purpose. To correlate the distribution of glutathione (GSH) and its precursor amino acids (cysteine, glycine, and glutamate) with the expression of their respective amino acid transporters in the rat lens.
methods. Whole rat lenses were fixed, cryoprotected, and cryosectioned in either an equatorial or axial orientation. Sections were double labeled with cystine, glycine, glutamate, GSH, GLYT1, or GLYT2 antibodies, and the membrane marker wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). Sections were imaged by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Cystine, glycine, glutamate, and GSH labeling were quantified by using image-analysis software and intensity profiles plotted as a function of distance from the lens periphery. Western blot analysis was used to verify regional differences in amino acid transporter expression.
results. Cystine and glycine labeling in equatorial sections was most intense in the outer cortex, was diminished in the inner cortex, but was increased again in the core relative to the inner cortex. Glutamate and GSH labeling was most intense in the outer cortex and was diminished in the inner cortex to a minimum that was sustained throughout the core. The distribution of cystine and glutamate levels correlated well with the expression patterns observed previously for the cystine/glutamate exchanger (Xc−) and the glutamate transporter (EAAT4/5), respectively. Although high levels of glycine labeling in the outer cortex correlated well with the expression of the glycine transporter GLYT1, the absence of GLYT1 in the core, despite an increase of glycine in this region, suggests an alternative glycine uptake system such as GLYT2 exists in the core. Equatorial sections labeled with GLYT2 antibodies, showed that labeling in the outer cortex was predominantly cytoplasmic, but progressively became more membranous with distance into the lens. In the inner cortex and core, GLYT2 labeling was localized around the entire membrane of fiber cells. Western blot analysis confirmed GLYT2 to be expressed in the outer cortex, inner cortex, and core of the lens. Axial sections labeled for glycine revealed a track of high-intensity glycine labeling that extended from the anterior pole through to the core that was associated with the sutures.
conclusions. The mapping of GSH and its precursor amino acids has shown that an alternative glycine uptake pathway exists in mature fiber cells. Although GLYT1 and -2 are likely to mediate glycine uptake in cortical fiber cells, GLYT2 alone appears responsible for the accumulation of glycine in the center of the lens. Enhancing the delivery of glycine to the core via the sutures may represent a pathway to protect the lens against the protein modifications associated with age-related nuclear cataract.
The principal antioxidant in the lens is glutathione (GSH), a tripeptide synthesized from the amino acids cysteine, glutamate, and glycine by the sequential actions of the enzyme γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase and glutathione synthetase.
1 Cysteine is the rate-limiting substrate for GSH synthesis, but it is inherently unstable in free solution. However, cystine, the dimeric oxidized form of cysteine, is more stable and abundant than cysteine and on intracellular accumulation is rapidly reduced to cysteine.
2 3 Thus, while cysteine synthesis can occur via the transsulfuration pathway,
4 the direct uptake of cystine from the aqueous humor is the more likely mechanism for the accumulation of cysteine in the lens. In the lens, we have identified the cystine/glutamate exchanger Xc−,
5 a heterodimer composed of a heavy chain (4F2hc) and a light chain (xCT).
6 We have shown Xc− to work in combination with different members of the X
AG family, which include the excitatory amino acid transporters (EAAT1 to -5)
5 and the alanine serine cysteine transporters (ASCT1 and -2),
7 to mediate the exchange of extracellular cystine for intracellular glutamate
(Fig. 1) .
Glycine is the final precursor amino acid necessary for GSH synthesis and is incorporated with γ-glutamlycysteine to form GSH.
1 Glycine uptake is mediated by a family of Na
−-dependent neurotransmitter transporter proteins that include transporters for γ-aminobutyric acid, proline, and monoamines.
8 Using RT-PCR, we identified transcripts for both GLYT1 and -2 in the rat lens, but we could only localize the GLYT1 transcript reproducibly.
7 Using immunocytochemistry, we showed that GLYT1 expression was restricted to cortical regions of the lens, indicating that GLYT1 may play a role in the uptake of glycine in cortical fiber cells
(Fig. 1) .
Taken together, our previous localization studies have shown that amino acid transporters capable of accumulating the precursor amino acids required for GSH synthesis are differentially expressed in the rat lens
5 7 (Fig. 1) . The question now arises as to whether the transporters in the different regions of the lens are actually functional. This question is particularly pertinent in the outer cortex of the lens where many of the transporters we have identified are localized predominately to the cytoplasm of cortical fiber cells.
5 7 9 10 We have hypothesized that these cytoplasmic transporters represent a vesicular pool of transporters that are inserted into the plasma membrane at discrete stages of fiber cell differentiation to compensate for the inability of mature anucleate fiber cells to perform de novo protein synthesis.
11 To investigate transport function in different regions of the lens, we used an immunocytochemical approach that allows the distribution of free amino acid levels in the rat lens to be mapped at subcellular resolution, thereby enabling amino acid accumulation to be correlated with the previously determined expression patterns for transporters known to mediate cystine, glutamate, and glycine uptake in other cell types. To validate the utility of this method, we initially correlated free cystine levels with the expression pattern of Xc−.
In this report, this metabolite mapping approach is extended to GSH and its other precursor amino acids: glycine and glutamate. We found the levels of GSH and all its precursor amino acids to be high in the outer cortex, a result consistent with the previously observed positive expression patterns for the different amino acid transporters in this region. The levels of these metabolites all dropped to a minimum in the inner cortex, and in the case of GSH and glutamate these low levels were maintained into the core of the lens. In contrast, cystine and glycine levels showed a marked increase in intensity relative to the inner cortex, suggesting active accumulation of these two amino acids in the lens core. In the case of cystine, this accumulation was consistent with the expression of Xc− in this region. However, the observed increase in glycine levels in the core and the apparent restriction of GLYT1 to the outer cortex suggests that an alternative glycine uptake mechanism exists in mature fiber cells. Our results indicate that GLYT2 may act as the transporter responsible for glycine uptake in the lens core.
Quantitative Mapping of Cystine, Glycine, Glutamate, and GSH from Labeled Sections