Visual examination included visual acuity, color vision, Goldmann kinetic visual fields (GVFs), dark-adapted absolute thresholds, electroretinography, and fundus photography. The GVFs were obtained by using targets V4e, II4e, and I4e on a standard background (10 cd/m2) and subsequently on a dim 1-cd/m2 background. Color vision was evaluated with the Farnsworth D-15, the Sloan achromatopsia test, the Ishihara plate test (24-plate edition), and box 8 of the Lanthony New Color Test (NCT; Richmond Products, Albuquerque, NM). Color tests were performed under 200-lux CIE Standard Illuminant C from a MacBeth easel lamp (Corning, Corning, NY). Pupils were fully dilated with topical phenylephrine HCl (10%) and tropicamide (1%). Absolute thresholds after 45 minutes of dark adaptation were measured at fixation and at several locations along the horizontal meridian on a Goldmann-Weekers Dark-Adaptometer (Haag Streit, Bern, Switzerland).