A fourth possibility is that reduced retinal manganese uptake reflected a decrease in apparent ion demand within the retina associated with chronic hyperglycemia. Diabetes reduces the activity of major regulators of ion homeostasis (e.g., Na
+-ATPase, calcium ATPase, and ion exchangers) in retina and in other tissues that develop complications, perhaps by increasing lipid peroxidation and protein glycation.
4 6 8 9 25 26 These ATPases and exchangers, working individually and together, maintain healthy vision by modulating cation gradients during dark current generation in the photoreceptors, synaptic activity throughout the retina, action potentials in ganglion cells, and neurotransmitter uptake by Müller cells, and they help protect the retina from cytotoxic edema (i.e., edema that forms in the presence of an intact BRB).
6 27 28 29 30 31 Previously, we found that treatment with intravitreal ouabain, at a dose that inhibited retinal Na
+-ATPase activity, resulted in subnormal intraretinal manganese uptake.
14 29 32 One explanation for this subnormal manganese uptake is that ouabain-induced reduction in Na
+-ATPase activity increases intracellular sodium levels, which, in turn, inhibits Na
2+exchanger activity, and, we speculate, manganese uptake.
25 We note that ouabain-induced reduction in manganese uptake (19.8%–23.9%) is intriguingly similar to that measured in this study for diabetic male SD rats (19.8%–24.6%).
14 These considerations are consistent with our premise that reduced intraretinal uptake of Mn
2+ in diabetic rats was partly caused by diabetes-induced reduction in ion demand.