3-D delineation of ONH and peripapillary scleral landmark points within colorized, stacked-section, 3-D ONH reconstructions. (
A) Digital image of a representative central horizontal histologic section from a normal monkey eye perfusion fixed at an IOP of 10 mm Hg with the nasal side of the canal magnified in (
B). (
C) Histologic landmarks within (
B) are labeled as follows: a, BMO; b, insertion of the border tissues of Elschnig into Bruch’s membrane; c, border tissues of Elschnig; d, ASCO; e, border tissues of Jacoby, which in this region are heavily pigmented; f, PLI; g, PSCO; h, ASAS; i, BM flange, extending centrally beyond the border tissues and in this case without pigmentation and not covered by RPE; j, RPE sitting on BM. (
D) Principle tissues colored as follows:
yellow, BM;
dark blue, border tissues of Elschnig;
green, sclera;
red hatched, branches of posterior ciliary arteries;
light blue, subarachnoid space. (
E) Neural canal landmark points analyzed in the study. (
J) 3-D delineation methodology. Note that generation of 3-D ONH reconstructions from aligned serial section images are explained in
Figures 1 and 2of our previous publication.
2 (
F) A total of 40 serial digital, radial, and sagittal slices (each 7 voxels thick) are served to the delineator at 4.5° intervals. (
G) A representative digital sagittal slice, showing the marks for seven landmark surfaces and six pairs of landmark points, which are 3-D-delineated using linked, simultaneous, colocalization of the sagittal slice (shown), and the transverse section image (
H). (
I) Representative 3-D point cloud showing all delineated points for a normal monkey ONH relative to the last section image of the reconstruction. (
J) The subset of the 3-D point cloud showing the neural canal landmarks reported in this study. (
K) The 80 delineated BMO points are fit to an ellipse (
L) that defines the BMO zero reference plane and the BMO centroid. All other neural canal landmark points are projected onto the BMO zero reference plane (
M) shown for the PSCO, only, then the distance from the BMO centroid (offset,
blue lines) and distance from the BMO zero reference plane (depth,
green lines) are noted for each marked point (