In contrast to most adult limb skeletal muscles, NMJs in the EOMs of adult rabbits and monkeys are extensively dispersed along the entire length of the muscles, from origin to insertion. No obvious pattern of NMJ localization could be discerned in these three-dimensional reconstructions, in direct contrast to the reconstructions of the tibialis anterior muscles, where two narrow endplate zones were clearly evident. This difference is further supported by NMJ density calculations because the density of NMJs, calculated as NMJ/mm3 in the EOM, is 100-fold higher than in the tibialis anterior muscle. A single injection of botulinum toxin results in a significant increase in the overall density of the NMJs compared with normal adult EOM, indicating that a large amount of nerve sprouting occurs within the first few weeks after botulinum toxin injection.
Most adult limb skeletal muscles, which are derived from somites in development, develop single motor endplate zones. Muscles that are bipennate, such as the gastrocnemius, can develop two or three motor endplate zones, but they are consistently located within a single motor endplate zone for each division of the muscle.
14 Very long muscles, such as sternocleidomastoid, develop an “in-series” structure with multiple endplate zones, but again these bands are tightly localized within the segmental subdivisions within these muscles.
15 16 Interestingly, a number of parallel-fibered muscles develop more complex patterns related to short, interdigitated fibers that taper to an end within the muscle mass.
17 18 However, these muscles still develop clearly observable banding patterns of NMJs. Many of the craniofacial muscles have a more complex pattern of NMJ distribution. These patterns vary even within a similar group of muscles, such as the facial musculature,
1 where muscles innervated by the same motor nerve develop distinct patterns of NMJ localization. Some of the facial muscles have one main endplate zone, such as the zygomaticus major, whereas others have more dispersed patterns of NMJs, such as the orbicularis oculi.
1 2 These patterns vary between humans and other vertebrates for the cricoarytenoid and thyroarytenoid muscles of the larynx, which have focal bands in rabbits and rats and dispersed distribution within these muscles in humans.
19 EOMs appear to be at the far end of this continuum relative to NMJ localization.
Several reports in the literature have investigated patterns of NMJ localization in the EOM of various species. With the use of cholinesterase histochemistry in mouse EOM, a central zone of NMJs of the en plaque type and a more widespread distribution of en grappe endings were observed throughout the muscle.
11 Other studies in rat and mouse demonstrate similar localization, suggesting species differences between these small rodents and larger mammals; however, three-dimensional reconstructions were not performed.
20 21 22 In human EOM, more complex patterns of innervation of individual myofibers were described; 34% of the fibers had multiple endplates on individual fibers, 29% of which were not en grappe–type endings.
6 Although earlier studies of EOM using cholinesterase incubation methods described a concentration of motor endplates in the middle third of the orbital layer and five to six zones in the global layer of cat EOM, three-dimensional reconstruction of all the NMJs was not performed.
10 However, a scattered distribution of endplates was described, particularly in the global layer. In other muscles NMJ disbursement is thought to be caused by the presence of many short myofibers and the localization of NMJs in eccentric positions along the length of single myofibers.
2 6 The dispersed nature of NMJ localization is not just a function of short individual myofibers that do not run the full tendon-to-tendon length of the muscle. Sartorius, tenuissimus, and semitendinosus muscles, which all contain short fibers, still develop discrete motor endplate zones spaced at fairly regular intervals from origin to insertion.
The dispersed nature of the NMJs and their density in the adult rabbit and monkey EOM provide a good visual demonstration of how short the average myofibers are within the adult EOM. This is true in orbital and global layers of the rabbit and monkey. One report indicates that orbital layers span the full tendon-to-tendon length in cats
10 ; however, this was based not on fiber reconstructions but on whole muscle acetylcholinesterase staining. The presence of short, overlapping myofibers in the EOM has been described.
10 23 24 In addition, the fact that individual myofibers in the EOM are generally shorter than the full muscle length is supported by significant differences in the patterns of myosin heavy chain isoform expression along the length of individual EOMs,
25 the reconstruction of individual myofibers in this and other studies,
26 27 and the demonstration that myomyous junctions, representing overlapping nonspanning myofibers that terminate intrafascicularly, exist within the EOM.
10 It is particularly interesting that during development, production of secondary myotubes is linked to sites of innervation of the primary myotubes.
28 29 Widespread innervation may result in the formation of small myofibers dispersed based on this pattern of innervation. In addition, the EOM retains a population of activated satellite cells that fuse into existing myofibers in apparently random locations along the muscle length.
26 27 The localization of sites for this process may be related to this dispersed nature of the sites of innervation in adult EOM, either by direct induction of myoblast fusion or by providing an environment that secondarily results in fusion of these activated satellite cells into mature myofibers.
This architectural arrangement has important implications for an understanding of length-tension relationships, shortening velocities, and the development of force within the EOM. In studies of ocular convergence, muscle force was found to be paradoxically less than would be predicted based on firing rates.
30 In another series of experiments examining extraocular motor units and whole muscle contractile properties in cats and monkeys, individual motor units lost an average of 45% to 50% of their force output when they fired in concert with additional motor units.
31 32 33 The presence of many short fibers also may explain why force is relatively normal in the EOM after injury.
32 In addition, it suggests that motor units may be bigger than would be predicted by counting muscle fibers in a given muscle cross-section because this would be an underrepresentation of the total number of muscle fibers in each EOM.
Botulinum toxin is commonly used in strabismus to weaken the EOM,
12 and the nature of its effect on the three-dimensional localization of NMJs has not been examined. The method of action of botulinum toxin is to cleave SNAP25, which prevents the docking of synaptic vesicles containing acetylcholine, effectively paralyzing the NMJs.
34 After injection, force gradually decreases over an 18-hour period.
35 Nerve sprouting is seen as early as 2 days after botulinum toxin treatment and slowly increases over time.
36 37 This results in a supersensitivity of the muscle in the regenerative phase
38 and correlates well with our observation that a significant increase occurs in NMJ density and that the sprouted nerves appear to maintain NMJs smaller than normal. Functional return of muscle force is related to the return of original nerves to their NMJs, though in human patients who have received multiple injections of botulinum toxin, these sprouts can persist long after functional recovery has occurred.
39 These observations suggest that it may be possible to prolong the effectiveness of a single botulinum toxin injection if nerve sprouting or NMJ assembly is inhibited or delayed, which would improve the treatment of patients with focal dystonias and related motor disorders.
It is unclear what controls EOM tone and how strabismus surgery alters muscle structure and function.
40 Understanding the normal density and localization patterns of NMJs and understanding the variation in individual myofiber lengths will facilitate future studies examining whether and how these characteristics are altered in the muscles of patients with strabismus, nystagmus, and other eye muscle motor disorders.