In the present study, we wanted to examine the “extravascular” role of CD18 in mediating PMN migration within the corneal stroma. Because the kinetics of PMN emigration in CD18
−/− mice lags behind that of wild-type mice, we examined injured corneas in wild-type and CD18
−/− mice when PMN extravasation levels were similar. For this reason, wild-type and CD18
−/− mouse corneas were studied at 6 hours and 24 hours after injury, respectively, time points previously established as having comparable levels of PMN extravasation.
After corneal epithelial abrasion, major changes occur in the stroma underneath the injury, notably corneal edema and keratocyte death. Specifically, keratocyte loss occurs in the central cornea
(Fig. 3)as the result of apoptosis.
13 Migrating PMNs within the central cornea are limited to surface contacts with the collagen matrix alone. In this study, our analysis of PMN stromal migration was focused on the paralimbus, an area 1 mm from the initial epithelial wound edge, where the epithelium is not directly injured and keratocytes remain viable
(Fig. 4) . As expected, after central epithelial abrasion, PMN migration into the paralimbus was evident in corneas of wild-type and CD18
−/− mice 6 and 24 hours after injury, respectively. Looking at the disposition of PMNs in relation to a virtual line dividing the corneal stroma into anterior and posterior halves, we found that PMNs migrate preferentially in the anterior half of the stroma
(Fig. 5)in wild-type (90% ± 4%) and CD18
−/− (75% ± 13%) mice (
P < 0.05). At an ultrastructural level, PMNs appeared to make close surface contact with resident interstitial cells (keratocytes) and with the extracellular matrix (collagen fibrils;
Fig. 6 ). To determine the relative amount of PMN surface in close contact with keratocytes and collagen, we undertook an ultrastructural morphometric analysis of injured corneas.
Table 1shows that in wild-type mice, approximately half the PMN surface was in close contact with keratocytes and that the other half was in close contact with collagen. By comparison, in CD18
−/− mice, PMN close surface contact with keratocytes was reduced by 75% (
P < 0.05) whereas contact with collagen was unaffected (
Table 1 ;
Fig. 6 ). Although these data suggest CD18 mediates PMN surface interactions with keratocytes, other explanations are possible. For example, less keratocyte surface available for contact in injured corneas of CD18
−/− mice could have accounted for the diminished interactions with PMNs. In addition, after epithelial injury, the corneal stroma became edematous. Although the number of PMNs entering the paralimbus was similar in wild-type and CD18
−/− mouse corneas 6 and 24 hours after injury, respectively, the degree of tissue edema might have been different, and this difference could have favored diminished PMN contact with keratocytes in CD18
−/− mouse corneas. Indeed,
Table 1shows that approximately 94% of the wild-type PMN surface was in close contact with keratocytes or collagen. By comparison, in CD18
−/− mice, only approximately 62% of the PMN surface was engaged with keratocytes or collagen; the remaining “free” surface (approximately 38%) was adjacent to electron translucent “space” created by edema
(Fig. 6) . For these reasons, we undertook three additional ultrastructural morphometric analyses to clarify the role for CD18 in mediating PMN contact with keratocytes.
The first morphometric index calculated was the total amount of keratocyte surface area within the paralimbal stroma that was available for contact with PMNs. This is an important consideration because PMN interaction with keratocytes ultimately depends on the amount of keratocyte surface available for contact. This value is not just dependent on keratocyte density (i.e., number of keratocytes per unit volume of corneal stroma), it also depends on the size (volume) of the individual keratocytes. Our morphometric analysis revealed no statistically significant difference in keratocyte surface area between wild-type and CD18
−/− corneas, regardless of the presence of injury or location within the stroma (anterior or posterior;
Table 2 ). Even though there appears to be a 30% decline in anterior keratocyte surface area in CD18
−/− mice after injury, possibly accounting for some of the reduction in CD18
−/− PMN contact with keratocytes, the decline did not reach statistical significance (
P = 0.23). The second morphometric index calculated was the amount of keratocyte surface relative to its own keratocyte volume, an indicator of cell shape. For example, if the keratocytes became contracted or swollen as a result of injury, their surface-to-volume ratio would change. However, our data show that the keratocyte surface-to-volume ratio was not significantly different in wild-type and CD18
−/− mice in injured or uninjured corneas, regardless of location (anterior or posterior cornea;
Fig. 7 ). Hence, not only is the amount of surface membrane available for contact with PMNs comparable and unaffected by corneal injury, the shape of the paralimbal keratocyte network remains similar in wild-type and CD18
−/− mouse corneas. The first two analyses suggest the paralimbal keratocyte network is unaffected by injury or CD18 genotype.
After epithelial injury, the paralimbal stroma was clearly edematous, as evidenced by an increase in stromal thickness. The data show that the increase in thickness was similar in wild-type and CD18
−/− mice (1.2 ± 0.1-fold vs. 1.15 ± 0.1-fold, respectively). To understand better how edema affects the organization of the paralimbal stroma, we undertook a third morphometric study to determine whether edema altered collagen fibril diameter and spacing. The data show that collagen fibril diameters, in the anterior and posterior paralimbal stroma, were similar in wild-type and CD18
−/− mice and were not affected by epithelial abrasion
(Table 3) . Similarly, collagen fibril spacing was not significantly different between wild-type and CD18
−/− corneas, regardless of injury or location (anterior or posterior stroma)
(Fig. 8) . Hence, in our injury model, stromal thickening (edema) that accompanies corneal epithelial abrasion does not involve structural changes in collagen fibrils.