When segmental axonal transport at different points along the optic nerve in the nasal, temporal, and central nerve bundles were compared in the high-IOP eyes, the rate of axonal transport was found to be significantly different in the prelaminar, lamina cribrosa, and the anterior two postlaminar regions (three-way ANOVA,
P < 0.001). There was a significant difference in RITC intensity in the nasal, central, and temporal locations within these regions. Post hoc testing revealed that the difference existed only between central and nasal (
P < 0.001) and central and temporal (
P < 0.001), but not temporal and nasal bundles (
P > 0.08). Post hoc testing revealed a significant decrease in segmental axonal transport in these regions in the nasal and temporal nerve bundles of the high-IOP eye (
P < 0.001). Segmental axonal transport between points in the prelaminar, lamina cribrosa, and postlaminar regions of the central nerve bundles of the high-IOP eyes was found to vary significantly (three-way ANOVA,
P < 0.001;
Fig. 5B ). Post hoc testing revealed significant reduction in segmental axonal transport in the lamina cribrosa segment and also the 0.2- and 0.4-mm postlaminar segments (all
P < 0.001). Segmental axonal transport between points in the prelaminar, lamina cribrosa, and postlaminar regions of the nasal and temporal nerve bundles of the high-IOP eyes was also found to vary significantly (three-way ANOVA,
P < 0.001;
Fig 4B ). Post hoc testing revealed a significant reduction in segmental axonal transport in the lamina cribrosa and the anterior two regions in the postlaminar nerve (all
P < 0.001). In the nasal, temporal, and central nerve bundles of the high-IOP eye, axonal transport was most reduced at the lamina cribrosa portion of the nerve
(Figs. 4B 5B) .