The control data show general agreement to that published before by Leat and Gargon
20 and by McClelland and Saunders.
21 We have reported the interobserver repeatability of the dynamic retinoscopy technique. At a 4-D distance the interobserver coefficient of repeatability was 0.37 D (although this increased to 0.76 D at the closest working distance). This is comparable with measures of refractive error. Subjective refraction typically has a 95% repeatability of between 0.25 and 0.5 D and retinoscopy between 0.35 and 0.76 D,
26 and it is clinically measured in steps of 0.25 D. The coefficients of repeatability found in the present study are slightly lower than the (presumably) intraobserver repeatability in the study by McClelland and Saunders,
21 who found 0.56 for 4-D demand and 1.34 for 10 D in subjects in the age range of 6 to 35 years. There are three possible reasons for these slight differences: (1) The age ranges in the two studies differed; (2) in the present study a bracketing technique was used, whereas McClelland and Saunders
21 moved from the target until the first neutral position was found; and (3) in the present study a measuring tape was affixed to the retinoscope. The studies are in agreement that the coefficient of repeatability increases for increasing demands, as would be expected because smaller distances represent greater dioptric changes when closer to the subject. The order of taking measurements (from lower to higher accommodative demands or vice versa) did not influence the measurements. McClelland and Saunders
14 also compared dynamic retinoscopy with the Shin-Nippon autorefractor and found good agreement between the two techniques. We confirm that dynamic retinoscopy is a repeatable measure.
The main finding of this study is that a considerable percentage of pre-presbyopes with visual impairment, including children, had significantly reduced accommodation. This finding was particularly true of the accommodation demands greater than 4 D. Our overall results of reduced accommodation are in agreement with White and Wick
6 and Heath,
7 showing that subjects with low vision frequently have anomalies in accommodation. White and Wick
6 found that all their subjects with macular disease had some anomaly in accommodative response, either in slope or mean error. Heath
7 found that his subjects were unresponsive to change in the accommodation stimulus (i.e., the slope was flatter than normal). However, in both these studies a lower range of accommodative demand (from 0–5 or 6 D) was used than in the present study. Their subjects tended to overaccommodate for the lower accommodative demands, thus still giving rise to a flat stimulus response curve. In our study we found that accommodation was quite accurate at 4 D for many subjects, but that the lag in accommodation increased for increasing demands. Reanalysis of Ong et al.,
11 using the same criterion as the present study (outside the 95% range of normal), showed that 50% of their subjects with congenital nystagmus (including albinism) had accommodative response slopes that were lower than normal while 33% had slopes that were greater than the control group. This is in contradistinction to our results in which only two subjects showed a slope that was greater than the normal range (subject 13, with retinitis pigmentosa and subject 3 with microphthalmos). Subject 3 demonstrated this greater than normal slope only when the response to the 10-D stimulus was not included. All our subjects with congenital nystagmus or albinism (
n = 7) showed accommodative responses below the normal range. However, again we used a higher range of accommodative demands than was used in other studies. If we consider our results at 4 and 6 D only, then 43% had normal accommodation. However, from a clinical perspective, the higher prevalence of reduced accommodation when the higher accommodation demands are included is potentially important. Many of these subjects would use a closer than normal habitual distance for reading tasks.
A comment is necessary regarding the order of presentation of the stimuli (i.e., the fact that accommodative demand was presented in increasing order). It is possible that there may be a fatigue effect influencing the higher demands. Although in the control group we showed that there was no effect of either increasing or decreasing accommodation demand, subjects with low vision may be more prone to fatigue. However, if they cannot maintain accommodation longer than is required to take a measurement with dynamic retinoscopy (approximately 10 seconds) their accommodative function would not be normal, for all practical purposes. The same procedure was used for control and low-vision subjects, and the low vision subjects showed comparatively different responses.
Initially, the finding that accommodation is reduced is not surprising, as we expect lower sensitivity to blur. If loss of high-spatial-frequency perception is the cause of compromised accommodation, we would anticipate a correlation between visual acuity and accommodative response. Heath
8 and White and Wick
6 found an association between VA and accommodative response (i.e., those with poorer VA had a greater error in accommodation). We did not find a significant association in the present study. However, previous study populations were more homogeneous than that in the present study, in which some subjects with fairly good visual acuity showed significantly reduced accommodation. Cuiffreda and Hokoda
27 showed similar findings in their study of amblyopes. Some amblyopes, who had only slight losses of VA or contrast sensitivity, still showed significantly reduced accommodative response to targets of different spatial frequencies. These subjects would be expected to be able to respond to gratings of 1 to 30 cyc/deg,
12 which have been shown to be good accommodative targets for observers with normal vision.
We can calculate the error in accommodation that would be predicted due to increased depth of focus in cases of poorer VA. An eye with a visual acuity of 6/60 and a pupil diameter of 3 mm would have a predicted depth of focus of 0.78 D.
28 Most of our subjects had VA better than 6/60 (logMAR = 1), yet show mean lags in accommodation that are larger than this, despite the fact that they were viewing binocularly
(Fig. 3B) . Thus, reduced VA does not seem to be a sufficient explanation.
Accommodation accuracy is dependent on the spatial frequency content, contrast, movement, and retinal eccentricity of the target,
9 10 12 13 which may all be compromised in people with low vision. Yet, accommodation is fairly robust with regard to many of these parameters. For example, accommodation is well maintained for square-wave grating stimuli of all spatial frequencies below 20 to 30 cyc/deg,
12 (i.e., with a broad-band stimulus such as a square-wave grating, loss of high frequencies would not be expected to have an effect). The targets we used were broad-band stimuli with a range of spatial frequency content. Therefore, we might expect good responses from low vision subjects. Thus, many of our subjects show greater reduction in accommodation than would be predicted from what is known about the effectiveness of the spatial frequency content of stimuli for accommodation.
Cuiffreda and Hokoda
27 have suggested that there are higher factors that have a significant influence on accommodative function. They conclude that “reflex, voluntary and higher perceptual aspects of accommodation may interplay in a complex…manner.” In addition, there has been no definitive consensus of whether accommodation responds primarily to optimize the contrast of an image or the sharpness of high frequency components.
27 Indeed, it may be that some subjects respond in the former fashion and others in the latter and that this may vary with instructional set. Certainly a low-contrast target is a less effective stimulus for accommodation, and subjects with reduced contrast sensitivity would have perceptually reduced contrast. In fact, as contrast is decreased there is a quite sudden cut off, below which the target is no longer an effective stimulus for accommodation, which then reverts to the tonic level.
12 This cutoff point is at higher contrast levels for amblyopic eyes.
29 It is possible that lower perceived contrast, because of reduced contrast sensitivity, is a more important factor in determining accommodative response than is visual acuity loss in observers with low vision. It is also possible that accommodative response is based on many interacting factors that may be present in an eye with low vision, including a lower perceived contrast image, image movement, use of eccentric fixation, loss of high spatial frequencies, poorer contrast discrimination, that interact in a complex fashion,
30 with the result that the system may be described as being insensitive to blur.
This high prevalence of reduced accommodation may have important clinical implications in the low-vision rehabilitation of young people with visual impairment. This high prevalence, together with the habitual close working distance of these patients, may be used to argue in favor of routine assessment for, and more frequent prescription of, near additions. This has been suggested in some rehabilitation literature,
2 3 5 although, in general, little attention has been given to whether these young patients experience visual difficulties or asthenopia due to insufficient accommodation. Many practitioners assume that most phakic children can exert ample accommodation for their closer-than-normal reading distances and that reading adds are more the exception than the rule.
31 Alternatively, the present results may be used to argue that, because of the system’s insensitivity to blur, there is less need for accurate accommodation and thus less demand on the system and no need for a near add to focus the system. The present results cannot theoretically distinguish between these arguments. Further study is needed to demonstrate whether near VA is improved with reading adds when accommodation is decreased.
The authors thank Elizabeth Irving for helpful comments on the text.