anti-BrdU |
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