From 2000 to 2002, we enrolled 161 subjects without and 69 patients with AMD from both the Emory Eye Center and the Veterans Affairs Hospital (Atlanta, GA), with ages ranging from 45 to 85 years. The study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of Emory University and was performed in accordance with the ethical standards outlined in the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki, as revised in 1983 and 1996. Each participant gave informed consent before inclusion in the study. Subjects were given a short questionnaire to obtain information on sex, race, smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise, medications, and nutritional supplementations. The patients had AMD diagnosed based on the definitions outlined in the AREDS (categories 2, 3, and 4). The number of patients in disease stages 2, 3, and 4 was 4, 9, and 56, respectively. The diagnosis was made on clinical retinal examination and confirmed with fundus photographs and/or fluorescein angiography.